>LGBT character in western game
>reeee tubmlr! sjws!
>LGBT character in japanese game
>muh dick!
LGBT character in western game
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that's because it's okay when japan and nintendo do it drill that into your puny mind already god damn how many times do we have to tell you.
sage btw
>LGBT character in western game
a character whose defining trait is that they are LGBT
>LGBT character in japanese game
Characters who happen to be LGBT but is never defined becuse of it
>>LGBT character in japanese game
>>muh dick!
Name one instance where that has been the case.
/thread, go home now please
when japan does it it's for lewd
when westerners do it it's pandering
Being legitimately gay is still a huge social taboo in Japan despite its prevalence in media.
>find a character I like
>lel she's a lesbian
its so tiresome
Lewd is pandering too
Don't argue with weeaboos.
What game?
>how to do subversive right
>how to do subversive wrong
or when nips go for being the opposite sex it's the opposite sex not fucking phoning it in and looking like some mutant monstrosity
Weebs will gargle the tiny cocks of asian men as long as they keep pushing out generic anime girls (fe/males)
>LGBT character in japanese game
>Characters who happen to be LGBT but is never defined becuse of it
That's not even remotely true. Caricature queers are extremely common in nip titles.
Any feminine male character. Not bishounen, full on feminine.
Lukako is one example.
>28 results
can you stop making this fucking thread
yea they're not triggered by everything and can still laugh at exaggerations
Lukako and Kaine.
Western stuff has a higher chance to make said character less physically appealing, aka what Sup Forums cares about. That's not a bad thing, though.
Pandering to my dick is okay by me
I have zero experience with anime, manga or any japanese game besides Dark Souls, but from a cursory glance these caricature characters serve a function besides smashing people over the fucking head with a ten ton sledgehammer that says "trans people reeeeeeeee"
Sure, and ain't no one going to fault you for that. But if you are okay with certain kind of pandering, you shouldn't be condemning any other kind of pandering.
>game has sexualized characters
>dev doesn't bother making good game because people will masturbate anyway
>game ends up being rotting garbage
>good game doesn't have sexualized characters
>"uh oh, we need good gameplay, we don't have any crutches to hide behind"
>actual quality product is pumped out
lol look at him
>not self inserting as a female character so you can have superior lesbian secks
are you even trying user?
Because the Jews do it without subtlety
>LGBT western subhuman in Japanese clothes
yuri shit ruins everything
>sexualized as fuck
>good gameplay
what did he mean
>button mashing esports
>good gameplay
think japan has already learned that
>yfw westernlibs shit on themselves and say that lesbians aren't diverse enough and it has to be a black mtf and nonhuman pairing
>western lgbt character has no character beyond their sexuality
>Japanese lgbt character just happens to like dick or puss while still being a complete character
>Sup Forums has tricked themselves into believing this is true
The difference is in the motive and presentation. They complain because when the west does it it is seen as being done for the sake of being diverse while when Japan does it they usually do it to make boners.
kaine isnt lgbt, shes a hermaphrodite
yes that's because boners are bad mkay
also apparently everything has to be polarized
>western character is made only so the writer can jerk off over how progressive he is
>japanese character is made to be cute and entertain the player
And both are bad because they're detrimental to the gameplay.
>this thread again
A bunch of 80's-90's movies I used to watch had a lot of lesbian kissing scenes and that kind of shit and it was never about preachy identity politics, it was fap bait. The japs play it like that except they realize that demographics exist so they can make tons of homolust for fujoshis, and traps for the otaku who can fap to anything.
Or you could just insert as a cute lesbian girl instead, which is 1000x better and hotter than vanilla.
Yeah, but they're pandering to me so it's okay.
>And both are bad because they're detrimental to the gameplay.
Not inherently. You can have great games using both of the types that user posted.
>lesbian secks
You CAN, but it hasn't been done yet.
How autistic are you that notice such things?
>find a girl I like
>end's up being a lesbian
Every god damn time. No luck.
is it a trick when it's a fact?
nah that's gay
>How autistic are you that notice such things?
OP uses the same image every thread
>But in the West [sweeping generalised statement]
>While in Japan [sweeping generalised statement]!
That just means the developers are lazy shits looking to cash in and that the fans are idiots, not that either of those are detrimental to the gameplay.
You can't use identity politics (for or against) to further your career in japan, while it's a proven fact you can in various industries in the West, with employee's stance on the topic being the deciding factor in their employment in case after case after case after case.
Instead of aiming at your politics in the east they aim at your boner. Pick which pandering you prefer and start insulting the other choice
This pretty much. Western designers care less about making your dick happy and that makes Sup Forums lose its shit because all games have to pander to the lonely neckbeard demographic.
Because western games want to virtue signal to fags and Japanese games want to pander to someone who wants to jack off's fetish.
This isn't a difficult concept and the reaction isn't hypocritical or even surprising since people here are consistent on jacking off vs social posturing..
>not that either of those are detrimental to the gameplay.
I'd argue otherwise. Their very inclusion means that they need something to hide behind. Street Fighter is a perfect example.Half the roster is over-sexualized, which is a perfect distraction from Capcom's laughable balance, hitbox regulations, online latency and network capabilities, and their abhorrent DLC practices. But everyone has boners, so nobody bothers to have standards.
There is no such thing as LGBT in Japan. There are lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and surely trannies as well, but they are not the conglomerate cancer that is "LGBT" to the west. The difference lies in the writing at the end of the day, where japanese /u/shit is typically pulled off better than western lgbt garbage (in the stuff that isn't *shameless* /u/shit, anyway)
>Enjoys watching sex he literally can not ever have ever
I feel like there's a word for this kind of fetish
It isn't a fact. 9 times out of 10 when you play these games were Sup Forums complains characters are "shoving their sexuality down the player's throat" or who defining traits is their sexuality you find that it's mostly just Sup Forums overreacting and shitposting as usual.
Ellie's character didn't disintegrate into dust after finding out she's gay. Tracer's in game dialogue changed when they revealed she had a girlfriend. A character mentioning they have a husband or wife to go home when chatting to them to is not 'forced dialogue'.
Most of the time I think the problem Sup Forums has with these characters, aren't even the character themselves, but other websites/social media who like to point out that these characters or gay or write articles about them being gay.
It's ok if they're hot. All of the LGBT characters in Undertale are fucking hideous, though.
>Tracer's in game dialogue *didn't change
You fantasize it because you can't have it, user. That and you want to be cute.
This tbqh senpai
>Character is explicitly stated as "bi"
>Can't romance anyone because some tranny thought she was a lesbian
>Their very inclusion means that they need something to hide behind.
Not inherently, dude. As a concept it's more than okay, same with diversity in games.
There's zero reasons that you can't have a good game with very sexual content as a big focus of the game, whether it's been done before or not is irrelevant.
In order to push that argument you'd have to equate all forms of fantastical actions in fictional media to that as well. Might as well never watch a cool robot anime in space ever again because it's just enjoying watching cool shit that you can literally never do ever.
I just like girls a lot. To me, it's like this:
>be a guy
>fuck a girl
>be a cute girl
>be a cute girl fucking and cuddling the shit out of another cute girl
It's just not a competition. Anyone who doesn't even slightly want to be a lesbian is on some level a gay.
shipsluts are not people
>LGBT character in western game
>a million shit threads on my board
>LGBT character in japanese game
>a million shit threads on my board
>Anyone who doesn't even slightly want to be a lesbian is on some level a gay.
I don't want to be a lesbian because being a woman is awful.
>have to deal with periods
>hormonal imbalances
>you can get pregnant
>you're physically weaker
There's no greater beauty than that of the female body, but being a woman is not for me. You do you, though.
By all means that's entirely reasonable, but there's no need to apply those restrictions to something happening only in your imagination. I mean, what if none of those downsides applied? Then would it be desirable?
Sure, she looks nice when she's drawn completely off-model and as far from her actual design as possible like in the OP. But in-game she looks like the ugliest He-Man action figure ever made.
This is just attention-seeking and serves no discussion purpose. You want to post that image and you want to "have a thread on Sup Forums, look at all the people replying in my thread!" so you feel...something.
I mean shit if I started shitting eggs out of my mouth too I'd question my gender as well
They need to serve the gameplay above all else, or at least not get in the way. But modern 'sex appeal" and "diversity" are all about getting in my game path and stopping me cold.
I've never played thee game, but isn't she designed to be some chuuni piece of shit? Only when you go a route where you kill everyone and everything (where all the bosses become godlike for whatever reason) does she transcend that "fake" hero warrior and actually become a true battle maiden?
Where the west is typically anti gay or pandering to it, Japan either jokingly mocks or uses them as fujo bait.
fish is the best girl
To be honest, I don't know. I do admit, however, that I did fantasize about being a girl and having "hot yuri action" back in the day as a teenager.
She has the same face. Only her armor changes. She also takes off her armor if you befriend her and she has an Adventure Time body. There is no form of her that is even remotely attractive.
>character's personality revolves around it
>characters don't have personalities so nothing is effected
its more ambiguous in jpn
Undyne being gay is whatever. I just question her taste in women. Why exactly does she find Alphys attractive? Is she just into fat chicks? I think she can find better even by those standards.
she's kinda chuuni hotblooded tomboy, but she genuinely had a reason to think that anime was real. it's the only media that depicted humans that flowed down to the underground.
she does become a true battle maiden if you go genocide.
self insert baito
that's the problem, baka gaijin
japan doesn't give a fuck.
Yeah, pretty much she's a chuunifag. dumb girl thinks anime is real.
>Character in Japanese game
>made for muh dik
>Character in Western game
>self insert for some ugly diversity hire on the dev team
She actually is freakishly strong, and a great fighter. But then going the genocidal path causes her to become even stronger than strong.
Spoilery explanation: This is because "determination" is a tangible substance that exist in humans. And when it's infused into monsters, it makes them stronger.
When she comes to realize that she needs to protect all of monsters from your crazy killing spree, she became incredibly *determined* to defeat you. Through sheer will, she manifests something that only humans produce, which causes her to transform to a stronger version of herself. The problem however, is that the effect doesn't last long.
Determination is also harmful to monsters. Causing their physical form to melt away.
Reminder that this principle has to apply to all porn if that is the case.