ITT: Games you love and hate at the same time.
ITT: Games you love and hate at the same time
R6 Siege
It has so many things that I hate (no mods like Counter Strike, jewish DLC schemes, no server browser, etc) but I'll be damned if I don't tend to boot it up once a day for a match or two.
I enjoyed it, but god damn does the absurd amount of dlc make my autism flare up something fierce.
i hope thats not real
Oh, it's worse.
The saddest part is the airbow is pretty good.
Killing Floor 2
Always end up carrying low IQ players on HoE.
Same here, user, same here. I’m so mad over all the technical issues it has, stupidly OP DLC operators like Ela, the general overpoweredness of 3 speed ops etc., but I still feel a constant want to play it and it’s one of the best FPS games to play with friends in a long time. It just irks me to know how much better it could be with a competent developer behind it.
who in the actual fuck allowed this to exist, for what purpose?
If this was real, why wouldn’t that be?
>HoE pubs
sure theres some dedicated CD groups out there but getting a god damn game together for that is a chore, so all you have left is HoE pubs since anything under that is braindead easy, and even HoE is braindead easy
It hurts.
Wait, I thought this was just an April Fools joke..
I fucking hate Dota 2 but it's the only multiplayer game that even exists to me.
thank god i don't play MOBAs
Dota isn't a MOBA. MOBA is a term for shitty dota clones, though dota is becoming a shitty clone of itself.
They made it as an april fools joke at first, but then people actually wanted it so they're complying.
>people actually wanted it
I like it
My shit taste in music is largely what keeps bringing me back.
Planetside 2.
>people actually wanted it
75% of the community posting under the announcement are pissed off. The other 25% are reddit retards post papa bless and VAYPE NAYSH
i can't stop man
This and Warframe.
You see, when you make a game with shooting mechanics that are solid with a somewhat satisfying progression system, any stupid, fucking astoundingly retarded balance changes that happen are amplified 10 fold because the impression is that since you made a decent game that you're above making such fucking retarded decisions as overkill and digital extremes do.
I lost two guys on two expeditions today
2.2k hours since December '13 here.
I adore this game but would NEVER recommend it to anyone. It's a fucking mess. But fuck me, I've hardly played anything else since.
Wish we had more heist focused games. GTA V heists are boring and badly implemented and Payday 2 is a 40GB dlc-ridden game.
I stopped playing that game back in 2014 because it was pay2win bullshit
Everyone on the subreddit was furious, too, and have been, outside of a few threads asking for it to be real. Deal is, that's happened with all of their jokes. The devs just took this one too far.
Thankfully there's a kicking epidemic in-game right now, nobody wants to deal with h3h3's shit. Hopefully this one won't phase out like #KickTheWick
>he didn't do Death Wish with an unmodded pre-buff AMCAR and Chinamo 88
>calls game pay2win
You're not wrong, but you're also dogshit.
>everyone on the subreddit
I don't see the problem seeing as the game is co-op.
I'm sorry I really don't know what those weps are, all I know is that I always tanked for my teammates or else they'd go down and not get rescued, and they wouldn't bother rescuing me unless they knew they needed me - so I always used heavy armor, shotgun, saw. I think we managed pretty well on the meth lab level and the small bank one. Got totally fucked on shit like big oil though. iirc at the time there wasn't even some entire weapon types available without buying the DLC
Why was kicking John Wick a thing again
I tried Siege during the free weekend cause all my friends play it but I got instantly bored. I don't play a whole lot of CS either but it doesn't bore me as much for some reason
Damn near, yes. I frequent that, the general, several Discord servers, and the official forums.
This game is basically my life right now. I'm pretty confident when I say most players are not happy about this, and the instant kicks of all Ethan and Hila players in most lobbies the past few days seem to reflect what I've been reading everywhere. Even the bigger YouTube faggots are starting to cut ties with the game over this DLC.
Those are the two guns you start with. If you're ever trying to "tank" instead of clear and push objectives, you're dead weight on higher difficulties, unless the host has a potato computer.
Right now the only DLC locked category is grenade launchers, in case you are interested in the state of the game now.
The big secret community reward for the now-annual Crimefest game event turned out to be a movie character tie-in. The event was centered around the breakout of the original Hoxton crew member from Payday: The Heist.
We wound up getting a movie advertisement character before an actual Payday crew member in the event focused on said member. Way back then, people called Overkill on their shit, but not enough people took it seriously. Now we have the h3h3 character pack, along with a ton of other in-game movie advertisements.
For what it's worth, I've enjoyed most of the movies, but the recent focus on original content in favor of references to other media has been very much appreciated.
Too bad those 75% didn't have the foresight to be mad seven months ago.
They weren't because nobody really took them seriously until the Ultimate Edition announcmeent seemingly confirmed the DLC. Past that, Overkill said that the h3h3 team would be playing lore-friendly characters, and not themselves. That obviously did not happen.
People still trust Overkill after "Shame on you if you thought otherwise!" so they pretty much deserve this, if you ask me. I'm just glad I still find the game fun enough to boot up once a day, though I could certainly do without the fucking joke content.
>have to install FSS and other shit just to get the game working right on its old ass racing engine
>each heist is built for dozens of different playstyles and 400 different characters so none of them have the originals' soul--even the Classic heists
>meta basically revolves around the latest perk deck and the latest crossbow
>RAID: WW2 shows that Overkill is completely incapable of salvaging their games
>still have sunk a hundred hours into it and bought the Completely Overjewed Pack
Probably my favorite shittiest game
RAID isn't even Overkill.
Reddit: the post. You're also fucking retarded and don't know what ranking is. You literally just pulled some faggot counterargument out of your ass. Literally the whole point of the meth lab level is to hold off the attacks until the shit gets cooked. Same for the bank level except you gotta wait until you get into the vault which takes forever and then the saw takes care of the rest.
Tanking ***
RAID isn't Overkill, despite the constant cross-company advertising. They're mostly (if not all?) ex Overkill employees, but Overkill themselves ain't touching that.
Which is a fucking shame because RAID is a fantastic start to a good game along the same lines, but there's absolutely no fucking content.
I have cleared all of the content on this game on three separate Steam accounts and have totaled over 2500 hours combined. I don't know everything about the game, but I do know that you do not "tank" anything.
If you have decided your goal is to take hits for your team, you have zero understanding of the AI targeting system.
I know how Rats and Bank Heist works. Played them hundreds of times. You don't tank, you clear and establish a perimeter with the rest of your team, and if some stupid fuck leaves the AO, that's their problem and they're probably going to leave the lobby as soon as they go down anyway.
Funny that you call me out for making a reddit post, when that shithole of a sub is infested with demonstrably false facts like yours these days.
My god do I love this game but holy hell is it inferior in every way to the first 3.
> spends 2500 hours on a video game
> is braindead
Imagine my shock
>spends 30 minutes on a video game
>doesn't know shit
I'm not shocked at all, mate.
You fags will argue about anything
Not an argument.
skub is the superior choice
Fucking skubfags always starting shit. Literally anything you can do with skub you can do without it.
Anti-skub shits live with their heads up their asses. Skub is necessary for a working society
It's unoptimized and finding an acceptable community server is about as difficult as the game itself. I play it almost everyday.
Sup Forums made me fall for the payday 2 meme.
>be me
>forever ago
>Play payday 1
Oh? A bank robber game, should be fun.
>wait for drill
>never play again
Hey user, everyone's playing payday 2, why aren't you?
>wait for drill
What did you expect? It's a co-op horde defense FPS with a robbery theme. Not the game's fault that you didn't pay attention to anything but cinematic trailers.
>wait for drill
Yes. Horde defense. You sit on the objective and survive. That is how these games work. Why buy them if you don't like them?
>be me
>waiting for drill
>I really don't know what those weps are
Yeah, you can stop posting any time.
>60 minutes ago
It's as if I'm lurking while actually playing PD2 in between or something.
I bet you're a faggot
Same. I'm not replying to 60 minute old posts that I already replied to once, though.
Are you sure about that?
Yes, what makes you think otherwise?
You're a faggot too
What about it?
Nailed it!
What, stating the fucking obvious?
should i buy this