Is this game any good, Sup Forums? Thinking about getting it but there haven't been many in-depth reviews

Is this game any good, Sup Forums? Thinking about getting it but there haven't been many in-depth reviews.

If you didn't actually play it, don't reply to this topic.

Other urls found in this thread:

I played the first 3 levels and got bored of it
It's very similar structure-wise to super mario galaxy in that you go to a level, complete and objective and get an hourglass (star), then replay that level a few times with small varations, or a new section of that level, for another one.
Movement is okay, level design is pretty bad, there's some humour here and there but it's nothing to write home about. Honestly this game would get virtually no praise or attention if you weren't playing as a loli.

It's ok.
Really short and easy. Levels seem like they weren't designed with Hat Girls moveset in mind because of how piss easy the dive cancel makes almost all the platforming.
Still worth a pirate at least.

this is one of those guerrilla marketing threads fuck off shill

I liked it a lot its sorta like Super Mario Sunshine + a paper mario games login. It's also saccharine as fuck so if that's not your thing then I would avoid.

a cock in me

Good: Movement options are top tier, level design is way better than Yooka Laylee, chapters feel unique and different, a lot of really neat surprises and setpieces, some nice platforming variety

Bad: Too short, way too easy, doesn't push the envelope as much as it feels like it should

Solid 8.5 overall and definitely in my top 10 for the year. I recommend it.

Is this that Shadman game?

I didn't play it but I'm going to respond anyway you fag.
I'm curious about it too.




Jesus, calm the fuck down.

It's an alright game that lasts for 8 hours if you're not an autist. It's trivial as fuck though thanks to how easy it is to abuse the jumping system with a few easy button presses. The story is complete idiocy and there aren't enough levels, you shouldn't pay 30 dollars for it.

no, it's fucking shit
just get dark souls 2

Post lewds of Hat Kid.

It actually beat Odyssey for best platformer of the year for me. Mario has a lot more content, and replayability, but HiT had MUCH more interesting missions, more charm, and better music.

Just torrent it, I found it to have revolting visuals so I uninstalled

Its """""Okay""""" If you are a huge weeb who NEEDS to play something with a kawaii uguu cute loli in it. Otherwise its another boring collect-a-thon with working controls.


Fuck off shill.

But it didn't you stupid fucking nigger

Isn’t every game that’s posted on here a shill thread then if that’s how on edge you’re gonna get about this?

I’m just mad at these fucks for making me wait for then console ports


The game is fucking SHIT, don't fucking bother with this garbage

Where do you even find jontron? I never heard him

>but HiT had MUCH more interesting missions, more charm, and better music

I pretty much felt the same way. Odyssey has more content but it doesn't even touch the quality of some of AHiT's missions.

Level design is hit or miss in both games.

The premise of this thread is fucking flawed, steam reviews alone paint a bigger picture than a stupid shill thread like this ever could

This thread was just made with shilling in mind

5 cute facts about Hat Girl:

- She's a girl!
- She wears a hat!
- I love her!!!!!
- Hat girl!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't and won't play this game.

OP here, just ignore "muh shills" shitposters and focus on the game. I don't give a shit if it's good or bad, I just wanted to know Sup Forums's thoughts on it.


Sup Forums thinks it’s shit and shilled

Go ask reddit if you want a hugbox

No reason to exist in a post-Odyssey world.

This faggot is in every Hat in Time thread throwing a shitfit. I think he's the guy that left during development and is still assmad over it. Can't remember his name because he's never done anything worth remembering.

Let me guess. Graphics sucks, controls, sucks, maps suck, characters suck. Hat kid sucks.

The last thread said this and yet all the footage Are charming and reminds me of the days I’ve spent playing platformers on my ps2 like sly cooper and ratchet and clank, is I can swear I saw a MGS reference. It just seems like a fun time.

Also, why not support someone doing earnest Indie level work? It’s not like it’s just your average steam asset flip? The bugs and lack of polish don’t seem like that big of a deal breaker.

>Low-Effort Moons and Filler: The Game

I don't want a post-Odyssey world.

>Quality of some of Hat in Time's missions
What quality? Go through a linear train car to collect hints that do nothing? Collect paintings and burn them?

Hello Slag.
Hello slag.

It needs a lot of polishing.
>The intro with mafia man breaking through glass was awkward
>the cannon that clips you through the middle of mafia town guarded doors
>mustache girl hardly has any real significance and only proof she exists was "hat girl stinks" graffiti
>hat girls weird head tracking

But other than that and some others it's a lot of fun.

Why are you constantly samefagging in every thread about this game? It's impossible to even have a discussion without you going into an autistic rage every time you see this on the board.

It's pretty good. I find the soundtrack to be terribly underrated when it's one of the best I've ever heard.
>yfw the synth kicks in

>game is bad but lets support it because muh indie devs

I hope this is a troll post.

Also, everyone that calls him out is actually the dev of this game.

No it’s a meme game

No it's not, stop fucking deluding yourself.
If you want good video game soundtrack listen to BoTW.

Sorry but there’s many of us. It has been demonstrated countless time that you want no discussion, really you don’t even have anything to discuss. You just want an echochamber that fits your agenda.

The art style is all over the fucking place, but it has a lot of charm. It's OK.

pretty much this. would add that it also at least tried to have a consistent aesthetic.

the only thing odyssey has over it is visual polish and maybe movement.

He's the receptionist at Dead Bird Studios.

BotW has a soundtrack besides that same little chittering that plays in literally every non-boss fight? I can't for the life of me remember what any of the boss themes sounded like, I haven't touched that kusoge since March.


I can’t see how anyone would see it as anything but mediocre

the horse song is one of the worst songs i've heard in a game. it belongs in the same group as crazybus and sonic chronicles

This game really captures the old school platformer vibe from sly cooper and ratchet and clank. Especially sly cooper. Good game/

>Sup Forums now hates A Hat in Time after mario odyshit came out
i fucking hate this place

>Honestly this game would get virtually no praise or attention if you weren't playing as a loli.

I'd say the only reason any 3D platformers get any attention is because of the mascot. Galaxy only sold well because of the Mario Franchise for instance.

There just isn't a lot going on in the mechanics of 3D platformers of any kind. That's why they have to involve so many gimmicks just to keep you occupied.

They were a big hit back when 3D graphics were a new concept to console players and literally anything in 3D was a novelity to console players. Devs made them because game dev in 3D was primitive and the easiest thing to do is just just make an empty environment populate it with a million low poly (or even sprite based) widgets and tell you to collect them all.

It’s not bad, it’s missong some polish to it. Not every game has the resources behind it to fill in every crack like Mario or is reliant on pixel sprites. For a indie 3D platformer, id say it would fit right in with game cube/ps2 games. Idk why you need to be upset.

Fuck off samefag shilll, have you played it or not, decide already.

And it’s nothing like ratchet or sly, what the fuck are you smoking? Unironically they’re completely different

>I can’t see how anyone would see it as anything but mediocre
both repressed and overt

It's alright. That song reminds me of literally every weeb/jrpg in existence. Shit like this.

Sup Forums hates everything once it gets popular.

How about you fuck off. I read his post and agreed. I felt like the game really reminded me of sly cooper, especially with the safes you can open. Ratchet and clank with the money you collect. Stop being a sperg.

Does anyone know why the Kickstarter page claimed it was inspired by N64 games? Because it REALLY reminds me of Gamecube titles way more than any of the N64 collectathons/platformers.

A hat in time never got popular...

Fucking this tbqh. waifufags are the fucking worst.

Were the safes even used as a mechanic after Mafia Town?

>Boss theme

Y'all niggers only like odyssey because you've been starved for a mario that wasnt complete shit. Once a decent one came along yall acting like it's a holy grail

It's good but incredibly short

Chapter 4 blows ass by the way

You have not played the game! God damn I hate this site, lying fucking manipulators.

Because they were hoping very hard that people would buy the game based off of nostalgia. It's why they fucking referenced Wind Waker.

No, the game used a lot of mechanics only once. Not that that's a bad thing, since it made a lot of missions/areas unique.

this game had some of the most intense target practice songs I've ever heard.

The sheer amount of vitriol I see directed towards indie games on this board is amazing.

That second one is just a fucking Let's Play, and the first one sounds like shit I could get if I threw a rock at any JRPG in existence.

I don't know, I haven't made it that far yet. The first level definitely gives me sly cooper vibes.

For the epic just golden age of 3D platformers selling point.

I say sly because of the music and the jumping whole ratchet and clank’s bolts are similar to those marble looking things

I am still at the first level, stop being such a fucking autist.

Yeah it did not fit well and was boring, honestly i think only mafia town, the forest and the first 2 chapters of the dead bird studio (+the after dark mission) shouldve existed. It's like that place was just filler to pad out the game

It certainly had Sunshine/64 Mario with the first world. Than you got paper Mario, sonic, it just feels like whoever made this game was a gamer and I can appreciate that.

I wish we could have had some more filler, honestly. It's painfully short. What's there is godly, though.

Meh, no reason to play this game when you can just play any Mario game instead. HiT isn't even better than Sunshine desu. Plus it takes like 7-8 hours to 100% and that's pathetic for a platformer, especially the one that's been in development for like 5 fucking years.

and its well deserved. Not so much in this case however

This is like taking a completely random platformer, might as well say it reminds you of gex and sunshine or something, like this is the most retarded fucking conclusion I’ve seen to the point where I’m certain you’re samefagging your retardation

Yeah, because generic metal theme that plays during Mafia Boss is so much better.

I started and beat it today. I liked it but not worth the asking price. Gameplay is smooth.
T. Piratefag

Looks like hot poop, plays alright. Changes literally nothing to the platform genre.

It's okay. The unlockable remix is much better.
But when a "generic metal" theme is one of the worst tracks in the game that's a pretty high bar.
the only other game i've been so glad to buy the OST for was LISA

to be fair nothing has really changed anything in the platforming genre in over 20 years

Updates after updates out the ass.

I liked it but it might just be that part that kicks in around 53 reminds me of a song from my own game im working on and it also coincidentally has a play like theme to it

Is there anything that could be changed in the first place? I feel like it's complete aside from adding gimmicks

momentum shifting?

Like gravity rush?

shit dude I dunno I was just throwing out any word i could think of

better than 800 moons, half of which are fucking really easy to get to or super cryptic

>bump into flower by accident
>get a moon
>jump on a pile of rocks
>get a moon
>groundpound shiny spots
>get a moon
>talk to toadette
>get 20+ moons
they're so bad its really unbelievable. I'm not saying all 40 of HiTs are amazing or anything but It probably still has more good objectives with its 40 than mario has with over 800.

>almost no porn

I wish this game was popular

i summon shadman

Did the Devs ever hint at what the DLC would be like or how frequent they would come?
Is it like by next year the game doubles in its size? What can’t they do after doing
>Town Hub world with mafioso
>Movie studio with Warring bird factions
>spooky forest (best one) with spooks and legit horror sequence
>mountainous Open world platform area
You think they’d put pirates? If we’re going for variety of gameplay, may as well make it a vehicular one.

Hell, as I write that, the dlc chapter could be a huge race, steel ball run style.