The Witcher 3: The Complete Edition is literally 20 dollars what's your excuse?

The Witcher 3: The Complete Edition is literally 20 dollars what's your excuse?

Story based game
Already watched a full lets play of it.

I got the free version over a year ago, when after they released the last patch.

300+ replies incoming

With a bad story to boot

> watched a full lets play of it
You have to be 18+ to post on this website

Its a shit game

I still need to finish the first two.


we live in a progressive timeline and bait or not I actually believe this to be true

already pirated it

15 bucks are cheaper

I own it, I have started it 4 times noe and I stop within 3 hours. I don't know if I haven't given it enough time but it doesn't hold my interest and I love that genre

>d-do i fit in yet?

I don't need to buy a second copy.

lel kek xD
Why would I buy something I already played through multiple times for FREE

are you me?

I actually own the Enhanced Edition of both Witcher 1 and 2 along with the Complete Edition of Witcher 3, but haven't played any of them.
Everyone says how good 3 is, but I want to start from the first one since I have them all.
So yeah that's my excuse.

I didn't like the Witcher 2's gameplay and I was on holiday.

I don't care for it.

Feels bad that I already spoiled Undertale and all it had to offer by doing this. Seems like it would've been a good experience.

My computer most likely can't run it and I broke my xbone controller playing dmc4se. Maybe one day I will. I-I'm sorry.

The first one is the best game.

I am completely fucking burned out on open world games right now. Maybe next year.

I already played your shitty game 2 years ago

My PC is a potato

>wasting over 100 hours of your life watching somebody else play a fucking video game.

This is advanced cuckening.

I completely abhor the battle system

It's shit.

He got the full experience, without the awful gameplay, and paid nothing for it.

Sounds like he's the bull

>Decision based game
I can't imagine sitting through 50 hours of lets play and not being able to make any decisions myself

I put 210 hours into it but I don't think it's worth my money.

Game doesn't let me fuck Ciri's face.

do i need to play the other 2 to know whats going on?

There's better games.

The gameplay stands in the way of me actually enjoying the game.

name 1 (ONE) better game

And that's only counting the combats.


I'm not even joking

>not playing Ping


Get this game if you love comfy.

Yes, standing out in the freezing rain is comfy as fuck.

nice try Louis CK

Already own it. Blood and Wine I think is the best piece of DLC I've seen. Its a proper expansion compared to the single questline additions games have done since dlc took off.

I now remember playing Heart of Stones and how I laughed when they actually mentioned it in-game it wasn't a meme this time.

kek. not bad, user.

tis comfy

I finished tutorial and it was boring

Ummm, the word is "cozy", comfy has become a reddit word, please use appropriate Sup Forums approved vocabulary please. Don't forget to buy a Sup Forums® Pass™

Waiting for my check to get down. On Monday. Any chance of a "Cyber Monday flash sale"? Got a 20% discount due to a new ps4. Also, who's best waifu?

Currently playing the game and ironically I feel like a huge disconnect between me and the game since often Geralt reacts in a way and/or says things that have nothing to do with how I wanted to approach the situation. I've quite literally felt like I was just watching a movie (or someone else playing) in many cutscenes, since the game never made me care about many characters that Geralt has a positive predisposition on. Really should've played Witcher 2 first I guess. Have played the first several times but it's not really helping much.

It's like playing Assassin's Creed 2. It's not like the game is bad or the story is bad but I'm not immersed in the slightest (the opposite actually) and I'm mainly addicted to it because of some well done addictive vidya mechanics. Both had mediocre action as well.

Who /temeriadeck/ here?

There's no fucking gameplay in the witcher series. You click on a bad guy, wait for geralt to do his big gay sword animation, and then click again. It's just the easiest rhythm game in the world. And the story is fucking atrocious. Geralt is a magic super saiyan badass but oh no he has amnesia. My eyes glazed over 2 seconds in and never unglazed. Glad I pirated it. Never trust Sup Forums.

I wanted to read the books first.
3/6 now

combat is dull, crafting is shit, and the skill system is terribly balanced. Also no replayability.

This is how I felt about the whole franchise. I remember I played the first game and tried to talk my way out of sleeping with some girl who I would never even want to touch. Geralt just did what he wanted.

t. anthony burch

Basic advice for smart playing please?

>have to read the books to get into it and fully enjoy it

If I wanted to do that, I'd just get into the star wars books. No one has time for this shit anyway.

it's easy enough, just go

Already got it on the new Xbox. 60fps is so nice.

>Decision based
The only decision is whether to put up with the shitty gameplay to witness the garbage plot lazily unfold itself.

i havent beaten the first one yet

Oh. W1 worked like a charm for me. Felt like 2 was almost unplayable and 3 is decent but for the wrong reasons.

I have the physical copy since it is one of the few games on PC that gets a proper release.
No excuse to pay for it digitally.

I've finished the witcher 1, 2 and also 3 recently but in this one I got bored with the dlcs and couldn't end them. The storyline was so predictable and uninteresting with an extreme abuse of cutscenes and the same old monotone combat system that makes you wanna avoid every fight even at max difficulty, all you have to do for every single enemy is attack fast 2 times before they have time to counterattack, dodge to a side and repeat. Potions, bombs and oils are useless.

I started loving the games and ended up hating them. The only good thing about the witcher 3 are the graphics, exploration (the travel system is cancer with 1-2min of loading screen) and soundtrack.

Would obviously still recommend it for 20$ though but don't get into it expecting the best masterpiece of all times like I did or you will feel dissapointed.

>tfw you can't fuck ciri

the game isn't faithful fyi

generally that's better so readers can have something unique to look forward to in the universe they love

>I didn't like the Witcher 2's gameplay

just woke up lads

Not him but witcher 2 was like a poor attempt at copying bam ham.

Combat is shit

Sounds like you were burnt out from playing the game, but what would you rated as? I tend to ignore the loud minority and go for people who actually sank their teeth into the game. I have a copy just waiting for it to install.

>still learning english when I played the first game
>always thought that potion's name was the verb "to swallow"
>playing TW3
>realize it's actually a fucking bird
I felt really dumb

hitboxes have nothing to do with how good the combat is

you live with racoons

holy shit this was from 2015 just let it go already you autist

would have to read all the books
would have to get a rig let alone a better one

well i already owned witcher 3 base edition so i bought the discounted expansion pass which apparently nets tou a free upgrade to the goty edition anyway

My toaster is struggling to run 2, what do you think?

I don't buy single-player games unless they can be modded to greatly extend its replayability.

Already pirated it

>100 hours to watch edited gameplay videos


Just got it yesterday. Probably logged about 7 or 8 hours of gameplay so far. Decent story, good amount of depth to skill trees, SHIT combat. Holy fuck Ill tell you what Sup Forums, the only thing keeping me playing is the story and the hopes that when Geralt gets more skilled the combat improves.


It's fasthit-fasthit-dodge repeat or fasthit-fasthit-fasthit-dodge repeat through the whole game, with Igni/Yrden on cooldown against large packs and Igni/Axii if needed against single big monsters. Quen is only useful if you're bad or if you're playing on the hardest difficulty and facing something that oneshots you. Aard is only useful for memes. Potions, Bombs and Oils have no use.

2 years ago I would have agreed with you but now it's underrated.

Do people really think the combat is that bad? Sure fighting people is pretty boring because all you do is spam fast attacks and whirl, but i thought that getting those damage numbers up to fuckhueg amounts was pretty satisfying, also fights against vampires in B&W were actually challenging.

$20 is too much. Sorry.

completed a main + dlc vanilla run about a month ago, I'm keen for a modded run now.

Any recommendations?

Witcher 3 is a league above most games, people don't like it cause it tricks them into making dumb decisions and they find out the consequence hours later with no way to reverse it.


The combat's fine for an RPG desu. It's just become a meme to say that.