I have a dream. That one day every person in this nation will control their own destiny. A nation of the truly free, dammit. A nation of action, not words, ruled by strength, not committee! Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think - to act - for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck American pride! Fuck the media! FUCK ALL OF IT! America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make America great again!... In my new America, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!

This man made a lot of sense, why was raiden such a tryhard bitch?

give me your finest metal gear images

because raiden is still frustrated at the fact that he's a closet homo who looks like a dyke/twink and only exists because kojima is gay

RIP sweet prince

Because Raiden has lived in that kind of nation, and decided that he's not going to stand by when someone tries to send 300 million people straight into hell.

Have a kit-bashed Metal Gear Rex model.

This doesn't make any sense at all, not even in a fantasyland videogame where people can also be super strong cyborgs.

>wants to end war for profit
>but wants to let people fight their own wars and murder for literally whatever they want
>wants to purge the weak, killing millions of innocents, to let strong survive
>instigates war to get elected
>harvests brains of children to make soldiers
>fails to realize that the strong want to protect the weak
this is why raiden thinks armstrong is batshit insane. he knew the deeper meaning of what armstrong was actually saying and the implications they had.

>>wants to purge the weak, killing millions of innocents, to let strong survive
that will naturally happen, he doesn't have to force it or do it himself. only weak cucks are against this

raiden has no self-beliefs, first he thinks he's Snake, then Gray Fox, then Sam, then Armstrong

yeah you're for it until you realize you are the weak he wants to purge

>mfw Sup Forums unironically defends this guy and his beliefs

You fags do realize that in Armstrong's world, you would all be the first ones to get killed off, right? Unless you're anything remotely close to the same tier as Armstrong, you wouldn't last a minute in his America.

>Implying you wouldn't survive.

We're all gonna make it.

Nice Joystick... Alright...the truth, then. You're right about one thing -- I do need Hardware, And Games! Wanna know why?! I have a dream! That one day, every person in this gaming community will control their own destiny! A land of the truly free dammit! A nation of gameplay not cutscenes -- ruled by skill not social justice! Where the individual changes to suit the game, not the other way around! Where design and funding are back where they belong, in the hands of the developers! Where every developer is free -- to think --to act -- For himself! Fuck all these limp-dick journalists, and these chicken shit reviewers! Fuck this 24/7 spew of internet celebrities and SJW bullshit! Fuck Gay Pride -- fuck the publishers -- Fuck - all of it! The gaming industry is diseased -- rotten to the core...there's no saving it... We need to pull it out by the roots! Wipe the slate clean -- burn it down! And from the ashes a new Industry will be born! Evolved but unchained! The weak will be purged -- and the strongest will thrive -- free to play as they see fit! They'll make Gaming great again! You still don't get it! I'm using console-war as a business to get elected! So I can end console-war as a business...In my new Industry, developers will die and develop...for what they believe! Not for money -- Not for SJW-points -- Not for what they're told is right! Every developer will be free to fight his own wars! Hah...so, what do you think?..

>being weak
>projecting it onto others
lmao. you worry about you, and I'll worry about me.

Raiden took him up on it though. Raiden was stronger so his ideals prevailed. Armstrong was weak and crushed underfoot.

>this speech
And there are people out there who legitimately think MGSV is more true to the MGS spirit than MGR.

Good luck surviving a giant spider-mech thing with that strength of yours.

You don't make any sense, because (you) don't have any arguments to begin with you brainlet.

If an old cripple with a bad back can kill mechs then so can I.

Who's that?

>he wants to break down civilisation to fulfill his libertarian fantasy

It's an ant, not a spider

>"how the hell did you get elected to office?"
>"I don't write my own speeches"
Hearty kek every time.

Hes an anarchist, libertarians believe in small gov.


>tfw no sequel with Raiden on an orbital colony fighting metal gears in space


>send 300 million people straight into hell
You mean straight into paradise. The america Raiden defends is hell.
Raiden got his ass whooped several times by Armstrong. It was only because Bladewolf saved Raiden and the fact that " the hero/MC always wins in the end" bullshit.
You are beyond retarded.

Playable Armstrong when?

Have you ever heard of these things called babies?
They tend to be pretty weak. And while I have huge dislike of them, I still think it's probably best that they are not to be harmed just because.

Remember Somalia in the early 2000s? Liberia, Sieraa Leone, Angola, or the DRC in the 90s? The Rawandan Genocide? Current Syria? That's the worlds where the strong purge the weak. That's the world where action is dictated by strength, rather than comity. That is Armstrong's dream for America.

>Have you ever heard of these things called babies?
strong parents can protect their babies, weak ones shouldn't create more weak people.

>fails to realize that the strong want to protect the weak
At what point does this happen? Of course there will be strongmen who will want to protect the weak, however making a world where other strongmen could also have the chance to purge the weak was his ideal. Then those two strong people could freely have a war to fight for their own beliefs.

It just so happens that the aforementioned war happened before his world could be realized. The stronger Raiden bested the weaker Armstrong. The latter recognized him for it and was happy that it proved his worldview worked.

Babies survive because human are ingrained with an evolutionary instinct to protect their young.

>At what point does this happen
Raiden is strong and protecting the weak was his day-job during MGR:R. So you're wrong.

>Remember Somalia in the early 2000s? Liberia, Sieraa Leone, Angola, or the DRC in the 90s? The Rawandan Genocide? Current Syria? That's the worlds where
where power is in the hands of limp-dick lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats. Dumb ass politicians sending people to die for something (the people who are fighting) do not believe in, or do not even know about.


All those "conflicts" were started by liberalism/communism/bolshevism. We humans don't elect the strongest as our leaders, instead our leaders are weak and dumb. Strong world leaders = no need for war. Armstrong's america would we a huge step into the right direction for the entire world.
Hillary wanted to start war with russia for no reason if she would've become president. Merkel has already turned germany into a war zone, where the german people suffer. Weak leaders = war. Strong leaders like Trump & Putin, Duerte etc. = peace.

neo-con kike puppets are not mentioned? why?

Ah, yes, the war that Raiden fought in, fueled by petty warlords being supplied by illegal arms dealers was engineered by lawyers and bureaucrats. Not to mention Rwanda, which the rest of the world conspicuously kept its nose out of as a country broke down and the violence began to spread.

Russian shill detected.

I'd be down with Armstrong's vision of America. I live in Redneckland and have a huge family with more guns to our names than the local national guard armory. Every male member of my family has military history. Most of the south would band together anyway, they'd just set up a deeply religious right wing state to replace the one that exists now. Anarchy only exists in the immediate vacuum that follows government dissolution, most populations would band together to keep the lights on and the wackjobs from taking over.

reminder that Trump is an israel/saudi-arabia puppet


Anybodys adrenaline go through the roof when you heard this the second time fighting that metal gear on roller blades in the warehouse? Shit had me going more then anything in devil may cry or other hack n slash.

>neo-con kike puppets
You mean todays leftist americans? Niggers? Mexicans? SJW? Feminists? LGBT? There's so many of them that i can't mention all at the same time...

I had an idea for a tabletop game set post-MGR

>After Armstrong's speech was made public people all over the world started trying to follow his ideals, in a sense he became the Boss figure of this new era of war
>The players are members of a PMC tasked with taking down these copycats
>Crazy boss squad was going to be updated versions of the BnB units
>Armstrong's nanomachines are still active and slowly rebuilding EXCELSUS and corrupting wildlife near the site of his final battle

How bad is the idea?

>keep the lights on
Does anyone in your redneck family have a background in civil engineering?

are you mentally ill?

why would you do this to me?


Oy Akbar! Jew mad Achmed?
Sure tumblr...

Actually I do know a bunch of guys like that. You'd be surprised how many rednecks are actually really smart. I'm not one of them but I know them. I think if the government shut down tomorrow for good most populations would just band together and start over. You'd definitely have some violence and killing and looting going on, but it'd be a few weeks and then someone would get enough people together to establish order. It wouldn't be some mad max shit for long, a year tops.

>supporting a literal puppet kept in line by a video of them getting pissed on
Where were you when the one accusing others of being cucks turned out to be the biggest ones of all?

In theory they could just use their guns to acquire people who do and force them to handle that.
For that kind of self sustained community, I don't think electricity would be the hardest part, but videogames and Internet connection to shitpost to Sup Forums with would be harder to come by.

>are you mentally ill?
No. But jew are
Go back to Sup Forums and/or Sup Forums and make more "i love nigger dicks" threads.

top kek, now the kike is calling people "achmed" because he can't argue against the puppetry of trump.

>his children converted to judaism
>he put (((Kushner))) in white house
>he arms Saudi Arabia to bomb children in Yemen and support ISIS
>Iran literally killed ISIS in Iraq&Syria, meanwhile Trump wants to go after Iran in support of Saudis
>meanwhile saudis and israelis are allied

>get elected
>first foreign trip is webm related

I can only see nanomachines being used in mgs survive for epic level skills like nanite punch or iron skin where your character's arm flashes black on impact or your body does the same in defense.

>These and Russia
Is there anyone's dick he isn't sucking? Maybe China? And by that I mean groups who aren't allies of the US.

>supporting a literal puppet
You got it all wrong, Hershel! The literal puppets were Hillary and Bernie.
>he arms Saudi Arabia to bomb children in Yemen and support ISIS
Those "children" in yemen ARE ISIS.
Go back to tumblr, Achmed.

>Those "children" in yemen ARE ISIS.
top kek retard. Yemen was an invasion by saudi arabi which got rekt by Houthis supported by Iran

ISIS = Al-Qaeda, they are Saudi Funded, and armed with US military gear (they literally drive humvees and M1 tanks)

Yemen is not even in any way related to the ISIS issue. ISIS was mainly in Iraq and Syria, and they got their asses handed to them by Iranian troops and Russian air support (and Hezbollah)


fuck off JIDF

Nobody complained when Obama did it...

yes they did, and so did I. now go fuck yourself with your strawman.
>it's okay when trump is a puppet because obama was too

ISIS = Muslims which includes those worthless sandniggers in yemen.
Fuck off Sandnigger.

That guy looks like if you mixed together Jim Cornette and Lance Storm

spoken like a true americuck

Crawl back into Hillary's asshole you shill.
The jew and muslim cuck is (you)

>Crawl back into Hillary's asshole you shill.
are you retarded? did you not see my post: stay cuck'd you saudi/israeli puppet

>are you retarded?
You keep proving to everyone that you are retarded.
>stay cuck'd you saudi/israeli puppet
Keep kissing jew and muslim ass you liberal SJW reddit tumblr faggot.

>You keep proving to everyone that you are retarded.
by bashing hillary AND trump AND obongo for being saudi shills?

video games

Where did i bash Trump you stupid retard who can't read??? I bashed Shillary and the Niggerbongo because they are shitty liberals just like yourself. Go back to sucking Tyrone's dick you cuck!

I just want a fun adventure sequel with Raiden, Bladewolf, Sam and Sunny, guys. Why cant we have nice things?

>reading comprehencion
lel, I'm saying that I'M bashing hillary AND trump AND obongo for being saudi shills, while you are defending Trump and ignoring the fact that he has been the lapdog of israel and saudis until now.

>it's an ant
holy fucking shit you're right

Soy does that to you.

It's a strange thing. The small arms are analogous to arachnid pedipalps, however it only has six walking legs.

Of course, its not a living thing, so nothing about it is really strange.

>It was only because Bladewolf saved Raiden and
What is this faggot bullshit. Armstrong lost the fight. Why didn't Armstrong have a robodog waiting to back him up? Maybe because he was a stupid faggot like you

>made a lot of sense

Physical strength and willingness to kill shouldn't be what defines a citizen.

>Both fought for their ideals
>Armstrong believes the weak should die
>Raiden Kills Armstrong proving his point

I guess all is right

Is that fucking Boco?

Solid Snake was his best bro, there's no way he'd stand with anyone proposing a philosophy that went against what Snake stood for - whether they were right or wrong.

Making the mother of all omelletes

nerd with muscles?

Damn, Jim Cornette was buff when he was young.