ITT ethical villains who just wanted to do what was right

ITT ethical villains who just wanted to do what was right.

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But he was objectively wrong and came dangerously close to destroying the entire universe.

what game?

Yes, but he couldn't possibly have known that. He made a good decision with the information available to him.

Dragonfall. Fantastic writing and very good music. I love it, and even Sup Forums seems to mostly think it's okay.

Nah, it was the dumbass mexicans in Shadowrun that came dangerously close to causing the next scourge. Luckily Dunkelzahn's sacrifice set the timetable back to what it was supposed to be.

It was a neat twist. Should have seen it coming in retrospect I guess, but it still gave me a major "oh shit" moment.
SCREW everything about that AI though

I will never forget how I killed my friends for a chance to free the world from the tyranny of dragons, only to kill myself with fear and regret later.


I let it live in my first playthrough. It was definitely a vindictive fuck, and it threw a tantrum when I refused to give it Feuerschwinge, but I get the feeling it did basically what it said it would do. Ruthless, but not evil.

>tyranny of dragons

The funny thing is that a few of the dragons are the closest thing Shadowrun has to good guys. The race as a whole just has shit PR.

what's the robot thing behind glory?

>not talking him out of his hairbrained scheme then immediately avenge him by killing his treacherous ogre captain

Drone probably, which would make the PC in the pic a rigger.

Defenders of the Helghast Dream, NOW IS OUR TIME!

I'm actually pretty sure I played a chi caster. I'm not sure what the drone's doing there, though.

The screenshot's a few years old.

This thread is now a poetry slam thread

>chi caster

You mean a physical adept? No such thing as chi in Shadowrun, well, not technically, it's all mana according to game rules, though some people call it different stuff, at the end of the day any metahuman with supernatural powers is a mage/shaman or an adept.

>PC in the pic a rigger.
They prefer "African American"

Yeah, couldn't remember the name. I hit people with swords and had no cyberware.

I never understood how that guy letting himself get whacked was supposed to stop the Mexicans' evil blood magic shenanigans from destroying the world. What exactly was his plan again?

I think I remember you get a drone as a character if you follow one of the sideplots. It's bigger and better than the ones riggers get, but it takes up an entire character slot so I never bothered using it. You also get it pretty late in the game, so most people probably never saw it.

Mia would haunt him forever if something would've happened to maya.


If you let APEX go free it'll offer to tag along as an old milspec drone.

mods pls delete

The guy killed the leader of the Ascians for fuck's sake. He was also leading his country against an enemy that actually was a major threat.


How do I get into the Shadowrrun series? I have shadowrun return but it looks bad. Do I need to finish it to play Dragonfall and HK? And what's the different between them?

This was the biggest pile of bullshit that required a ridiculous knowledge of SR and Earthdawn to even guess at out of game
Vauclair should have been right

He was being a dick by riding Wright for something that wasn't his fault and by letting nearly nobody in on what was going to go down at the shrine because he selfishly wanted another shot at being the hero.

Thordan was a dumb fucko who just happened to have the third or fourth best fight of that expansion (first in presentation though). If he would have maybe toned it down and been like "hey dude renowned for killing the thing I've become, I'm just going to use this to kill Ascians and then I'll deactivate like Shiva" maybe he'd still be alive. Nidhogg was already dead as far as he knew and he didn't have any more reason to go all godking before trying diplomacy.

then is he really a villain?

Dragon genocide best day of my life

>Being in a coma
>wake up
>gf is dead
>she had a chad assistant
>fucker couldn't even protect her while you were away
>now gf's sis is missing and might be dead
>is this fucko any useful

i'll give you that he was a dick about it the whole game.

he thinks he knows what he's doing, but he's dead wrong.
also, he plays the "end justifies the means" card every time he can.

Was never too clear on that myself, but the short of it was that Aztechnology's rampant usage of blood magic was accelerating the time of the next scourge(scourges are bad), Dunkelzahn sacrificed himself in a ritual that undid the damage that the beaners caused, and reset the scourge back to it's original date. The reason he did this was because their have been scourges before, and every time they have nearly wiped out humanity, and regressed them nearly back to the stone age, but this time, the dragons are convinced that there will be just enough time between scourges, that humanity will have sufficient time to prepare, and come out the other side, mostly intact. The azzies(and the native americans but that's a whole other can of worms)nearly fucked up that plan, which necessitated Dunkelzahn taking one for the team, so to speak.

Which Shadowrun game is the best? Should I get all of them to understand the setting and the stories of each game?

>inb4 shill

It was bs to punish the player for picking the 'bad guy'. (although the description of what happened was pretty cool)

I still committed to that ending. Even if it meant my so called friends turned on me without a second thought.

Returns is awful. Just play Dragonfall. It's the best in the series by far, and doesn't require SR.

He's objectively wrong. He just has good intentions.

Go straight to Dragonfall. Hong Kong is decent too.

Hopefully after Battletech
That engine looks like it'd be great for SR with some tweaks

Returns is fun but is the weakest of the 3 in terms of both story and gameplay
You don't need to play it to understand the other two, you could read a quick primer on the universe from tg or something if you wanted but there's not much you need to to know beyond the fact that its cyberpunk + fantasy
Dragonfall was originally a sort of dlc campaign for Returns but grew bigger and better into its own full fledged game. the story and setting is completely separate from Returns and the gameplay is a bit improved. The story is great, arguably the best of the 3, and the companions are all really cool
HK was made later after the success of Dragonfall. The gameplay is tightened up considerably across the board everywhere but decking which is still a mixed bag. the story goes in really interesting places which I really liked but some feel its worse than Dragonfall's. Most of the companions are really stand out but a couple are shoddy.

Dragonfall > Hong Kong > Returns

DF & HK are both good games, DF could even be considered as great. Returns feels like a fucking tech demo, and the story was pretty bad in my opinion as well.

Dragonfall, then Hong Kong.

SR:R can be ignored.

The reason he didn't back down was because he knew we would come for him no matter what. He also knew the world wouldn't need the Warrior of Light anymore under his reign. Letting someone he can't control go also wouldn't be prudent. And it was proven with the later patches that Nidhogg's brood wasn't done. He had to kill every last one of them or else he wouldn't be able to control the region under his godhood.

You can start with any of them and play them in any order. I would recommend starting with Dragonfall and if you liked that then go on to Hong Kong. Returns is more of a glorified tech demo that was created to see if there was a market for the other two.

Dragonfall has fantastic writing and decent gameplay.

Hong Kong has worse writing, and way too much of it in terms of pure word count, but it's still good enough to be immersive, and the game has good atmosphere. The mechanics and UI have been improved so it's more comfortable to play than DF

One thing to keep in mind is that the story progresses automatically after you do a certain number of mission, and eventually you'll get locked into the endgame sequence. So you have to talk to all of your companions after every mission in order to unlock their side missions before the clock runs out.

Ignore Returns, get Dragonfall and Hong Kong. Also be aware, Shadowrun started as a PnP RPG, and has decades worth of books, split across 5 editions. It can best be described as urban fantasy mixed with cyberpunk.

Personally I did Df>HK>Returns but honestly release order is fine, and probably better for overall enjoyment
Technically the stories are all fully standalone so y7ou can do whatever order

>came dangerously close to destroying the entire universe

How so?

Is this like the Dishonored "whales literally and figuratively light the world" thing?

Shadowrun dragonfall there are 3 shadowrun games all of them fantastic just wait for steam sale they go down to like $5 each.

The reason they say never trust a dragon is because the dragon uses you to further its own interest regardless of your outcome.

They have lived since the last awakening so your life is usually immaterial to them.

Its more of a moral gray area than good or evil.

What he's doing is wrong and dooms the world (but he can't possibly know that and neither can you unless your character is literally the embodiment of 99 memes and speaks to a certain character at the right time) and the means he uses to do what he's doing are also wrong, but he's doing it with the best of intentions (to free the world from tyranny) and his plan would actually do just that, before unleashing a far worse fate no one could ever know existed.

Before ANY of you post this faggot
>Forced the science team to go on perilous expeditions to Xen to retrieve the crystal samples, many of which did not return
>Did not listen to the science team when they told him that the experiment could go wrong
>Sells out humanity
>Personally has people who don't comply with him executed (almost sending Alyx and Eli to the combine overworld)

>99 insight memes*
Turns out there are things worse than the tyranny he wants to end.

Gift from APEX. It rapes face, 100% worth it. It has a vindicator and a grenade launcher, and it can heal itself

>the dragon uses you to further its own interest regardless of your outcome.

And if that dragon is Dunkelzahn or his brother Ghostwalker, it's interest is protecting humanity from eldritch horrors from beyond our reality. Lofwyr too I think, he's just a bit of a dick about it.

Sort of, Dragons are actively preventing an apocalypse of eldritch entities from beyond the universe in ways nobody ingame really knows about so if you kill them all mankind is doomed
Its all because of another Wiseman tabeltop game

Lucian did nothing wrong.

Ok but BESIDES that.

The intro movie to killzone is so good

>neither can you unless your character is literally the embodiment of 99 memes and speaks to a certain character at the right time


>tfw Dragonfall is one of the Only CRPGS that managed to keep me interested from the start till the end
>tfw tried so hard to like HK but I just couldn't

New SR game when? I just need more Dragonfall in my life

Wait, I talked to the "elf" "woman" in the magic shop and she told me about the lovecraft critters. Is that all you get? I don't remember her even implying the dragons keep them at bay. Unless she's supposed to be a dragon, but I didn't pick up on that.

I wasn't going to post him but you can make a good case for him being a repentant villain, like Saren. He does some fucked up shit and is objectively in the wrong before the Combine arrive. But he truly is invested in saving humanity as a species, and he tries his best to do so but he doesn't realize that he himself is being played the fool and the Combine will never allow humanity to exist in any form other than mind-controlled drones once they're done with Earth.

There are too many people in the world anyway, that airport massacre lowered the population considerably

It wasn't punishment really. Its set lore from the tabletop. Its just that with the facts that you as the player have and he as the BBEG has there is no way to know what would happen.

The developers have moved on to Battletech

If you're really curious about Returns, just get Hong Kong and download the Returns port from the Steam workshop.

SeeDragons aren't so much keeping them at bay, as they are preparing humanity so that they won't get HORROR'D back to the stone age like they did the last time the gribblies came screaming through.

Too many niggers, curryniggers and chinks you mean.


Does Returns ever get good?
I'm a couple of hours in and the story is poorly written, the characters are horribly dull, and the level design just isn't there.

I usually finish the games I start, but I'm seriously considering dropping it.

The "elf" hints at the lovecraftian horrors if your character has high enough magic stats (I don't remember what type it's been a long time). She doesn't tell you that the dragons keep them at bay, but she does tell you they exist. Outside of that statement no one in the world knows that there is anything even close to dragons in power level. The only way anyone could have known Vauclair was dooming the world is if they knew about the eldritch horrors and managed to piece together that the dragons held them off.

Returns is easily the weakest, but serves as a decent crash course on the universe if you know nothing at all about Shadowrun. Dragonfall is excellent. Hong Kong is weaker than Dragonfall but still well worth playing.

Its okay throughout with a fun finale. Dragonfall is a huge leap in quality.

This guy, but mostly because the guy's name and design basically baits you into thinking "oh this is just another generic edgelord antagonist", they weren't trying to make him look deep at all until the very end.

Basically without getting overtly into it Magic comes from the overlap of dimension. One of the dimensions is basically literally the Warp from 40k. Emotions and suffering influence it. Blood magic causes a shit ton of suffering and was bringing the "warp" closer and closer. The "warp" will naturally overlap but it would take 2000-4000 years. The Mexicans were doing so much harm it was going to fully over lap in 50 -100 years.

Dragons are special in that they act as bumpers bumping the other dimensions back. They are not the only bumpers but they are the strongest this is why killing them all ends in the death of humanity. He basically sacrificed himself and bumped the "warp" back way back to where it is supposed to be while at the same time overloading a bunch of key blood mages and killing them as well as weakening blood magic as a whole for a very long time.

How much longer do I have to play to get to the good stuff.
I'm about to do some autopsy on a victim of the serial killer.

Is this game going to have some sort of story to it? Or is it pretty much just mech gameplay?

When;s the release? The game's looking damn purty, especially compared to SR

Arthas did nothing wrong

I lost all desire to play this after that absolutely horrendous human supremacist sidequest that reeked of present liberal power fantasy, literal 1:1 projection of white supremacist.

>looks exactly like MWO but its turn based

Not sure if want. Those mech designs are decent but give me bad memories about that game

*glass breaks*

Came here to post this. How are thousands of anons not +1ing these?

Ok, also what's the Dead man's switch? Every guides I read mention it as some kind of endgame and they keep mentioning need x for Dead man's switch. I google it and it turn out to be a story.

Sounds like you're not even halfway.

Arthas did everything wrong.

>looks exactly like MWO but its turn based
I'm pretty sure I read something about the MWO devs giving them permission to use all of their assets, in fact.

>Doesn't want you to have to fight for oil

The parallels are unreal

Until he reached Northrend, where he did plenty wrong. He was fine in Lordaeron, where Uther fucked everything up, but there's no arguing that he did right in Northrend.

Daily reminder that Raiden and Snake are the true villains of Metal Gear.

They stopped bother Solidus and Armstrong from stopping the patriots

DMS is the base campaign for Shadowrun Returns.

The main campaign of Returns is Dead Man's Switch

You're nowhere close to where things start picking up

I'm pretty sure Solid Snake beat the Patriots with Raiden's help in 4.

Dragons are fairly arrogant Lofwyr just wants to control humans because he sees them as lesser beings than Dragons. More of a pragmatist he uses us because it furthers his own interests.
He only helps as a consequence of controlling us.

Dunkelzahn lets humans choose to work for him rather than manipulation. He is more old fashioned in the way he guides us without us realizing the implications behind his actions.

Either way you are going to get seriously messed up working for a Dragon. They attract a lot of shit.

If you mean the term, it refers to some kind of activation or deactivation switch that triggers once it is no longer receiving data from it's operator. To give one example, freight and passenger trains have one that applies the brakes and shuts off the engine if the engineer takes his hand off the throttle for more than a minute or so.

>Outside of that statement no one in the world knows that there is anything even close to dragons in power level.

What about the original immortal elves t hat survived the last scourge and integrated?

IIRC You're mercenaries working for a noble out to reclaim her place after she was usurped annd you slowly help her gain power and influence through political intrigue and giant robot action. Knowing HBS itll get a lot crazier than that soon enugh

Too easy to agree to and the thread was overall clearly slanted to SR discussion, not MG

no more brother wars