Did your moms support your gaming habit as a kid?

Did your moms support your gaming habit as a kid?

>be around 8ish
>At Toys R Us, can pick out one game
>want Mortal Kombat on SNES
>Mom says its too violent, picks me out a game
>Game is cartoony and rated E
>I get super mad and throw a tantrum
>Get home and play game anyway

Game was Earthbound

Thanks Mom

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Ash's mom is hot

are you my grandpa? you must be like 60 lmao

So basically you want to fuck your mother?

Im 29 bro

My mom almost died this year.

Never stop loving your moms Sup Forums

holy shit dude you're like 60 in young adult years :S

Fucking casual. Both my parents died when I was eight. Homicide suicide. Not even joking.

Part of me wants to find a hot bitch and just have her love me like a mom. Some small dark part of my soul wishes for that shit.

>"I bought this vidya user, you can have it for 5 bucks but I won't tell you what it is beforehand"
>"buy" it
>it's pic related

She bought it because I read the book together with my parents. Really good shit.

>mom is psychotic and irrational but immensely loving and defensive
>start getting really into games as a kid
>she bitches at me relentlessly because I "don't go outside" and "don't do anything"
>start making friends and hanging out with them all the time, would just ride my bike out to their house and stay until sunset
>she bitches and complains to me that "I'm never home" and she's worried with me being out alone around dark, also claims all my friends are not good influences and their parents are trash
>go back to playing video games all the time but now online is a thing so I claim I'm playing with my friends while staying home
>she still is upset and has weekly breakdowns crying and demanding hugs saying she loves me
I think I understand now why my dad left; moms are fucking crazy

Sounds like it's just your mom.

>tfw no yandere mommy

My buddy played it and said it was decent. Find a no commentary vid and post it if you have the time.

>image of some shit from an anime

Your mom sounds like she has Borderline Personality Disorder.

t. Diagnosed BPD very well versed with the disorder.

Read the symptoms and see if it fits.

Yo. Sup Forums. Sup fag? Tell me what yandere memes. means*

A trillion years with google.

>mom gets me n64 and glover
>she plays it while I watch and she breaks controller due to rage and I cry
>dad got me turok and I watched him play

I wasn't allowed to play games until I was 12.

Which one was the homocide?

>Be me
>About 9
>Love vidya
>Mom doesn't get it
>Still tries her best to be supportive
>Asks me questions about what games I like
>Get home from school one day
>She says she got a game for us to play together
>Open it
>pic related

Thanks Mom.

Dad strangled my mom, then shot himself in the head.

Unfortunately yes, she did. She did the whole "If you're home playing video games I know you're safe" bullshit and now I'm pretty much an autistic shut-in with no friends.


>tfw your mom is the biggest bro ever.

Thanks user's mom


I can't even bring myself to make a joke about the homo-cide.

I'm sorry for all the shit you've been through user.

>Game was Earthbound
What a shitty mom

Better than being that autistic kid that hangs out at the mall.

Be real, dude. You were never gonna have any friends.

It's sucks but my grandma raised me. It's like having a wrinkly mom.

>Mum insults me and friends regularly for playing videogames
>Join field hockey and play for half a year
>Mum actually turns up
>Insult me and team whole trip home
I thought she hated the games, joke's on me though

My mom got me ALttP.
Thanks Mom.



I had three PC games growing up and a PS2 with only one game. Warcraft 3, Age of Empires 2, and Sims 3, with Godzilla on the PS2. Also a Gameboy Advance with pokemon and a bag of b-tier games plus golden sun that got left at a hockey arena my family volunteered at.

On the one hand I didn't get any other games til I had a High School Job but the games I had kicked ass.

My mom went to arcades before I was born so yes
She beat all of f-zero gx easily as well

My mom has always disliked my video game hobby, but was also extremely supportive of my dungeons and dragons, magic the gathering, and other such tabletop game hobby. Never really understood why.

Yeah I know

Justifiable homicide. No court of law would give you more than a 10 year sentence

TV rots your brain user

how old are 60 year olds?

>video games

Gonna need an explanation of Godzilla's gameplay. Extra features. etc. etc.

Also did you play online?

Yep. Pretty much whatever game I wanted, she would buy it. She never cared about ratings, I don't think she even knows that video games have ratings.

Well she was the one that bought me the games so I'd assume so

>mom occassionally buys me games and rarely gives me shit for playing too much vidya
>never shows much interest in what I play though
>never plays herself
>get her pic related once because she did a diving course and I figured it was worth a try
>she never touched it

And that was the last time I tried to get her into gaming. I do also remember her playing Star Wars Rogue Leader once, crashing the ship into the desert of Tatooine a few times.

And you're under 18 in actual years.

I want to fuck your mom

Please tell me she's slim with long brunette/black hair and white


Should have replied...

I was pretending to be retarded. Dumbasses

probably because those games encourage socialization with other people while many video games don't


Tried to get my mom into picross a couple weeks ago because she likes puzzles. She stopped mid tutorial and said whats the point.

Again thanks for the You I was pret3nding


>13 and the n64 comes out
>ask my mom for it for Christmas and she starts screaming how I'm a lazy good for nothing piece of shit
>start mowing lawns and doing various work around the neighborhood (painting fences etc) to save up money to buy it
>finally have enough after around a year of saving. Buy an N64 and OoT, super hyped to play it
>fall In love with it. Start rushing home from school to play it every day
>come home one day and it's gone
>mom says I've been playing too much vidya and that she sold it to teach me a lesson
>I start crying and at least ask her for the money back
>"now it wouldn't be really much of a lesson if I just gave you the money back, would it user?"
>later find out she had sold it for drug money
I remember one year my Christmas present was a can of beans. The next morning I woke up and my mom was passed out drunk/high on the couch with the can of beans open and half eaten.

My mom loved the N64, so I had one growing up and played Mario Kart 64 all the time.

My mom was too busy buying alcohol instead of getting me anything.

>"user these video games are clearly affecting your grades"
>"No more until your grades improve"


Your mom was an epic troll

Nah just 1v1 with my brother or AI. It was just one of those beatem-up games where you'd have a map and could pick stuff up to beat the other guy up with and some terrain damage stuff like tanks would show up in the city and you could grab buildings to break over the other monster's head. Also a bunch of the characters randomly had wrestling moves which was hilarious.

Sick. Was it always fun or would you drop it for a few months due to boredom?

I refuse to believe this.
I just can't wrap my head around the thought of a bad mother. Yes, I'm spoiled.

>just because my life is easy, everyones life has to be easy

>he let vidya affect his grades

At least he didnt suck dick in the boy's bathroom

People can have terrible mothers. Mine's a psychotic raging alcoholic that mentally abused me growing up.

Yes, though I don't know how. My parents were esl janitors but somehow we had an NES at launch, a Sega Genesis, and Playstation. I always got a new game on holidays, but if I did well on my report card, I could get a discount game from a bargain bin (pic related)
Unfortunately my brothers were assholes and pawned every console and game we ever had, so I ended up reading books instead. Didn't play many games again until I got a pc.

My mom really likes SSX: Tricky and Animal Crossing. She used to put quite a bit of time into the copy of Wild World that I got her. Also we have played SSX together since it came out. She'd always get me games I wanted, although I almost never wanted more. I tended towards games that ate a lot of hours like Pokemon and Dragon Quest so it was not frequent that I'd ask for anything. My mom never in her life had a problem with games or any of my hobbies. My mom was an 80s rebel teen and she was a pot/cocaine dealer when I was growing up. She didn't exactly do a lot of traditional moralizing.

I mom beat Ocarina of Time because she bought it for me and my brother, but we didn't really understand how to play, so she'd actually progress through the game and we'd just fuck around with the new items she was getting.

Years later and now it's my favorite game.

Furthermore, she'd come watch me play Red Dead Redemtion sometimes because she said the sound of the horse galloping reminded her of Zelda.

Why would your brothers pawn shit?

Your mom's literally less casual than you

what the fuck

No. My mom was a cunt.

>don't ask me for video games ever
>what do you want for your birthday user, why do you always say you don't know?

Oh well, joke's on her. Moved out 9 years ago haven't spoken to her since.

My mom played a bunch of stuff herself. Her favorites were Tetris, FF1, LttP, Lufia 1 & 2, BoF 1 & 2, Earthbound and Mario RPG. She was always playing or replaying one of them. For whatever reason she was intimidated by CD tech and never moved on from 16-bit stuff.

If only I had the chance to do that.

For drugs and women. My parents did their best, but my brothers are really fucking stupid.

>have more memories of my mom being drunk/high on prescription medication than not
>gets upset when i tell her this
women am i right

Link to article in local paper or it didn't happen.

my mom hated that i loved video games

>mom doesn't buy her son shit that are proven to cause harm
>still wants to gift him something else
>son pays her back by not talking to her anymore

You're a good boy.

>remember going to the local mcdonalds and playing mario party on the N64 kiosk with my brother


Yea, she'd 360noscope me in CoD, then teabag me

It was very embarrassing

I cant find it

happened october 28 1998 but i dont think we have newspaper archives

i live in a relatively small city in northwestern ontario

My mom did this with both Pikmin and Animal Crossing. Thought they were cute.
She's a sweetie

>Play starcraft all day
>mom comes into the room
>"MY LIFE FOR AUIRE" or whatever the fuck
>mom asks wtf he's saying
>explain that I have no clue
>a few days later
>mom comes home and gives me a strategy guide for the game

My mom's pretty cool.

>mom never really showed physical affection
>wasn't ok with vydia but let me play anyways
>all she wanted from me was to be competent in everything and be the best above all
>father never really cared for me much either
>nor gave too much affection
>all he ever did was get drunk
>tfw being a kissless virgin doesn't bother me as I have been physically starved all my life

Actually now I dislike human contact.

>screen time allowance of 10 hours per week
>spent it all on gaming
>kids made fun of me for not knowing anything about TV
>wrote an essay to convince her that halo wasn't too violent, it worked
>incentivized good grades with game rentals
All things considered, she handled it pretty well

I can show you physical affection with my dick

you had good parents, desu.
how'd you end up here?

fuck, that image got me hard

Yet you would unironically blow a muscular black man if given the chance....


>tfw autistic and react badly to being touched

Why you gotta bring the gay in you, user?

He fucked up and fell down the porn rabbit hole

Probably started on Sup Forums when his friend started talking about how he must leik mudkipz in 2006

My mom gifted me a Wii U this year and I was able to hack it and pirate a ton of games

Can I expect Ash's death soon?

Ash will never get replaced atleast i hope not


does she know you're gay and want to be a little girl

No fault of theirs, that's for sure. They tried as best they could but I ended up an underachieving degenerate anyways. Working on turning it around but I won't quit this shithole, it's been too long.
not too far off

>be around...what, 8? 9?
>go to cousin's house
>play super pitfall on NES
>think its great
>ask mom if she'll get it for me
>she instead buys me the sega master system
>no idea why she did this
>still picture her face as she held it our in her hands, huge smile, eyes wide with anticipation
>react like a little shit
>run away into room screaming and crying because it's not super pitfall
>lock self in room and scream for hours
>fall asleep
>wake up
>mom still lets me have the sega master system
>play it and its great (of course)
>lots of time with hang-on and safari
>never apologized to mom
>even if I did now I doubt she'd remember

jesus christ I feel bad about it to this fucking day

People talk like Sup Forums is the worst

I have major depressive disorder and this place makes me laugh multiple times a day

Sup Forums is fucking dope

I dont even care. I could be in the middle or public and just burst out laughing remembering something retarded i saw on Sup Forums

this place is good and always was and probably always will be

My mom hung out in arcades a lot as a teen, so she was fine with it and would even play games with me sometimes.
She can still get to the Kill Screen on Pac-Man because the AI is ingrained into her memory.
I posted a JoJo video onto memebook last year and she wanted to see what the hell it was. Now she's so into it that she even read the manga.

I hope you don't associate with her anymore.

Damn straight. /r9k/ fuckin' put something in the water. Please stop with the reddit-spacing though.