Bring back something interesting from Craigslist

Bring back something interesting from Craigslist

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Is it worth it Sup Forums?

If you want to play retro games, sure.

I've got one of those in the room upstairs plugged into a N64 and PS1.


Nothing interesting in the vidya section except scalpers trying to recoop losses on shit systems lmao, or controllers prolly coated in jizz.

I thought this was kinda cool because of the way these monitors looked in school. Something about the neon transparency made it look really high tech to me back then.

Oh shit I'm in Pensacola

My middle school used the same monitors.

Nice bruh

>I have a game for it
>not gonna include it

What a fuckass.

People who sell animals via craigslist should be shot on the spot.

You can do better in the free section. good CRTs all over, at least, in my area (Maine)

I found a mac mini for $50... worth it? Can you dual boot hackintosh on a PC?

The fuck? No. People who try to sell CRTs are delusional. They obviously want to get rid of it, it's big, bulky, heavy as fuck, and just takes up space. Just look in the free category.

>it's all licensed ds trash and rock band drums

got my hopes up for cool shit and everything.


That shit is worth it for a 15 dollar Wii alone. IDK wtf this shit is.

>shitty casio keyboards, no synths
>no guitar pedal effects, just a bunch of stratocasters
>hundreds of people trying to sell xbox ones
>CRTs are big TVs, no RGB PVMs or Monitors
>They want $200 for a Quadra 800 with no monitor and no System 7 floppies

Looks like a raspberry pi with a 3d printed case. probably has a bunch of emulators loaded on it


Seems like a hell of a loss for all the work needed to be put into making those things if thats the case. Shotty ass 3d printed shell that probably needs to be reprinted every time.


>console color matches the owner color

Fuck, I actually want it.

What even is that thing

I really shouldnt be talking since I bought an obviously stolen DS 7 years ago in high school for 30 dollars

He wants 100 bucks for it. Really still not a terrible deal if you're a lazy asshole, but I'm guessing you can get a Wii and do it yourself for much cheaper.

A Northwest Suburb bro?

Hoffman Estates.

>Just look in the free category.

Everything in the free catagory is broken. Just pay a few bucks to get something that isn't shit. You can probably haggle half the price off a cheap CRT

>Wants 100
>posts for 15 dollars
Why do retards do this.


So many options
>It is stolen and the person will sell it to you with no problems
>there is no console, they will try and rob you at some location they chose
>it is completely broken/gutted, but they will sell it to you no problem
>it's a scam trying to get you to go on some penny bid site

I live about 500 feet from Hoffman Estates in Inverness

How many times are you going to post this image with those exact words? are you actually the dude selling it? who am I kidding of course you are

Exactly twice, this is the second time. I'm sorry that you spend so much fucking time on Sup Forums that you can instantly remember every single post from every one of these threads.

To get you to click. Never expect the price listed to be the actual price.

I had a guy walk up to me on the street the other day attempting to sell me shopping bags filled with groceries. It didn't even occur to me that it was all stolen till he assured me that the groceries weren't stolen.

I feel sorry for anybody that needs to buy cheap stolen groceries

Fucking Atlants

I don't remember every post, only this one because it's so damned recent from the last so you're either advertising or being a bitch and if that's the case you clearly want it enough to be one post off it being spam so fucking buy it already.


Just gonna dump some shit I see in my city CL



>picture of a screen of an ebay auction with a picture of a game
>wants guns and gold


That's actually cheap for Conker. I tossed my cart only one on Craigslist this summer for $200CAD and it sold...

Actually a fair price. Might not be 5 bucks, but at 60, way better than you'll get at game stores or online sites.

I also found this, although I don't know the used switch market right now.

its clear that it was stolen

Likely stolen.

ah pensacola bro

not bad

pretty nice looking genesis

No charger, dock, cables or anything. This is what happens when you walk down the street playing bing bing wahoo

lots of slot machines and games no older than the wii era
but this was cool i guess

what's wrong with buying stolen goods?

Want some boxes, bro?

This. But would it be cheaper to buy it and then buy everything else?

It has everything though?

Good price if it has the foam, all the inserts, and manuals, too.

Yeah. Especially if you buy knockoff peripherals.


but if you're gonna buy something off of craiglist that was stolen
most likely it'll be a trap for you to get robbed too

>live in boring part of Louisiana
>check vidya section
>see this

Worth it lads?

Shit. Do want.

But what if my bid is an elaborate bait to rob the robber? Haven't thought of that one have you?

The dollar store down the street is selling that for 30 bucks

Maybe not a terrible price I think this shit is illegal in Canada

PS4 is $200, that car is probably worth a bit more than that in scrap but you lose money if you pay someone to haul it for you.

That seller is probably nigger cuz of a nigger infected shithole aka "Atlanta"

I have no idea

not bad for 85, only 15 extra... also dude is white so probably isnt stolen

>spending more than what it retails for from some random dude online

>$200 canada bucks
its not worth it

nothing interesting but someone's selling an oculus for 250

it needs way more than he's letting on. i can peep the rust on the radiator. distributor is about 150 but i can already tell that it's gonna be a car from hell my dear user

Way over priced, and how can illustrations be illegal

We're in a weird place

>Offers pick up in person
Looks like I'm getting a free Xbox One

This faggot has literally had these strategy guides listed for almost 10 years in Indianapolis. He keeps listing them over and over again. I wish his house would burn down. This infuriates me so much.

if its not lolicon it's not illegal.

He probably raided a gamestop or blockbuster dumpster a few years back

he probably thought their value would increase overtime

Sad thing is, this is not all of them, he has a literal stack of them, I guarantee you they're sitting in some moldy dusty garage or basement.

Theres a guy near me thats been trying to sell a printer at $25 for over 3 years. In almost every computer/electronics catagory. Some people just don't know when to give up.

This is pretty cool, although not $1,200 cool. I'll post a better image after this

How do I tell the real ones from the police Sup Forums

email him a link to gamefaqs and watch his whole world crumble

wow I can't read apparently

Message them and ask if they're police. They have to tell you.

Porn physically sold in Canada needs to be run past the government. The permits for each specific item being authorized (and correctly labeled showing they're authorized) are in the 10's of thousands of dollars. This simply isn't worth it for anything niche. There is no legitimate market for this stuff, it's all smuggled into Canada, and getting caught smuggling it in has serious life altering implications.

Isn't that literally an all in one Mac? It's not just a monitor.

It's $5 extra, the SNES sell for $80, so it's like $90 with tax so actually a decent deal.

No the studio display was styled like the imacs but was like meant to be used with early 2000 G3/G4 ppc machines of the same style. It's a nice triniton unit but weighs almost 200 lbs.

>collected by their ex-wife

Jesus, what a shitty monitor



i can't sell wiis for fucking 15 even anymore
i mean, its been a while since they were worth anything or popular.

and gamestop are assholes and want the fucking controller and memory card covers intact. most i find are without those.

Yo what area is this, my Switch was stolen a few weeks ago and it had those blue sleeves on the joycons