He spends all his points on STR

>he spends all his points on STR

I always put my points in luck

what the fuck is the budget for a single episode of current pokemon

Its the only way

Is this a movie or something?

>Spend tons of points in int for mad exp gain
>Game has a level cap you can reach easily without the bonus gain

Current, as in Sun&Moon? Zero.


It's a movie you dumbass.

>he spends all his points
>not doing a level 1 run

Is this where the XY animators went? The style is way too similar.


get outta here chaosfags

all the XY animators are working on SM
but yeah, they gave the movie the same artstyle as XY

why does he have charmando again?

>poke stands there for ten seconds to get grabbed
INTENSE. He also looks like a gay cat.

Compare and contrast to Dragon Ball Super

If we're going by game logic, Seismic Toss does the same amount of damage regardless of ATK. It's based on the level it is. So if Charmeleon was between lvl 16 and 36, and used Seismic Toss (which was a TM in RBY) it will do 16 to 36 damage.

Same animators, bigger budget. They're using the XY art style though for some reason.

what are you talking about Super is the pinnacle of animation

>not putting it all on dex
I'm looking at you, Matthew from Fire Emblem you beautiful broken son of a bitch

SM giving Ash balloons for hair was retarded. He looks like he's back to normal in OP's webm.

Why is Pokemon so gorgeous. There is no bad animation like ever.

Sun/Moon anime budget is a major improvement and the animation is much more fluid and smooth. Only downside is that Ash got an awkward design change if not all human characters in general. Well at lest for past characters after seeing Brock and Misty.

He did it on purpose for Blaze to activate.

Somehow people think it looks worse than ever.

>blaze the gay cat

since when ash got a meleon?

I’ve only done this in FO4 because I found out you can bang your companions and I wanted my guy to be a big muscle dude and bang twinkboi MacCready

Charizard's kid

Misty is the only good thing to come out of the new art style.

everything looks fine except for Misty
her eyes and hair are way worse than the original

i want to fuck her

>gets tossed straight to the ground
>opponent barrels 90 degrees towards his corner


There are good and bad episodes like any anime.
I recall a recent one in particular was a standoff between Ash, Pikachu (It might have been Litten), and an Alolan Persian.
Pikachu and Ash were static, the Persian had about 6 frames of movement it was repeating, and all three were on "islands" of ground that were shifting independently of one another.
And I don't mean islands as in areas with some sort of uncrossable terrain between them, I mean islands as in in-focus areas on otherwise flat ground.

that isn't impressive
and super is like negative budget

what one? Weird he's using a Charmaleon against a new pokemon especially since it never listened to him in the first place

>remake the OG
>don't give him a Clefairy
it would have been a cute callback

Did they literally go back in time?
Why is young misty here with charmeleon

the spins and flips in the air make no sense either

Question. Can I put all points into luck and beat Dark souls 3?

Why can't Steelix be this cool in the games?


No. He gets tossed at a slight angle.

... really? wow

When will Ash die

>that wink

>can see her blue bathing suit under her clothes

>that animation
>coupled with such absolutely awful character design on absolutely everything
It's so jarring.

this guy gets it.

Luck and agility, can’t die if they can’t hit me.

Probably because fucking everyone looks like a balloon, and Ash looks now like a mexican.
I have absolutely no idea who the fuck thought this was a good artstyle, but it's just laughable compared to what Pokemon used to be.

reimagining of the first season but with all the new generation shit added.

When his mom takes him off life support.

They can afford it since each episode is only 10 minutes long, with 10 minutes of recycled Team Rocket filler tacked on the end of each episode.

That looks like a doll or a robot.
It's so fucking lifeless it's almost creepy.

Wait so he has a new char?

because its turn based and you cant control the pokemon in a 3d space

>That movie that has Ash in the real world as a nightmare
It's all but confirmed at this point.

That looks terrible, it's so fucking obvious it's made by a computer and not drawn.
It's just sad that nobody puts any effort into animation these days.

alt universe movie

noncanon retelling of original adventure

Seriously, what the fuck happened.

why is this cat so fucking sexy

What purpose did those little lighting lines across his cheecks even fucking serve design wise.

What the fuck are these things.

Ash actually does have all his points in STR. He tossed a half-ton log like a god damn football

Kill yourself, furshit.

This doesn't look too bad, but it doesn't hold a candle to the original series.
The girls were so much better looking, too.

Blush lines, but for a non-cute male

She looks like she has FAS

Dunno, but Goku, Vegeta, Gohan etc have similar ones.

beanwashing our fucking beloved white cartoon characters, how fucking dare they.

Are you sure they are not whiskers?

Steelix's initial approach looks a little stiff but the rest is great. Get new eyes.

No, not really, sometimes it almost looks like it's a videogame instead of something drawn.
Digital animation is absolute cancer.


You can see in the images posted in this very thread that Ash has always been vaguely tan.

Take it back NOW

I don't think what Goku/Vegeta/Gohan has are the same. It's more of strengthening their cheeks.

Nah, she looks like shit.

The line under his eyes is his cheekbones.
The lines underneath those are scuff marks because he has been fighting.
Neither of these are whatever Ash has.

Original had garbage animation (borderline no animation) most of the time

At least the artstyle wasn't absolutely terrible.

Pokémon: I Choose You, it's a movie made for the 20th anniversary of the anime, it tells an alternate version of Ash's early adventures where his mission is to find Ho-Oh again instead of being a Pokémon Master, now featuring Alola and Sinnoh pokémon in Kanto/Jotho and new companions/rival that aren't Brock/Misty/Gary.

>>That movie that has Ash in the real world as a nightmare
wat movie

What? Stilted, jaggy reused animations? Characters that literally dont move unless theyre relevant to the current conversation? Muted, pale color pallet? Animations that are literally missing frames that make it look like charizard's head is flipping left and right? user I grew up with the original series. I fucking love it for how cheesy it can be. But take your nostalgia glasses off. Youre fucking insane if you think the original animation was better than the current. The art style you can bitch about however

Please move the Mega Stone.

Did Ash die yet

I will because it's computer made shit and doesn't even try making it look otherwise.
There's times where it even looks like some 3D show.

It's a mixture of 3d animation for middleground shots and hand drawn animation for closeups.

Again, it looks stiff in places sure but overall it not only works but it looks better than 95% of the fight scenes from previous seasons.

>Not maxing out STR AND DEX

damn that animation is sexy

No, but Lusamine got kidnapped by an Ultra Beast in a slow and horrifying montage with sad music. Lillie made the best suffer face.

He has a Charmeleon again?

>so creatively bankrupt they are doing alternate universes
I still don't understand how the show became a thing in the first place.
I remember watching the first season when I was a kid and it was so fucking boring with countless episodes that went absolutely nowhere.

>Being such an animation purist that you want people to forgo the use of modern technology just because

lol stop

The one where Pikachu talks.

I think it's Pokemon: I Choose You! The same one that has PIkachu speaking english. There's a scene that replicates the first episode in which Ash wakes up but this time he's late for Professor Oak's science class or some shit.

Alt-world movie where he starts his journey fresh


Because it looks like 3D trash?
There's absolutely no effort or talent put into digital animation, only thing it does is make it jarring when you have obvious 3D objects moving around otherwise 2D enviroments.

pokemon always had decent animation for a long running show

check one piece if you want to see real horror

>naked sword
What is this? All I got was gay porn sites. Also a naginata is not a sword.

>all that absolute lack of detail in anything
Seriously, did they just decide to kill all the artists they had?
And do they actually think smearing everything with CGI lightning is good?