I just downloaded this on Steam and am playing it with a controller. Feels so wrong. Even if I plug it into my TV it feels wrong. Also connecting it to the TV is a pain in the ass rather than just firing up your console and being ready to go. Playing games on console just feel so much better. I won't even be getting any trophies for this shit... just stupid Steam achievements that nobody gives a fuck about. Eh, oh well.
Games that don't feel right on PC
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Like anybody gives a shit about your achievements and trophies lmao. Just play the game faggot
go play your console you fucking homo
That's nice, while you play your game on console, I'll enjoy it at whatever resolution I want, including 21:9
Is this genuinely how console player view PC games?
What the fuck?
Trophies, really, is that really your go to, holy shit man
Playing games without framerate drops feels wrong.
But the human eye can't even see past 1080p
Then explain how life renders in 4k30fps, retard
i have a pc too lol. but some games just dont feel right on it.
>I won't even be getting any trophies for this shit... just stupid Steam achievements that nobody gives a fuck about
This list just proves you're a fucking casual
I can't even tell if you're pretending at this point, too deep man
How the fuck does it "feel wrong" if it's exactly the same thing when you're using a controller and a TV?
So fps drops and input lag "feels right" then?
It’s literally all in your head you autistic dolt. Everyone else can see it’s the superior version of the game. Enjoy your TV latency and shitty resolutions, child.
It's true hard-mode, only achievable by shit hardware.
It probably feels wrong because it doesn't make u feel PC masterrace like every other turd gurgler on this board.
>not just limiting your framerate to 20 fps
I have that same feeling.
I just use the pc to play fps and play other kind of games on console, since fps or resolution isn't a big thing to me.
you're dumb
Nice! But you need to add some color to your game m8
is that a real port? lol jesus. i wonder how many kids tormented themselves by playing through the whole thing too. i never even managed to beat lair of the blind ones on N64 (it was too big and I got lost, could never figure it out, second time my memory card got corrupted I said fuck it). i cant even begin to imagine going through it looking like that, holy shit
In modern society we have the technology to choose retardation
Neat, is that a mod?
Please tell me, if your PC games are so good, why are you shilling on this website instead of playing them?
Oh thats right, you don't enjoy the games, you enjoy the perception that u r the master race of gamers. Have fun with some of the shittiest whiniest communities gaming has ever seen!
Are you okay, user?
No, I just lowered the resolution to minimum and capped the framerate at 10 fps on the PC port. The remaster.
this. modern peecucks are just a bunch of reddit memers 2bh
Why did you quote yourself
>is that a real port?
No it looks like the HD remaster with the res scaling set really low along with him setting a really low FPS cap.
Beat me to it figured that is what you were doing.
my cat just broke up with its boyfriend and were sitting here watching legally blonde bawling our eyes out.
What do you think motherfucker?
>Please tell me, if your PC games are so good, why are you shilling on this website instead of playing them?
I could ask you the same thing don't you have a 50th playthrough of Bloodborne or 900 piles of Korok shit to be collecting in BotW?
Why dont you have a rebuttal
If you enjoy your console games so much why are you here bitching about pc games?
>This thread
Turn on V-Sync, force the pre-rendered frames to 1 in your drivers.
Link to said reshade? I was on the fence about buying it but now seeing it supports 21:9 and the reshade mod, I'm pretty much convinced.
dude what connecting it to a tv is literally the same as a console you just plug in the cord
>inb4 only pretending to be retarded
>assuming i enjoy any games
There hasn't been a game with good single player and multiplayer since 2009 and until then i won't buy a game.
see the above. At least they're having fun, you twats spend actual currency on virtual cosmetics to show off to the other conceded ass pipes. could not be more elitist
As a PC bro, I'm envious of Sonyfriends and all the unconditional love Sega has been showing them. Yakuza Zero, Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza 6 soon, Project Diva, Persona 5, Puyo Puyo Tetris, and soon Valkyria Chronicles 4.
B-but hey, at least I got Bayonetta and Vanquish after 7 years.
I don't remember, I've had it since release which was many months ago. Just google it.
Thanks, user. Can you confirm 21:9 works well? I browsed the steam forums and some people are saying it's not supported.
Just a heads up, 21:9 requires you to set a registry entry that Sega provides in the game files.
Games feel more fun when they come out of colorful boxes like magic. It has nothing to do about the actually quality of the gaming experience.
Bayonetta and Vanquish in 1080p/60FPS and above didn't exist before the PC release, you may have waited seven years for them but people who don't play on PC are still waiting.
Hey man, you also got Sonic Lost World and Forces. Be Proud.
B-but all those games I listed before are not playable at 1080p60FPS and above, and likely won't be anytime soon. So are you telling me that it's better for me to wait than play the games now? Actually, why the fuck do I even have to wait?
Hahah, yeah. Sonic rocks, I guess.
There's nothing to rebut, are you saying that was some sort of argument?
oh the irony
>creates a thread exclusively to snidely put over consoles over PCs, as a shilling troll would
>accuses the obligatory flames in response to a blatant troll/shill of being made by shills
fuck you
>if Sony games are so good why are they shilling here
>posting on here now means nobody enjoys video games
go be retarded somewhere else
Sure, here's a WebM in 2560x1080 (1080x540)(Half)
>could not be more elitist
Its true, OP is a faggot.
forgot hud was off. the hud remains in the 16:9 box area, not sure if there's a fix for that.
>when you make your own consoles but decide to port every game of yours to every competing system like the NES and PC but then curbstomped by Sony and then you release games exclusively for Sony consoles with PC versions coming YEARS later
Classic Sega.
It was developed for the 360 actually, ps3 version still has issues
Thanks, the HUD issue isn't that big of a deal. I've encountered it plenty of times with games supporting 21:9.
>Decide to give it a go on PC
>Framerate is all over the place no matter what settings I put it at
Literally every game in my library runs perfectly on high settings or better, what the fuck is this game's problem
Because I can play them and shill on this site at the same time.
It's actually surprising how many games support 21:9 either natively or with simple mods. Hell even Sonic Adventure 2, a port of a Dreamcast game from 2001, supported ultrawide out of the box.
Weirdo. What kind of women logic is this. "Feels wrong". Fucking hell.
Works fine on my machine
Epic bait thread you have here, would be a shame if Sup Forums had mods
So Yakuza and shit like that don't exist? I swear, most of the PS4's library exists only because of Sega.
Oh wow, I can't wait for this thread to hit reply cap.
It also makes experiencing all the shitty writing and janky animations even more fun.
>playing a better version is worse
Next you'll be telling me that the PS3 version is playable.
Yeah not having stuff popping in at your feet makes it feel wrong.
MGSV felt wrong no matter what you played it on.