Sup Forums I'm moving and need a new computer chair. Please tell me what you sit in

Sup Forums I'm moving and need a new computer chair. Please tell me what you sit in.

where did you get that picture of me OP?

Sup Forums is an 18+ website

>Bananna chairs

I hated those fucking things so much.

filth and squalor

My bed. Yes I am a fully grown adult who lives alone and uses his PC from his bed.



Nothing, I just squat all day.

when i was a teen my mom got me one of those for xmas, she was so excited for me cause it had audio and a rumble feature and everything but it was possibly the most uncomfortable thing ever designed. i felt bad that it was so expensive and she thought i would love it so much that i forced myself to use it for months until my back had gotten so bad that i had to start taking painkillers.

Same, i have it connected to a big 4k tv at the end of my bed and have a wireless trackball mouse

Did you keep using it?

My ass is so fat I broke the fuck shit out of this cheap ass chair

hey that is the EXACT chair I use

I've had chairs similar to this through the years and they all ended up crackling on the armrests and seats. Is this just inevitable from cheapness?

my dad got that pos for his office and it was being held together by duct tape within 2 years, he's not even fat

My own feces.


>My old roommate left one of these things with me moving out

It is legitimately the most uncomfortable thing I've ever used and the sound isn't even surround.

Get one that doesn't require the arm rests to attach the seat and back together. That way you can throw them away. Seriously arm rest are bad for you.

I've been sitting on the same shitty Wal-Mart office chair for over a decade

Not only has they cushioning in the chair formed to fit my ass, the shape of my ass has evolved to accommodate the chair.

My ~130lb skeleton brother managed to break one too.

I'm pretty sure it's inevitable, as long as you constantly use it.

>mfw I'm not alone

my mom eventually asked why i was guzzling ibuprofen all the time and i told her it was the chair. she sat down in it and all it took was 5 seconds for her to start profusely apologizing.


I was using a shitty fake leather chair like for like 5 or 6 years. I just bought pic related today.

Those cheap bonded leather chairs' ass cushions go flat in like 1 month and the leather shit starts peeling after a few years. No idea how long this mesh stuff lasts, but at least it will stay pretty soft. If the mesh starts sagging there's room under it between the air cylinder to put a cushion, so whatever.

Meme chair.

this is what i'm in right now and my back is dying.

I know but I actually like mine, I can set it so that I always sit straight and have my arms at the right height

Picked it up from OfficeWorks here in Oz. Good price and comfy. There is better out there but I like it.

also it makes me itchy as fuck i hate it so much. i just want to game shirtless but i break out into hives whenever i do

some staples executive thing it was pretty cheap

kinda sucks desu

can confirm. If you want to stop slouching like a little bitch get this and some extra lumbar support

Nobody buts these they are just given away to YouTube ecelebs.

why.. just looking at that chair makes my back hurt. those are the types of chairs you use on a balcony or in the outdoors.

Aww that's adorable. How long did it take to that point? Six months?

You better get her something for Christmas

>using lawn furniture indoors anywhere but a sunroom

Name something trashier than this. You fucking can't.

That's exactly what it is user. mom got it so my sister wouldn't make a mess on our fabric chairs and once my sister grew out of spills i just took it. i never used it to game until this month when i built a new desk and realized my tragic mistake.

Now you can get a sterilization while heating your Hot Pockets!

idk what this is but i got it like 5 or 6 years ago on sale at office max, it's still comfy, the mesh cover is definitely way better than the pleather crap, i can sit in it for hours and my ass doesn't even break a sweat

One of these

Thinking of getting a chair for Cyber Monday too. Would a budget of 60 buck get me a good chair?

the budget for good starts at 300

Quality chair that's for sure. Back felt better after this purchase. Plus it looks good.

Well, how about one that won't suck hairy donkey balls

ikea markus (buy both and swap the leather arm rests to the cloth one, then return the leather one)

Just got mine. Few advice:
Get the C size.
Fully adjustable arms are not worth the money.
You want tilt limiter and seat angle.
You want lumbar support.

huh, anyone else hear that noise? that creak from the extremely cheap pressurized cylinder created in a country known for extremely lax quality control, pointed directly at your lower intestine

there it was again, that creak

I'm 26 and find that when I sit straight for a long time I have an uncomfortable pain in my lower/mid back. But when I slouch it doesn't really go away either unless I lean back into the chair.

Is my back fucked? How do I fix this?

this post took longer than expected to show up

Core exercise

Workout your core go to the gymn

The simplest answer is usually the best. Used this design chair for 4+ years and I've had no problems with it, aside from some creaking.

people aren't supposed to sit for long periods of time, just get up and walk around for a minute once in a while and it won't happen as often.

Markus from Ikea. Can recommend. Tried and true, comes in different colors, lots of people use it. So many in fact that I feel like a filthy normie now and again.

unironically just stand. it's better in pretty much every possible way

jesus fucking shit now i have to go sit on the couch until i forget about this

good luck getting to the couch when the floor is lava

Boogie, is that you?


I haven't been to the gym in 3 years. My day is spent sitting in the office, then going home and sitting in front of the computer shitposting on Sup Forums. Guess I'll google core workouts this new year's resolution then. Might be time to get in shape and pick up a GF too.

thats the spirit, hit up /fit/ and before you know it youll have a boyfriend


what depresses me is id kill to have any sort of drive or passion, even if it was pathetic. i cant bring myself to be interested in anything

somebody help

Fucking Amazon.
Dodged a bullet right there.

Why did she start apologising? It's your own stupid fault you sat in a shit chair so much you ruined your back. Maybe if you'd told her sooner she could have actually returned it or sold it and gotten a better one.

You're not alone

join the wonderful of plastic robots user.

cooler than trains dumber than video games.

Basically this but stuck in permanent leaning mode
And it's fucking killing me right now

I just sit on the floor with my sofa on my back and a i have one of those small living room tables thats at the perfect height

Whatever you do, don't buy a dxracer

I forked over like $400 for one of those fucking things and it's just a normal ass chair, it's not particularly comfortable, there is nothing special about it. I fully believe every single one of those faggot youtubers and twitch streamers who go on about how the chair is so comfortable have been paid off or bribed buy the company to provide advertising.

If you can, what you really should do is buy a lounge/sofa chair and put that in front of your PC monitor. That's the only real comfort. Maybe even try a beanbag chair.

Get into a hobby you think is even remotely cool.

Want to experience nature? Go hiking or buy a forested plot of land to do "primitive technology" stuff in when you have nothing else you need to be doing.

Want to experience flight and join a large number of people? Get into paramotors, or maybe get into FPV drones/RC.

At the very least, the above two communities have fairly large, tightly knit communities that should be able to keep you interested past the honeymoon stage of the hobby.

Seriously, to me, it sounds like you need friends more than anything else. I've fallen into the same spot but the people I've met doing racing drone stuff so far have been really nice and makes me want to get far deeper into the hobby.

iunno, i considered it but i decided the only thing id fine funny is hotglueing them and posting there, and thats a lot of money for just that

>Want to experience nature?
>Want to experience flight and join a large number of people?

I got mine for 200 and I think the adjustabilty is pretty good

>He uses chairs
How fat are you guys?

I sit cross legged and slouched over on my bed and keep the mouse and keyboard at knee level

Hey do you use the little back cusion thing that you're supposed to hook up to it with the straps? I gave that a solid try and it was uncomfortable as fuck having this thing in your back while you're trying to lean backwards and relax like pic related.

uncultured swine the plastic model is not for lewd!!

Me again, I'd you can't go to the gym do planks, Superman hold and side planks for a minute. Do them for a week and increase time.

Unfortunately like any muscles gained if you stop long enough it'll go away and you'll have back pain again

It's not a bad chair (fully adjustable, lean, lumbar support, etc.) it's just woefully overpriced and gaudy.

People who blindly hate on it are just as bad as shills desu.

not so much for lewd, itd be more so getting it into the joints and crevices and then reselling them on the buy and sell threads there

Not that guy but I want lewd are there porn figurines?

>so many armrest users itt
i don't get it, it just feels so uncomfortable to have things in the way of my elbows

It's literally the Watch_Dogs of chairs

thats like 50% of the market

My computer chairs keep breaking after 2 years.
I'm tempted to buy one of those over priced gamer chairs just in hopes it lasts a bit longer.


Honestly if you tell me I have to constantly do exercising to make the pain go away, my back probably got too fucked up over the years. But I guess that's my fault and I'm paying for it now.

Thanks for the tips, user. I need to find motivation in my life again. I'm not depressed, but I'm living sedentary with no direction.

Why has nobody unironically designed a chair like this?
A little bit of lounge chair, a little bit of desk chair, and a lot of single person living room chair.
Seeing as I practically live at my computer it could at least be a comfortable experience.

I dunno, to me it's not uncomfortable when I'm just sitting straight in front of the PC. When I want to slouch, I sometimes remove the cushions and angle the back support.

they can be if you build them that way

I don't know, I got it out of a dumpster.


Big promises, loads of hype, but when it came out it was just a completely mediocre GTA style game with gimmicks

>Buy chair from a country with extremely lax quality control
>Live in country where I can sue for anything

I dunno, if my ass gets lacerated by my chair then I get to win the NEET lottery

I'm saying the chair isn't mediocre, just overpriced.

send help desu

But it is mediocre. It's a functional chair that won't actively cause you but there's nothing special about it that you can't get from most other chairs.
