>tfw not creative enough for minecraft to be fun
>tfw just create perfectly square, symmetrical houses
Tfw not creative enough for minecraft to be fun
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I feel you bro. This is why I only gather resources when playing with friends
this game is literally made for autists like you
>start huge project
>gather loads of resources
>build several auto-farms
>build maybe 5% of the build and quit playing for a year
this, especially during modded playthroughs where they wanna build with all the new blocks and shit im just like "ok ill go mine i guess"
>tfw not creative enough for minecraft to be fun
Stop living in your friends's shadow and do your owns shit you cockbucket.
I feel fucking miserable if others have a full vision of something that must be done and i have to just do it. To me it's like i have no part in it. The solution is to do your own design, and maybe trying to connect it somehow with the other designs.
It sucks if you legitimately do not know what to build. I'm functionally retarded when it comes to design, so everything I make looks shitty or subpar
I've got the creativity to build or modify builds, but I don't have anyone to show any of it off to, so there's no point.
I posted on the forums why it wasn't working my toaster, and some dude literally says "it's because it's a toaster"
Look up Minecraft Home Design. Its rather old and out of date to the current version but it will explain some basic design concepts to make things not ugly.
Some basic tips are to build bigger than you think you'll need. Reason being is that thick outer walls help with concealing redstone and other things you may need to add later and give a better look to doors. Same for floors, make them a few blocks thick not just one. Also build from the inside out, don't start with walls and try to work in. Also carpet hides glowstones for secret lighting so you don't have to crap up the place with torches.
I know that feel
>make something cool on the server
>everyone stops playing the day after
I tend to just carve into a mountain side or find a village, build a wall around it, and make some kind if house on the middle.
I've always like how normal stone and grass blocks look together so i make temple looking homes.
>when you are the gatherer/looter of the group but your buildfag friends progress to the point of using quarries and your job becomes obsolete
this is why I do Terraria instead
What's the best version to play if I've hated the game ever since hunger?
Modern versions usually have a mod that remove hunger
1.4.2 with a fuckton of autist engineering mods.
>not building treehouses, underwater houses, and subterranean/cave bases with automated farming
OP physically incapable of playing vanilla survival Minecraft in a way that's actually fun
Just do what I do user. make the most offensive thing you can imagine, I made a nazi temple with a giant state of Hitler on the spire of the roof, with gas chambers in the basement
It has a lot of options but the idea is that you can set hunger to fuck off and food functions like it use to and just heals you like the old days.
Get classic combat + hunger removal mods. I personally like the hunger system but classic combat is a must have.
>tfw not creative enough
>this game is literally made for autists like you
Actually, the game was made specifically for the opposite kind of autist, autist.
I like the resource collecting but succ dicc at the building because I'm not creative.
My wife hates resource collecting but is great at building and design and such, so we just play together and play the roles that we actually enjoy. It works pretty well.
tiny village coming along
Actually I've heard that despite its rep, autistic kids don't really like Minecraft because being placed in an open world with no clear instructions or end goal is apparently super frustrating to them
So how come they don't realise real life is the exact same and kill themselves?
Have you ever met an autistic person? They are stubborn as shit. It's usually a case of "I want it both ways at all times" with them. They wouldn't commit suicide because they'd be too busy complaining/demanding that things be made better for them.
Pol and Craft is the best minecraft server for severe autism with pol memesters, Join now at pol-andcraft.com and start your journey on the road of autism. But watch out! The flood is rising! OY VEY! its like anodda shoah!
There is an actual autistic server specifically for autistic people. It may depend on the level of autism, but the game itself follows a rule set and properties so that may be enough for most.
I'm no professional but the best way I can explain it is there are 2 kinds of autism: Creative and Productive.
The people you are talking about are Productive autists, These are usually seen in speedrunning.
Then there are creative autists, such as myself. These are usually the autists we refer to when talking about Minecraft, as being in an open world with a limitless world and all the creation tools required, they make scale replica's of massive builds like OP's image for example.
I just copy/paste real life structures to the best of my ability and when they don't look even half as good as the real thing I add some bizarre details and say it's my unorthodox artistic rendition of the building. Or at least I would if I had anyone to show them to.
you can always show them on /vg/ or the threads that crop up here.
Post Skins
I don't play brown bricks game but isn't there really rare shit that you can't just farm super easy? Like you need to dig deep and explore to get the diamonds and shit right?
The world isn't ready for my autistic brutalist candy land. I've been adding to it continually for 5 years.
Diamonds can be quarried easily.
Very few mods add minable resources that can't be quarried in some way or another.
There's still stuff like dungeon loot, which isn't as helpful but can have some good things, or mob drops, which can also be farmed aside from odd case mobs
It's very easy to replace the job of a hunter/gatherer/miner/looter in MC because the modding base is full of people who think the game should be about making the game play itself.
anyone want to play on ps4?
>the modding base is full of people who think the game should be about making the game play itself.
It's an autism time sink so that's not surprising that they would make it worse.
Does anyone else hate these outcroppings? I feel like they'd be awesome to build stuff in, but unless you light the hell out of the mountaintops, mobs just keep falling in to your fenced off sections below.
i only ever played this game in creative mode with unlimited stuff to build shit like huge bridges, forts, and houses. then they had to go and start the "rpg" mode shit and i dropped it.
My favorite thing to do in servers is make my own little shop, but most of the time they don't use a shopsigns add-on because "muh vanilla" so it's kinda hard to maintain without a currency
>Uncreative friend brings back a bunch of random shit
>Put together all my autism processing machines
>Spit out a fucking flight suit and a laser and give it to him first so he can have some fun
>look out side half an hour later and the entire landscape looks like the aftermath of nagasaki
I worry for him sometimes.
>End up building an entire town with inns, taverns and personal homes.
>Always end up with an empty silent hill vibe because theyre on single player maps.
>tfw can't play games like this because I need the game to give me a goal instead of making one up myself
Try finding something you enjoy making. I'm garbage at houses, but instead make fancy gardens and farms and animal huts while my friends work on the house. I once made a cool indoor farm for emergency supplies.
I wanna chill out and build some comfy stuff but the lack of a meta game is pretty boring and i've played terraria a bunch already. Are there any solid landscape generation presets out there? Amplified seems too extreme.
I think they all do at some point.
Symmetry seems to come from limits on what can be done. If there are no limits there's less requirement for symmetry. Symmetry does come at some point, but it doesn't have to be in such a small scale necessarily.
i havent played this game in ages but did they ever add some ways to create your own vehicles (other than minecarts) like an airship or something?
I'm also quite drunk possibley functionally retarded in most areas, at this time at least. So take with a grain of salt.
>tfw make a house with a ninja-style escape system in case someone breaks in.
>tfw it's useless because the house is in a singleplayer game.
>tfw no servers that are just no-hunger survival mode without p2w jewery.
>tfw I used to post my server IP on Sup Forums and it would get filled within a minute
>shit would get super comfy and we all built a village
>we would roleplay jobs which ended up being productive
still friends with many of them on steam.
Build a ceiling
There are plenty of modpacks that have questbooks in them that give you things to do and reward you for doing them. Usually involves you working your way through figuring out how different mods work
>being a cuck In minecraft
Mods have airships and shit
>buildfags thinking they are anything but the housewives of the MC world
>buildlet in building game can't build for shit
>calls his superiors housewives
get over yourself soyboy
>used to join random survival servers
>looked for holes to make comfy homes out of
>somehow this fascinated people and wanted to join me in what is basically became an ant-style burrow system
>would get bored after a day or two, take a break from MC for a week
>hop on a new server and do it all over again
I fucking hate that people prefer the servers with a rank progression system, really ruined SMP for me.
What ruins Minecraft houses for me is the constant need for lighting everywhere because of the bad mob spawn system. The day they made spiders scale walls and the day they made Endermen exist basically sucked a lot of fun from the idea of building a house for me
how slav do you have to be to not be able to run minecraft
spiders are easily preventable, but the lighting thing is true, you're basically forced to place ugly torches everywhere unless you want a surprise creeper up your ass
Sometimes I would want a room to be dark, but I can't because mobs would spawn
They should make an item you can craft mid/end game where it prevents mobs from spawning in a certain radius, but doesn't give off light.
I want to go back.
Redstone Streetlamps for the outside. Carpet over glowstone/redstone inside.
Your bed does this. But yea I get what you mean if you want a storehouse or a spooky castle.
Beds do that? If I put them under the floor, would that work to keep mobs away?
I think it only works for the bed you are set to. It marks it as a home location and keeps mobs from spawning within a certain number of spaces. Same way that mobs won't spawn directly on the player either.
Hiding a lot of lights is really the only way to go. I use trap doors on the ceiling to make lighting fixtures. And lots of carpet since that is easy to get.
>all these minecraft threads every day at 1-ish AM
Stop. You're making me sad. I remember having so much fun with Minecraft even after the initial hunger update. After that I just can't give it any appreciation. I remember using the original piston mod, the deployable houses mod, all that dickery with redstone and trap doors. All gone, in the blink of an eye, I don't even remember my password to my account and I lost the email it was attached to.
I enjoy playing the most with a small group of friends who each find their own way to contribute to the group as a whole, personally. I was always the guy who'd make everything look pretty and would also take care of all the tedious busywork that wasn't at the point of automation yet.
Now I have no more friends to play with, and nobody who's smart enough to do the tech shit for me, so all I can do is start, progress a little bit, get discouraged and quit. What's the point of making things, if there's nobody to share it with?
Try to recover it. Or just pirate a copy and install Hungerstrike because hunger was dumb as shit the way it was added. Boom just like old times.
I don't play it often but every now and then I waste a weekend on it listening to music or catching up on a show to recharge. Made the Zelda overworld last time I had a cold for a few days.
>finally managed to get a grasp of IE's power distribution
>now have a giant mess of cabling but all of my machines have power
>Sometimes I would want a room to be dark, but I can't because mobs would spawn
Slabs that are placed on the lower half.
This was before like, 1.5, I still had a hotmail and I tried to recover it a few years ago and it was just completely beyond salvation.
how fucking useless are you people IRL jesus fucking christ that's pathetic
>user doesn't want a QT minefu to bring him the goods every day
The game runs like garbage no matter how powerful your PC is.
I forgot about that
Its a cheap game or you know get the bay special if you know what I mean.
>big dream is to build a large Cliffside castle with openings and connections dotting the cliff
>best I've ever built was some shitty A-frame house on top of a cliff
Download thaumcraft, the way it just throws shit at you with no expenation and actually having to discover stuff is really fun
>tfw all I ever did when I played this with my friends was spend an autistic amount of time building my house while my friends just threw some shit together in an hour and then did nothing but adventuring.
fuck even in online vidya i'm a fucking introverted weirdo
>start playing minecraft on vanilla
>always eventually ended up building glass houses because transparent blocks are fucking nice
>favourite thing to do is build hidden bases with flush redstone doors
>finally just finished a house of a small private server with a 4x4 flush seamless redstone door with a code lock for the opening switch
>show friend, he flips the switch twice breaking the redstone
Watch a tutorial build or a sample build for some buildings, family craft is a really good start because the channel was built around catering to 6-10 year olds, and some of the builds are extremely complex but shown in a manner that you can understand how the build/design process went.
Is a good example because you can see how the build started with very simple shapes that detail was slowly added to over time creating the more natural look.
>always find a village so I can just change a preexisting house to my liking with little work
>takes ages to find a decent one
>added bonus of not feeling (as) lonely with all the villagers
God I wish my friends still played
Over Thanksgiving every single child cousin I came in contact with would just watch mine craft videos and try and talk to people about it. My friends had the same experience. Its pretty weird since I haven't thought about the game in 5 years..
>once everyone gets late game they quit
>lets not build quarries then
>it makes our game last way longer
>then some guy gets mad at a recipe requirement and makes a quarry
>two days later everyone is done
Thats really making me want to go back and finish building FF7 in Minecraft.
Its amazing how much internal spaces and the external shots don't line up based on game photos.
>playing mods with quarries
What mods do you guys use anyway? I personally like galacticraft 4, Aether 2, and Greymerk dungeon mod as my main 3. While galacticraft technically has a quarry in the astro miner that thing is so fucking hard to get that you shouldn't even need it when you finally get one.
>FLAOT is gone
What are some of the best npc/enemy mods? Nothing I love more than setting up a little base then run off exploring finding interesting shit to fill it with
Because float is to some extent in the game now
You can alter terrain gen to the point where the world is a bunch of floating disks
you can install mods that make the world into skylands
FLAOT's job is done.
I assume you already have Mo'creatures mod, so lets go from there.
Most mods that add new dimensions like Aether, twilight fortress (and to a lesser extend galacticraft) add a ton of new mobs and creatures, and ever some NPC's.
Beyond that you can find some smaller mob mods like ender zoo on the forge page if you search, or more NPC style mods like minecraft comes alive. Looka round the mod search pages man it's not hard.
Post it here user, I want to see