Top 5 games of the year

Post em

If she doesn't have a dick, don't bother posting 5/10s.

I miss her so much.

i only played zelda and mario

so zelda and mario


what, all year?
this better be a falseflag

I only played
>Grim Dawn
>Unreal World
>7 Days To Die
so those

not him but literally all I played this year was zelda, mario, mario + rabbids, and shitty mobile time wasters

none of the AAA games looked that good to me and I've fallen pretty out of the loop on indies

It is entirely possible those are the only games released this year he's played. I'm certain I've played at least five games released this year, but very little I would ever nominate as the top of any list; and I don't believe in letting things win by default.

oh and I played splatoon 2 also I forgot

there you go

1. div os 2
2. resident evil 7
3. botw
4. smo
5. cuphead

1. br 2049
2. song to song
3. dunkirk
4. get out
5. the beguiled

1. gas - narkopop
2. charlotte gainsbourg - rest
3. max richter - three worlds
4. chelsea wolfe - hiss spun
5. island people - s/t

M E T R O I D :


Etrian Odyssey V was excellent

I can understand div OS2 but why res7 that high?

reminded me of older resident evils mixed with southern horror like texas chainsaw massacre. things i enjoy

>Breath of the Wild
>Hollow Knight
>Persona 5
>Nier Automata
>Battle Brothers
Haven't played Mario yet

Here's what else I played this year
>Nex Machina
>Snake Pass
>D:OS 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Little Nightmares
>Doki Doki Literatue Club

1. cuphead
2. prey
3. mario
4. rock of ages 2
5. overgrowth

1) Odyssey
2) Prey
3) HZD
4) Sonic Mania
5) MK8D I guess

>Haven’t started BoTW yet
>N. Sane Trilogy was shit

Not a bad year

What is Doki Doki Literature Club?

Alphabetical because I suck at ranking.

Danganronpa V3
Hollow Knight
Sonic Mania
Yakuza Zero

I'd like to try Nex, Nier and Odyssey, but haven't yet.

1. Cuphead
2. Mario Odyssey
3. Nier Automata
4. Divinity Original Sin II
5. Can't think of another
I haven't played Persona 5 or BotW yet so I can't list those.

It's been an okay year, wish PC and PS4 got more games.


1. Persona 5
2. Nier
3. Nioh
4. Danganronpa v3
5. Gravity Rush 2
My PC has problems so I can't really put stuff like cuphead and hat in time since I've barely touched em and I don't have a switch

N. Sane Trilogy wasn't shit it's just an inferior remake.
I liked the visuals besides Crash's model, the problem was they had to remake the games with 0% of the original code so the platforming isn't the same.

I have heard of none of those films.

weeb stanley parable

This year I only played Dying Light and Stardew Valley, so I guess those are my top 5.


gianna michaels, she died last week from a ride malfunction at disneyland

not him but the entire point of a remake is to better the original, so if it fails on that then it's a bad remake.

Dragon's Crown
Stardew Valley

I don't play through nearly enough games in a year.

Purse Owner 5
Mario Odyssey
Eternian Odyssey 5

I had a real hard time thinking of 5. This year didn't have very many games I liked, but I really got into these few.

VN that pretends to be a normal dating game and then gets fucking weird. It was ok, they kinda half-assed the twist but it was ok. It's free so I don't give a damn, thought I may as well try it

Always with the shitty tattoos. Oh well, that little bit of belly does wonders.

Hollow Knight
Danganronpa V3
A Hat in Time

And the best release this year Planescape Torment Enhanced Edition

No particular order
Resident Evil 7
Sonic mania or N sane trilogy

2.The Evil Within 2
3.Dishonored 2
4.Injustice 2
Eh...only video games I bought this year.

The others are somewhat debateable but you;d have to be living under a rock to miss hearing about get out and blade runner

I agree with your sentiment but I don't think "shit" is fair.
It fails as a remake but it's still alright and I'll be honest I just like nu Coco

REmake is the perfect example of the perfect remake as it almost makes the original redundant.
Any time you can't recommend the remake over the original is a sign they failed.

If a remake is inferior to the original, it’s shit. The fact that Vicarious Visions managed to fuck up a series of PS1 games that are 20 years old is fucking pathetic.

This is why im scared for REmake2

Never heard of Get Out. Didn't connect the abbreviation with Blade Runner.

>Any time you can't recommend the remake over the original is a sign they failed.
You just described the N. Sane Trilogy.

How's it inferior in any way? Because it's harder?

>muh blade runner
so glad that movie flopped

Let go now, trust me. It's going to suck. REmake was great because it had Shinji Mikami involved. The original staff who knew what they were doing with RE2 are long gone. Capcom was too fucking cheap to even get the original VAs. It's going to go after your nostalgia on the most basic level. It's going to suck. I'm keeping my expectations dirt fucking low. Maybe if I do this, I won't be disappointed.

I have already said it's a failed remake, I just don't consider a failure as being "shit".
Shit is a level of garbage you don't even feed your dog.
I'd recommend anyone interested to play Crash 1-3 instead of the Trilogy, but playing the trilogy later if your interested is harmless.
It's not a Silent Hill situation where they not only failed to meet the originals but actually ruin them for new players.

wow shes fat

the original flopped too. whats your point

some parts are harder, some parts are easier.
the biggest problem is that because of the flawed platforming slide-jumping becomes necessary for almost every jump when it didn't need to before.
Slide-jumping isn't hard, but it's annoying to have to do it constantly for every single pit.

5.forza 7

I need source on that dress only please :)

The only reason it’s “harder” is because they fucked up Crash’s hitboxes, his weight, and momentum. About a week after playing it me and my friend dug his PS1 out of his closet and got halfway through Crash 2 and the game felt just as good as we remembered. Vicarious Visions put out an embarrassing remake, end of story.

that's a good thing, homo

1. Persona 5
2. Nier Automata
3. Hollow Knight
4. Yakuza 0
5. Prey

1. Battlefront II because it has a good shot at getting some scummy practices banned
2. Lawbreakers because I haven't laughed that hard in a while
3. Cuphead because of assblasted game reviewers
4. BotW because even shitty bait threads get hundreds of replies
5. Wolfenstein II for the reason you can probably guess.

Sonic Mania

nothing personal man, just never understood the hype for that bullshit hipster movie

You know what the worst part about the fact they didn't get back the original VAs?

Sally Cahill (Ada) and Alison Court (Claire) were the voices for NEAR EVERY APPEARANCE (Sally wasn't Ada in UC, but was in DC) until 2012.

fat = ugly

At some point I stopped caring about sex as much and women like this just disgust me. I'm not a virgin but have not made fuck on 11 years, so I'm born again. I think my sex drive is dying

Persona 5

>yakuza 0

nevertheless it's a shit game.

no it isn't she's fat. Bitch needs to stop eating

1.) Breath of the Wild
2.) Super Mario Odyssey
3.) Resident Evil VII
4.) Persona 5
5.) Splatoon 2

it's not a very attractive picture and the girl isn't great, she actually was lighter when she started and her body was pretty great at that time.

>almost 2018
>still pretending to like dicks to fit in on Sup Forums


THICC Asians are God tier

this is just straight up fat
absolutely disgusting

Basically Americans have become so fat and obesity so common that the perception of normal has shifted.

yeah but gravure is one big cocktease. All of Jav is pretty much as well with the blured vaginas.


My friends and I consider not having sex in 6 months as being a virgin.


Gay people fascinate me. You guys went from being lynched to ruining society all within a generation or two.

>Nex Machina
>Uncharted: LL
>Persona 5
>Mario Odyssey

can't be fucked ranking 5
Breath of the Wild
Super Mario Odyssey
Horizon Zero Dawn
Yakuza 0/Kiwami
Splat 2
Person 5
Hollow Knight
Gravity Rush 2
Nier Automata
Sonic Mania

>not liking 2D girl dicks

if you like vaginas so much why not just fap to a picture of a vagina you homo

since when are vaginas the main draw of porn

I'm horny pretty often and this woman also disgusts me. She looks like a 3/10 pasty, flabby, drug-addled trash whore.

Sorry you became lazy and lowered your standards to trash.

Nier Automata
Dark Souls III: The Ringed City
Hollow Knight

vaginas are the main draw of sex you faggot. They feel good and can look visually amazing (innies).

They are both average whores

In no particular order:

FE: Echoes
Mario Odyssey
Sonic Mania

>not wanting to blast a load into a bouncy titcow with a nice smile
this is the power of low test


the main draw of sex is watching your wife be taken by a superior, muscled black man and being happy about it

>when she turns around

Breath of the Wild
Gundam Breaker 3
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Mario Odyssey
This list is based purely off of what games I spent the most time with.

>can look visually amazing

virgin alert
pussies are for pounding scrub, what are you looking at?

good lord, i can say that i do not have enough dick for that ass

this shit shouldn't be legal

>her boyfriend pounds that ass
>meanwhile you phonepost on Sup Forums from class

such is life in the zone mate. time to jerk off yet again


this is blue balls shit. Post real ass n tiddy

What is that dance thing these women do where they slam their ass into people's faces?

System Shock 2
Samus Returns

That's about it

mommy.... why wont you come back