Best first-person shooter of its generation

>best first-person shooter of its generation
>nobody talks about it

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We talk about Doom all the time.

>343 industries

singleplayer was bullshit. I wanted to like it because Buck but god it fucking sucked. Let's be real here.
Best multiplayer to date though. Best forge to date as well.

I started playing today. It’s beautiful on the XboneX. Story is actually pretty good too


>Worst single player in the series
>On a dead system
I wonder.

Campaign was terrible, you don't fuck up Halo's campaign. 343 should have learned that after Halo 2, ODST, Reach, and their own Spartan Ops.

>343 halo

>Story is actually pretty good too

Post your gothfu.

Doom multiplayer sucks dick.

>343 Halo
>Best anything

Multiplayer is for faggots

Halo 5 is generally agreed to have the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2.

>CoD halo

>a bunch of retard xbone buyers being the judge of good halo

>mfw ce>2

Isn't titanfall 2 better?

>Literally anything after Halo 3

OP confirmed cannot recognize when a franchise is dead

Tell me that if people play it in 16 years like with Halo Custom Edition.

>le CoD meme

It literally was. Lan parties on 1 and pc version were the best

>dying almost instantly
>fucking esports skins
it's fucking cod

There's no loadouts and the TTK is completely in line with CE and H2.
Do I detect a 3 babby?

>implying 3 is bad
you're in the wrong place, user

>I never played Halo 5 the post

Because that game was dogshit.

Halo 3 is mediocre at best. I'd rather play any other Halo multiplayer (except reach).

>complain about dying almost instantly in H5 but like CE
Even with a missed shot CE magnum kills significantly faster than a perfect kill with H5 magnum.

Your loss, not mine. Sorry about your bad taste

I would hope it was the best forge to date. Shit can only get better after all

Halo 2 sucked, you mean Halo CE and 3.

Sup Forums hates Xbox. That's probably a good thing if you have an Xbox though.

Not all xbox. OG Xbox and first half of the 360's lifespan was great

H2 >>> H3

Halo 2 is one of the weakest Halo games in the series. Halo CE was better at well... everything.

The post was discussing Halo 3 not CE.


*Halo CE and Halo 3 was better at well.... everything.

SeeI forgot to mention it.

no way fag

because casuals actually care about the single player and are too pleb to appreciate the refined multiplayer

>Halo 5 is generally agreed to have the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2.
Faggots always say this even though the games have nothing in common. Nobody is playing Halo 5 because it's generic shit.

>Faggots always say this even though the games have nothing in common
That's the point retard.
There are three Halo multiplayer styles.
Classic: CE
New: H2, H3
Evolved: Reach, H4, H5
H2 is best of new and H5 is best of evolved so the trifecta of Halo mp is CE, H2, H5.

Oh yes way, the faggots that loved Halo 2 so much were the ones first Halo game was it or fans of the lore, everyone else was pissed and disappointed, the backlash was huge but on the same level as Halo 5's.

Change Halo 2 to 3 and I would agree with you.


If this had Doom's campaign but kept Halo 5's multiplayer, this post would be true.


Halo 2 is the second worst game in the entire series. That game is so mechanically broken I am baffled when anybody says it was anything besides garbage. Hell when Halo 2 came out the backlash was massive because it significantly casualized the game on top of a slew of weird design decisions.

>le no content at launch game
>le horrifically bad campaign game

Fucking this, I never understood what anybody saw in the game. Bungie always sucked and Halo's success was because of Microsoft Game Studios always stepping in to fix Bungie's shit. Halo 2 could have turned out worse if Microsoft haven't stepped in but it was the first game that made me dislike Bungie as a studio.

>Campaign was terrible, you don't fuck up Halo's campaign
>should have learned that after Halo 2, ODST, Reach
YOU should have learned, cause there's clearly a precedent for shitty campaigns. Halo 3 and 4's campaigns were shitty railroaded garbage too.

Really the only campaign even slightly worth a shit is CE's, despite the repetitive level design and backtracking.

they're all shit

halo is only good for the multiplayer

I mean I don't really disagree but when I want to bro-op I always play Legendary CE.

>Halo 2 is the second worst game in the entire series
Reach and Halo 4?

Halo 2 proved that all of the design talent left with Alex Seropian. The next game he made was Stubbs the Zombie which was phenomenal but had absolutely no marketing and thus no sales.

Does the multiplayer still allow custom loadouts? If so I would disagree that it's better then halo 3. What made the original Halos great and what has since died in shooters is having everyone start on a level playing ground where you had to learn the maps and weapon spawn locations. Then you had to be strategic about when you went for them and still had to out skill your opponents to get them.

Halo CE and Halo 3, was incredible, and Halo 4 was decent. There's a reason they're no longer doing campaigns like Halo 2, ODST, Reach, Spartan Ops, and Halo 5 again.


Strictly multiplayer wise, not including customs.

Halo 5 arena mp has always been no loadouts and map pick ups, there's also the warzone mode which let's you select weapons etc.

Yup, they wasted three years doing nothing and then finally got on to making Halo 2 towards the end of 2003.

>Halo 4 was decent

No loadouts, even playing field. And don't listen to the idiots who tell you that there's ADS cause there isn't. They just made the classic zoom look sorta like ADS on the pistol and the BR. But it's still just zoom with a reticle.

I remember getting my Halo 2 collectors edition and watching the development DVD that came with it. They literally admit to only having an E3 demo and then rushing the whole thing together in like 9 months. It was such a lazy fucking game.


is the online actually still alive?
i've been wanting to play it again, but i'm not sure if anyone even plays it anymore

Halo 3 was a wet fart. There was nothing incredible about it unless you're easily impressed by scripted moments. Halo 4 was even worse in this regard.

For MP I would go
Halo 3 > Halo CE > Halo 5 > Halo 2 > Halo Reach > Halo 4

I really liked all of Halo 3's multiplayer features and I really enjoyed Halo CE's multiplayer as well, Halo 5 is fun as hell but I believe it can finally be improved in Halo 6. It could even be the best mp in the series.

b-but muh two scarabs

Halo 3 had that shitty ass equipment though

Siege has better multiplayer and plenty of other shooters have had better campaigns this generation.

Yeah, it was, after Halo 4's campaign I was interested to see what happens next in Chief's storyline only to get a repeat of Halo 2 but with ODST, Reach, and Spartan Ops mixed in there.

>Halo 3 was a wet fart. There was nothing incredible about it unless you're easily impressed by scripted moments
Oh I'm sorry, are you talking about Halo 2? because that's exactly what it was.

And they were map pickups that were one-time use and could be disabled if you didn't want to use them.

these guys answered it correctly.
if you're playing any of the ranked playlists (which by the way, the ranking system is fucking perfect and i've never been as satisfied with a ranking system outside of H5) it's an even playing field.
Say for example, you're playing team swat ranked. And the game mode is SWATnums. Everyone has just a magnum and their skin that's attached to it.
It's fucking wonderful and i really wish they'd release the MP for the PC because it feels so goddamn smooth with Forge.

Halo 2 is far and away inferior to Reach. Reach isn't good but Halo 2 is irredeemable trash.
>Plasma Pistol homing is so strong that it tracks at almost 90 degree angles
>Massive hitboxes
>Power weapons don't respawn unless they're dropped
>SMG starts in ranked play
I could go on.

I'm not fellating Halo 2 faggot, it had a shitty campaign too.

imagine being so assblasted at halo 2 that you actually think halo 4 is a good video game

Halo 2 was shit but somehow Reach was even worse than that. The campaign was even worse, at the time I didn't think that was possible but Bungie did just make ODST so I really don't know why I was surprised all that much.

>the ranking system is fucking perfect and i've never been as satisfied with a ranking system outside of H5
Yeah this isn't something I see brought up often but I totally agree. I always feel like I'm pretty evenly matched in the ranked playlists.

Halo 3 was actually fun though.

Halo 4 only has a decent campaign and that's it, never said anything else in the game is better.

>Halo 3 was actually fun though
No it wasn't. It was just the other half of Halo 2 and was just as shit. The one good thing I can say about Halo 2's campaign is that it at least had some interesting locations, Halo 3 doesn't even have that.
You're that sperg who's triggered by the Arbiter aren't you?

First season (when game was released) I went really hard at it. Constant grind. Went from gold to onyx and was top fragging every game up until mid diamond.
I really don't think I could do that shit again. No motivation to and playing FPS's on controllers fucking suck.

>Halo 4 only has a decent campaign and that's it
you're still wrong, pic related

Halo 2 splitted the campaign into two thus having the lowest number of playable missions in the series, fucking 7 levels, that's embarrassing and only the Chief ones were good, but sucked in comparison to Halo CE. Halo 3 brought back the big missions and you played Chief the entire campaign. Halo 3 was the only Bungie Halo with mostly completely different locations mixed with having the best encounters in the series. I bet the Arbiter's shitty missions were your favorite since you were stupid enough to mention him in your post, right? Don't answer that because I'm pretty sure it was that's why you spoilered it.

Arbiter Autist detected

Post disregarded

Halo 2 and 3 are both shit

And Halo 2 had bullet sponge Brutes, Jackal Snipers, one hit Elites, instant kill Infection Forms, and broken Flood. I can name the other problems that campaign had if you want.

The ranking sucked at high end at least in later seasons.
Also people using alt accounts to smurf.

You mentioned him so I bought it up, doesn't change the fact that Arbiter is a primary example of why other playable characters will never work in Halo.

You're a fucking faggot for pushing this meme as long as you have.

Forgot, shitty boss fights

that's nice but we're talking about halo 4

>the tanky enemies are tanky
>the snipers sniped me
>the melee only enemies beat me up
Easy mode is there for a reason, user.


you didn't have to mention it because everybody knows it's you

Halo 2's difficulty settings were fucked.

And I'm talking about Halo 2.

I'm not hiding it, why are you on Sup Forums and not you're little safe haven on /hg/, faggot?

it's almost entirely impossible to get rid of smurfs my dude.
unless they just start grouping people by IP's. Because console fags can't use VPN's to get aorund that.

I was about to ask you the same thing :^)

It's paid online, just ban free accounts using another gold from playing ranked.

I hate /hg/.