3x3 Thread

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Rating system is games liked/games played

Hard mode: Recommend people a game from your 3x3 based on theirs

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Don't have my 3x3 on me right now, try Shadow Hearts.

Would you be shocked if I said 1/1 and I didn't finish the one I did play?

These threads remind me how few games I've played in the grand scheme of things.

The only game I've played from your list is fucking Transformers Devastation. Great game though.

[/spoiler] this is a test

3/3 + STALKER, P3, Dark Souls
You should play Final Fantasy Tactics, Devil Survivor, and Catherine
>Dragonball advanced adventure
My man
3/3 + Shovel Knight, DBAA, Kirby
Go play Legendary Starfy and Bayonetta

Is the bottom left Trails game translated?
Do you need to play all the prior games to understand the story?

>after burner
Wow, that brings back memories of motion sickness

It currently only has a spreadsheet translation but is currently getting it patched into the game itself. To play that particular one you'd only really need to play Zero no Kiseki to understand the story as it's a direct sequel and Zero does have a full translation available.

Although if you haven't played the others I'd recommend just starting with the first game and playing them all in order

racing games are fun


Played both Bayonettas, I actually think Devastation strikes a balance that neither game manages. Bayo 1 has better combat mechanics than 2, but there are a lot of other ways 2 excels in my eyes, including aesthetic, story, music, and weapon selection.

Devastation manages to feel like a midpoint between the two at its core, gameplay-wise, but also has a bunch of mechanics on top of it, between Vehicle Attacks, Rush Attacks, Gunplay, Status Effects, and the Autobot Insignia in the HUD that functions similarly to God Hand's Level system that the game never explicitly mentions. That's before you even apply the Stat system, the weapon varieties (type, element, rarity, passive ability slots for when you upgrade them), T.E.C.H. passive bonuses, and the fact that each of the 5 characters have weapon types that work best for them and unique Special and Super moves. The thing that really impresses me about the game is that all of that shit I just said blend seamlessly into gameplay. So many variables and the game plays so smooth regardless.

On top of that, the visuals have a really pretty color-saturated low-poly thing going on, the story feels like a 4-hour episode of G1 Transformers, and the voicecast is all the originals from G1. Music is some grade-A buttrock too, it just goes HARD as fast as possible.

I've been in the fucking gyroscopic Afterburner cabinet. I can handle the PS3 version of Climax. Climax's cabinet is something I want to experience once in my life.

Never actually played any of these, hadn't heard of some of them at all. You know what you like at least..

I played those Fast & Furious arcade games and thought they were neat though, if you've played them.

5/6 -Amnesia
4/6 -Batman, Transformers
8/8 Great taste. I should try Yakuza.
1/1 I don't play many racing games but I love Burnout 3.

>Fast & Furious arcade games

Yeah, that's about my entire experience with non-Kart racing games. I played the demo for Split/Second I guess.



1/1 I'm a racing game scrub, my favourite racing game is Mirror's Edge

Outrun 2 is so good.

I hate how this meme image uses the word 'kino' as a leftover from the anime 3x3 image it was based off of. The person who made this edit obviously did not know that kino is only meant for visual mediums such as film and tv.

Thief II
Not on my 3x3 but you should look into God Hand and Hollow Knight.
Strange Journey

dude scale that shit down

kino has surpassed individual board usage

I've played God Hand; my second-ever game in the sub-genre after Revengeance. I may not be good at these but I went into the deep end early.

Definitely recommend Yakuza and luckily they just remade 1 and are working on 2. Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami are great starting points, personally recommend Kiwami but 0 has more stuff

REmake was pretty good for the time I played it, but I can never seem to finish it. I get to after opening the area in the back of the manor and always quit after


>VIDEO games aren't visual mediums

>three (3) smt games

Actually, theres' only one.

>Devil Survivor
>Persona 5
Yeah, that's three.

2/3 I just can't get into Morrowind

>Devil Survivor
>Persona 5
These aren't SMT.

uhhhhh, except they are.


I am a faggot who thinks he's Japanese and have shit tastes/10


+ UMvC3





+ FF6

+ FF7
- vagrant story

I only got a 5x5 from another thread a few months ago. If that's too much then just look at the top left 3x3 corner, that's close enough.

5/6 I really liked the hour of FTL I've played, I definitely need to get back into it at some point.
3/3 Good choice of Platinum games
0/0 The only racer I've ever played is Mario Kart
6/7 Great pics and great aesthetic on your chart. G&S still suck tho.
5/5 You need to get rid of the words in your DMC3 and TS2 pictures
9/9 great taste, I need to play through Ace Attorney one of these days


No lazyposting my dude, if you're going to post a chart you should rate others

i'd love to emulate viva pinata someday, missed out on it, not growing up with an xbox

wario land 4's so strong






5/5 best in the thread

BIG fucking difference between "visual" and "interactive"


2/13 fucking horrible taste


3/3, Super Metroid, Dark Souls, FTL all GOAT

W101 is the best game on Wii U (IMO the most underrated game of all time, too bad it was on such a shit console)
Asylum best in series

If you like fight an games try Injustice, both are gr8

+Vagrant Story
+Ace Combat 5
+Bomberman '94
+Armored Core Nexus


>W101 is the best game on Wii U
That would be Tropical Freeze.

The first VP was actually released on PC, but only on GFWL and never sold digitally which is a real shame. I've never been able to get crack to work and my 360 died so I'm just counting down the days until 360 emulation to play it again.

At least that's more likely than a new good VP game out of Rare at this point

You should play some more games man

Hated how the first one played, much like MK9 and MKX. Injustice 2 is a good game that I'm certain I won't like.

I'm 99% certain the Dragonball FighterZ will make my 3x3 once it launches too. Might even be compelled to add it after I play the Open Beta.

7/7 excellent taste

TTYD is my all time favorite game. Mark my words, I think Nintendo is announcing a remake or virtual console version by or at next E3.

I fucking hated everything about Xeno X, loved Chronicles but felt like X just took away the charm and made it into soulless weeb trash. Characters were vile, story was garbage, text was microscopic, tutorials spent eons on the easy stuff but the deeper elements of the game were ignored. Music was shit. I thought Chronicles was 10/10 and X just completely missed the boat on what was good about it. Like 30 possible soldiers all of a sudden for your party, none of which have personality? Why?? It just wasn't fun to play and I couldn't do more than 3 hours of it. Still gotta admit it had great atmosphere.

Try south park stick of truth, feels a bit like paper mario

Tropical Freeze is still pretty fuckan good. Shame it is stuck on Wii U as well

Chibi Robo is a god tier gem. Maybe try Stardew Valley? Not super into those types of games so it didnt grab me, but it was fun


I don't feel like making the images (on mobile) and I've been posting my opinions/recommendations

Metroid Prime
Ace Attorney 2 (circus case is horrible but Matt Engarde case is the best in the series)
Zelda Wind Waker
Paper Mario TTYD
Assassin's Creed 2
Halo 3
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga

If you don't like what I post tell me what you do like, and I'll reply. Even though there's too much Nintendo here I've played a lot of shit

0/0 I don't play racing games at all
2/2 but probably the best collection so far
4/5, W101 wasn't my cup of tea

Last case of Trials and Tribulations is the best.

A solid opinion that I respect! It's my second fave and still fucking 10/10

>"4/5, W101 wasn't my cup of tea"
>rates my chart that includes W101 5/5

I'm bi-polar

obviously, bloodborne is fucking spectacular
i loved AC2 when i played it years ago but replaying it I've found it rather lackluster
>new zelda
>new mario

Fuck off retard


>samefaging this hard




Godot is probably one of the handsomest men ever created



4/4, very interesting list. Loved Mystery Dungeon Red, and Sonic 2 was the only good game I had on the Genesis (because it was my dad's Genesis and I was a kid after its peak).

I'm the first user you rated, by the way.