Why is it so fucking bad? Did anyone else get conned into buying this shit?
Ghost Recon Wildlands
I got it for 15 bucks during that one price error last month.
Its like a 6 outta 10 game. Only joy I get out of it is turning the brightness down so nvg are actually used and playing with friends.
Shit's repetitive, yo. At least it's finished, though - unlike TPP.
Ghost Recon is a shit game. This is undeniable.
Having said that, it acts as a good platform for fucking around with friends.
It's only good if you try to be as stealthy as possible or try ghosting through.
There was an open beta weekend, how did they still manage to con you?
I thought it was okay but I wouldn't pay more than 15 bucks for it. Also whatever engine they used for this and Division doesn't play nice with my CPU.
>Massive open world with focus on traveling
>The vehicle mechanics are the fucking worst since a ps2 game
What were they thinking. Not a single fun way to explore this giant fucking map.
Gimmie a fucking scooter to roll down hills or something. A hang glider to fly across maps or even a wingsuit. How fucking worthless are these devs
Are the vehicle mechanics as bad as something like Just Cause 3?
They're worse.
>Buying Ubisoft multiplayer shit
if you didn't learn shit from The Crew, For Honor and The Division then you deserve to get conned
The motorcycles are. 4-wheeled vehicles are less slippery but still terrible.
>pick mission
>fly there
>use drone to mark everything
>set up kill shots
>shoot until everyone is dead
>interact with objects or NPCs
>finish mission
This game is literally ONLY fun with 3 friends. Found that out during that free weekend they had and quit after the first day.
It’s certainly a coop game, form a squad, put difficulty up, and get tactical. It’s still repetitive, but having multiple people increases the approach options so much that it’s surprisingly fun.
But for singleplayer, it’s absolutely worthless and there are so many better sandbox games that one could play. Playing alone highlights the game’s problems that already exist in MP too, but then it also adds the problem of god-awful squad AI. It’s literally one of the worst I have ever seen, absolutely no ability to do anything without explicit orders and even then it sucks.
This, is feels like they wanted to make sleeping dogs based driving, but more offroad-like
Name better single player games. Asking for myself because I have no friends.
>play during free weekend
>immediately feel the the control clunk upon moving my character
>guns are fucking weak
>enemies are retarded
>feels like a cheap plastic chinese knockoff game
>try driving a car
really terrible game, I cant believe it managed to even get released in that state
Not trusting Ubisoft seems to be the best plan, even though I actually did like the Division simply because of the dark snowy urban city setting
Me and a friend bought it at -50% just now. Both of us wanted to play it immediately when it was released but neither wanted to give Ubisoft the full price. Please fucking tell me it's not that bad in co-op.
Coop is the only way the game is worth playing.
I played through the game solo amd ypur AI squad is just boring as shit
Especially since they can just shoot through buildings and you can't control them separately or change their gear
Also the jokes they make are.cringe
>Why is it so fucking bad?
Cuz it's typical ubishit game with no risks taken in development
I would argue that neglecting to test the vehicle physics was a pretty daring risk.
Everything is playable in coop with nice friend, but game is still shit
I did it on my own.
MGSV left me with a thirst for operator simulators.
The entire game feels as if some chinese or Korean company tried cloning MGSV and, at the same time, trying to attract the COD audience.
At least I only paid $15 for it.
They already had this "physisc" in watch dogs
also, anybody played WD2, did they improved driving physics compared to wd1?
Yeah I bought it for like 20 bucks yesterday with some friends. So far I'm having fun with them but I can't help but think that we'll drop the game fast
thanks for cooping it with me, even tho you rushed to the ending as soon as possible and immediately uninstalled
not the same engine. wildlands uses the same engine from asscreed, siege and for honor, division uses its own.
Played it in extreme difficulty with hud on extreme.
Had a blast with it.
Fuck the contrarians who hate Ubisoft just because they're Ubisoft.
>with hud
i turned off hud and enabled maximum difficulty and anyway half of my screen was in ton of markers and other shit
i had a ton of fun playing the beta with my friend.
never got the full game though.
There's just something about Ubisoft games that don't feel right in terms of movement and shooting
It's not quite floaty, but there's no feeling of weight to anything
It's not for shut-ins with no friends to play with / friends who are a bunch of pussies who hate talking on mic.
1. Play on the highest difficulty
2. Turn off ALL marking
3. Attempt to stealth everything
Its the only way you can even begin to get something slightly challenging and interesting going.
>Its the only way you can even begin to get something slightly challenging and interesting going.
You make it sound like it's no longer part of the game to do all that. I thought disabling the HUD was a given and what everyone does, obviously since it makes it much better.