Hi. I'd like to play some games with characters who have strong belief in Christianity and God. Please provide recommendations.
Games where I can play as a character with a strong belief in God and Christianity
Anything by Wisdom Tree, I guess.
The "God is actually evil" plot twist is so common that the opposite is actually extremely rare, come to think of it. Lords of Shadow did a pretty good job with its final battle and ending and then completely threw it out the window in the sequel setup after the credits. I'm not a Christian and even I was pissed.
I really liked Lord of Shadows. One of my favourite games from last gen. I liked how committed Gabriel was to his faith in God.
Christianity really doesn't lend itself well to video games. There isn't a single bit of masculinity in the entire New Testament but there are plenty of feelings about being helpless and yearning for daddy to take care of you and plenty of feelings about not resisting people who are much stronger than you (for example the cross).
On the other hand pagan religions are filled with stories about powerful men fighting against other men or monsters. Which is why their themes are everywhere in video games. Greek myths and viking warriors fit very well in games.
was this game good
I liked that too and I would have liked it if they didn't do a 180 on him and go from "No. God loves us both, Lucifer." before the credits to "BLAAAAH! I'M DRACULA!" after that. What the actual fuck happened during the credits?
It looks pretty. That's it. It's your typical GoW slog-fest, lacking any depth. But it's also loaded with annoying puzzles inbetween the action which really slows things down.
It also has doesn't fit in with the castlevania lore at all.
It has heart.
The dlc shows him becoming a vampire. He basically loses his soul in order to save the world and turns bad because he can't reunite with his wife.
I liked his exchanges with Lucifer at the ending.
"It is what is in men's hearts that he cares about. He loves you as he loves me. We have only to ask for forgiveness deep within ourselves and be welcomed back."
Atheists can never appreciate God's love.
literally every single castlevania game in existence has heart you tard.
There is no need to be so aggressive my friend. This is a thread about God's love.
I'm an atheist and I appreciated that scene. I honestly wish fiction wasn't so in love with shitting all over Christianity. It can make for some pretty cool stories when done right.
Black and White
It was poorly handled
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
This was another exchange I liked.
Satan: Take your hands off me, murderer! Your soul is damned!
Gabriel: I ask forgiveness and mercy for those that I have wronged. What I did, I did unknowingly, yet I would change everything if I could.
I too role play as a Paladin OP.
>you’ll never play as an overpowered as fuck seraphim in a game where everything is equally overpowered to where it becomes balanced
No I'm just Irish. I was raised catholic and have a strong faith in God and Christianity. It's rare I see video game character with these traits.
It comes down to two reasons, one explained by the user above about paganism being more masculine and the rabid anti Christian culture that has infected every part of society. I am not religious (only because my parents never raised me that way. Honestly I think I would be a better and happier person if I was ) but I really fucking hate "atheists" idiots who the think they are so clever for not believing in an invisible sky god but worship celebrities and big government. It really is pathetic and we will all suffer for it.