Let's have a comfy PlayStation thread.
>what are you playing
>how many plats do you own
>what was the last game you bought
>what game are you looking forward to the most
Let's have a comfy PlayStation thread.
>what are you playing
>how many plats do you own
>what was the last game you bought
>what game are you looking forward to the most
Other urls found in this thread:
ys celceta
KH 1.5 HD
Don't remember the name but its the mecha vanillaware game
Ffxv comrades
Wolfenstein new order and old blood
Monster hunter world
13 Sentinels I think.
Ass Creed Origins
See first
The Last of Us 2
Watching my 11-year-old niece play Friday the 13th.
Black ops 2
Nier Automata
Monster Hunter World
Only plat I actually feel I had to earn was from Persona 5. That one took a bit of effort.
>what are you playing
nothing but I was playing Star Wars Racer Revenge
>how many plats do you own
don't know, don't care
>what was the last game you bought
yesterday, I am Setsuna but so far I'm disappointed
>what game are you looking forward to the most
Dragon Quest XI
Re vii on psvr.
Real cool shit. I'm taking a break right now but I'll go back tomorrow
I'm playing a bunch of stuff atm, I've got like 5 plats or so, Skyrim VR is the last game I bought , it's pretty fucking gnarly everything is to scale and I never played it in the past so thins is the cherry on top. Doom VFR is the next game I'll be buying, after that idunno probably MHW or something.
Like ten or eleven I think.
I bought a bunch of shit at once because black friday
Can I say Yakuza 0? I know it's already out but I haven't played it. If it has to be something unreleased then I dunno,that new Sucker Punch game about samurai might be cool.
Skyrim VR
1 (RE7)
I'm looking forward to just playing more Skyrim. Archery is crazy fun once you get good at using the Move controllers.
Also I'm excited for Doom VFR and the RE7 DLC.
>what are you playing
Lost Legacy
>how many plats do you own
Never paid attention to those
>what was the last game you bought
Injustice 2
>what game are you looking forward to the most
Spider-man by Insomniac
1(Nier Automata )
Kh 2.8
Mario Odyssey, not the biggest fan
Ghost of zucchini looks kinda cool. I'm kinda hyped about the new japan studio game and what it will be, I'd love a soul sacrifice sequel or something like that.
Gundam Versus
dot Hack GU last recode
Ace Combat 7
Is this what normies play video games for? To show off on social media how many plats they have?
i just bought a ps4 along with persona 5
probably gonna pick up bloodborne in the near future too.
is the uncharted collection good?
I don't know about normal fags, but plats are just another name for completing a game 100%, just another stat.
It depends on the person and the game played. For example in atelier meruru the plat basically means getting every ending and every character CGI ontop of beating post game bosses. So if you're going to see all the content of the game you'll get the plat eventually. Other games have stupid shit like jumping over a rope a thousand fucking times, but if you like the game and want the most out of it you'll do any task that's asked of you. I think there was something about a discount on games if you have plats aswell, but that might've been wrong.
>Yakuza 0
>Until Dawn
>The Last Guardian
Literally the only worthwhile exclusives and next year all were getting is a shit ton of shitty movie games and the worst Yakuza game ever made. God what a shitty console.
>what are you playing
>how many plats do you own
>what was the last game you bought
horizon and persona 5 yesterday >blackfriday
>what game are you looking forward to the most
xenoblade but not on ps4 :(
Octopath Traveler
>what are you playing
far cry primal
>how many plats do you own
>what was the last game you bought
the uncharted collection
>what game are you looking forward to the most
ciber sluts 2
cod ww2 (normie coworker convinced me to buy it and play with him)
don’t remember. Probably less than 5.
cod ww2
ghost of hiroshima
>what are you playing
just came off cod ww2
>how many plats do you own
zero. i only own like 5 games and i don't think cod or fifa has plats
>what was the last game you bought
fifa 18 for a fifa tourney i had last week
>what game are you looking forward to the most
not sure
Shit I want to buy a ps4 but Only Bloodborne and Horizon interest me.
What are other good exclusives? I play all the multiplats on PC
>>what are you playing
Horizon Zero Dawn
>>how many plats do you own
>>what was the last game you bought
Horizon Zero Dawn
>>what game are you looking forward to the most
RDR2 and Monster Hunter World, but I'm hoping to get both on PC. For ps4... Spider-man I guess
>what are you playing
Yakuza 0
>how many plats do you own
no plats. I don't have time for that shit when there are so many games out there, old and new, that I wan't to play.
>what was the last game you bought
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, YS VIII
>what game are you looking forward to the most
Ni No Kuni 2
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Dragon Quest XI
Code Vein
Yakuza 6
Ghost of Tsushima
Death Stranding
Kingdom Hearts 3
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Completely forgot about KH3 coming out in 2018
>Ctrl F Miku
>No results
Guess I'm the only one playing Future Tone.
I think I own like 10 plats.
Last game was WWII.
Looking forward to Days Gone and A Way Out.
Miku has been out since january, can't blame people to move on. I play it very sporadicly myself because it's easy to pick up and play.
>Shit I want to buy a ps4 but Only Bloodborne and Horizon interest me.
then don't. I did and I know it'll go back to collecting dust when I'm done with HZD.
Same way my Switch goes back to collecting dust because the games are too expensive relative to PC and ps4
Going through crash again to get plat relics
South Park
Nothing atm
Played nothing on it for months, dont even know what to buy despite everything being >50%
Played some hours of the first half of Persona 5 at a friends house, the slow pacing drove me insane
The athmosphere and minigames of Yakuza 0 look great, but story and fights are nothing for me, dont know if its still worth the purchase
I love fast paced games like Wipeout HD but playing 3 times the same game makes me feel burnt out from it already
I just dont know anymore... are people still playing the PS+ Worms online ?
Bought tales of zestira, yakuza 0 and kiwami, nioh, horizon zero dawn, Dragons dogma and bloodborne, so many games i dont even know what to play
>Tales of Zestiria
>about 15 or so
>Yakuza Kiwami
>MH World
Thinking about grabbing P5 while it's on sale. Should I go for the ultimate edition or just get the regular version?
Its fun
Get regular
playing FFXV comrades. i dont know why but im having fun with it even though its just hunts that last for a few minutes.
i dont like the lack of clothing options though.
>>what are you playing
Worms and GTA V
>>how many plats do you own
>>what was the last game you bought
Battlefront like a year ago at $20
>>what game are you looking forward to the most.
Monster Hunter World
>what are you playing
Dragon Quest Builders
>how many plats do you own
6 or 7 can't remember
>what was the last game you bought
Mario Odyssey
>what game are you looking forward to the most
God of War. I love norse mythology and the monster designs
Underwater ray romano 2
Underwater ray romano 3
Read dead redemption 2
>Nothing atm, last game was FF XV
>FF 12 Zodiac Age
>Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding
Nioh was great and I need more
>>what are you playing
Bloodborne, with a guide this time to make sure I get everything.
>>how many plats do you own
>>what was the last game you bought
Yakuza Kiwami
>>what game are you looking forward to the most
One that is far from being released? Death Stranding. But I am hyped for Yakuza 6 as well, march is far away too.
>Kiwami 2 demo
>Everybody's Golf (Redboxes sell them for $10)
>Kiwami 2
>Rise of the Tomb Raider
>Persona 5
>SotC remake
How is the Ratchet game on PS4? Been thinking of getting a PS4 at some point, loved the PS2 Ratchet games but not much else interests me besides Yakuza or P5 but I am working on some of the older games right now in both franchises.
Any other suggestions? I play a lot of weebshit. Not interested in Horizon because it looks like generic open world shit or BB because I am not a fan of Souls games. I'm a PConlyfag right now so not interested in any multiplats a PS4 would be only for exclusives.
plats are basically for autists to feel good, it's the total opposite to normalfag shit
It's good. It's $8 on PSN right now, definitely worth it for that price.
trophies give you store credit rewards now.
>what are you playing
Just started playing Uncharted 4 again, heard there was a patch that allowed you to change the motion blur and wanted to check it out for myself. Feels so much better, and the gameplay is far more solid than I remembered.
>how many plats do you own
A few. Demon's Souls, Assassin's Creed 2 and Resident Evil 5(before the additional DLC trophies).
>what was the last game you bought
I bought Horizon: Zero Dawn, Uncharted Lost Legacy and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake collection from the Black Friday sale. Overall very pleased.
>what game are you looking forward to the most
Horizon: Zero Dawn. Been patient all year but now I'm finally starting to work down the list of games I wanted to play from 2017. Tales of Berseria is last on the list.
I really fucking hope this is just bait.
>trophies give you store credit rewards now.
finally, a reason to actually do them
i guess sotc remake and last of us 2 are cool too. But most of those games can be played on pc already or ps3
Playing bloodborne first time.
Plats: Bully, RL, Infamous, MGS:TPP
>Underwater ray romano
Do these games ever go on sale? Although $40 is not bad.
>Let's have a comfy PlayStation thread.
>>what are you playing
>>how many plats do you own
Dunno what this means
>>what was the last game you bought
>>what game are you looking forward to the most
The Last or Us 2
idk...King of Fighters XIV, maybe
Ace Combat 7:Skies Unknown
Its fucking worthless, you need like, what, 20 platinumes to earn 20 bucks and it only counts from now on
Just forget it
Finally bought Horizon and The Last Guardian
Ratchet and Clank is great--it's like playing a computer animated movie, and it has genuinely creative gameplay mechanics. If you can find it for $20 or less, which you will, then pick it up.
As for other exclusives, I'd recommend Persona, Crash, puyo puyo Tetris, and the SotC remake next year if it doesn't turn out to be bad
why would i be baiting? i represent the vast majority of the playstation userbase. the whole reason i bought the console was to play pro clubs with my friends on fifa and maybe the occasional cod
Infamous First Light
Don't even remember, it's been ages since I bought anything
Monhan and DBFZ. But I will be getting Ghost Recon Wildlands and Bloodborne this month probably.
There's a ton of exclusives on there, VR games too. Gran Turismo Sport, Uncharted Lost Legacy, EDF 5 inbound, same with Death Stranding ZOE VR Ghost of Tsushima God of War, RIGS etc.
Ultimate edition has just a bunch of useless DLC in it. The regular edition is more than enough.
You dont belong to this place
Mass Effect Andromeda
Destiny 2
Monster Hunter World
Just let people spend their own time however they want? It's not like you lose anything when someone else spends their time.
cant spell comfy without psp.
>this shit tier English
>"to this place"
le sekrit club xD amirite? yeah nah fuck off.
Atlus only puts the digital version of aquaplus games on sale and after a year. Also the physical version usually become rare later on. Dungeon traveler 2 goes for like 50 dollars now.
>what are you playing
ps3 games because it's free to downgrade and pirate them now, fuck yeah. Skate 3 and Atelier Rorona+ specifically
10. I don't try too hard but if I still feel like playing a game after I finish it then I'll go for trophies. Most of those were EZ
>last game bought
I guess Sonic Mania if that counts. I don't use my PS4 consistently
>what game are you looking forward to
Ace Combat 7 probably
Yakuza 0
Yakuza Kiwami
Monster Hunter World
I just redeemed my rewards points for a $20 gift code. Do I really have to wait a whole 5 days before it comes?
I own PS4 and PS2
Just ordered
>Lego Worlds
>Downhill Domination (ps2)
>Trackmania Turbo
>Tearaway unfolded
>Rayman legends
>NBA 2k18
Snake pass is what I want to download the most. I am interested in playing as a snake instead of hopping around.
I'm most interested in Lego Worlds and Snake pass.
Have Chrono Cross to play on ps1.
Those are all the games I really need for this year an into early next year.
I'd like to get Grandia, Star Ocean second story, Jade Cocoon, Legend of Dragoon, Breath of Fire 3 and maybe a few other RPGs on ps1.
Other games that look great are
Sudden Strike 4
The Sexy Brutale
Lego Jurassic World
Horizon Zero Dawn
Deus Ex Mankind divided
Crash Bandicoot remaster
Tomba (ps1)
Mega Man
Some mech games, don't know which to get
I'd like to get a Nintendo Wii and play some Mario and Kirby games, amongst others.
I can't play first person shooters because I get simulator sickness or something where I get nausea, but I want to try to address the problem with medicine or something.
That's why I like to play side scrolling games, 3rd person view and games that don't involve too much hopping, camera shake or swiveling. Old RPGs are great for that
FFXV, I'm just bored and with nothing to do
36 Platinums
Just bought the steelbook for Hitman 2016
No idea, to be honest, I haven't really been following the PS4's roadmap.
picked up yakuza 0 from the sale and having a blast
1 plat, ffxv
looking forward to trying out comrades soon
Holy shit why is nobody talking about how fun Rez infinite on VR is?
I literally never heard of it and it's crazy fun
>Dark Souls 3, LA Noire, Moto GP(Bought it to play with a friend)
>2 or 3, not autistic enough
> LA Noire
> Nier, Red Dead
pick 1
JRPG's have finally clicked for me. About to finish persona 5 and next I'm playing digimon cyberslueth. What am I in for? Any other suggestions for solid jrpg's?
bored af playing ratchet and clank. i think this is the most mediocre platformer ive ever played.
no plats.
persona 5
selling this piece of shit after i play rdr2
>tfw all those games you like but will never get 100% on because of them having online features no one no longer uses
It's even worse because AC Brohood sits at the very top of the list on PS3, it wants to annoy me.
>what are you playing
Yakuza 0
>how many plats do you own
Like 4 or 5
>what was the last game you bought
Yakuza 0
>what game are you looking forward to the most
FF7 RM / KH3
Also interested to see how project prelude rune turns out
injustice 2
injustice 2
red dead
Cyber Sleuth is a very budget JRPG. It's also a bit different since you'll have to train your digimons and fulfill some evolution criteria for them to get the results you want. It's definetly a step down in almost every aspect after P5, but still an enjoyable game. Personally I'd recommend things like disgaea 5 or tales of berseria.
I'll try bersersia too, that one looks heavily story driven. I've kinda avoided disgaea because of the gameplay. But as long as the story is good I'll try it too.
>solid jrpgs
okay fine suggest some vita jrpg's
Play the atelier arland trilogy.
Gravity Rush 2
96 with a few non-plat 100%ed games like Journey
Guaccamelle physical edition
Dragon quest 11
2 or 3
.hack GU Last Recode
Looking forward to Code Vein. Animu Vampire Souls sounds right up my alley. Can’t decide whether I’ll make a Shinobu or an OC donut steel first run.
>what are you playing
Doom, Fortnite, Horizon: Frozen Wilds and BF1
>how many plats do you own
1 (horizon)
>what was the last game you bought
Doom, for 10$
>what game are you looking forward to the most
Honestly, Horizon 2. I'm totally into the story.
>The last night
When is it releasing for PS4?
haven't touched my ps4 since the beginning of this month cause pc gaming is superior sorry
So why did you feel the need to post it in this thread?