Where were you when the PS3 could be hacked without downgrade?
super slim super when?
>Being this late to the party
i only heard today, to believe just a some days ago i was looking to buy a 3.55 ps3
>tfw people will STILL update when this gets patched out
Thanks for telling me. I will not update my PS3 slim at all costs now
>Still no working 360 emulator
>still can't play JSRF on pc in glorious 4K
waiting for my model to be able to run it.
should I bother setting up a webserver or just use "redthetrainer.com
if I install cfw will I lose my currently installed games?
you will not lose any games. i am trying the redthetrainer but the triggering exploit keeps failing for me
how big is the backup dump for the bios?
the what?
if you use the NOR dumper how much space would it take up on the flash drive?
i wouldn't know, i'm using the NAND
ok, I just read it should be about 16mb.
Do I put the cfw on the root of my flash drive, or do I download it through the web server like the dumper/writer?
i think you put it on the flashdrive. it's usually an update file.
>hack the ps3
>when no more games are coming to the system
whats the point?
might as well try it now that it's available and free to do without screwing up your ps3 by trying to downgrade
Didn't work for me, got
>Triggering exploit FAILED
consistently. Is it a waste of time trying it with a million different USB drives?
>1. Setup a small Web server on pc or smartphone. A custom miniweb application (from: sourceforge.net
>Still no working Xbox emulator
>Can't play Gunvalkyrie or Panzer Dragoon Orta at all since my mum gave away my Xbox without asking me
try setting the homepage to blank or the address of the exploit. then again, i've been on SUCCESS... for a good while now
just download the file, put flsh.hex on a usb and go to redthetrainer.com/ps3
what's the difference between 4.82 cfw and rebug?
>try setting the homepage to blank or the address of the exploit.
Weird, now the browser just sits there loading indefinitely, and the server doesn't say anything when the PS3 tries to connect either. I did delete the cache & cookies as well. Looks like the thing's hosed now.
did you try redthetrainer.com/ps3?
Update: after a reboot or two and a bunch of attempts the browser unfucked itself. Then the exploit failed once and succeeded on the automatic retry. Will see how it goes. Thanks for the advice user
Can you play games from the usb?
Download NAND/NOR Writer
Place flsh.hex in the root folder of your usb key.
Place your usb drive in the USB port closest to the BD Drive of your console
Set a blank homepage in your PS3 Web browser
Navigate to my website redthetrainer.com
Bookmark the page, and close your browser
re-open your browser and select the page you bookmarked
Select the button that says Write to #### Flash Memory
Now, if you are lucky, in a minute or so your console should beep and shut down. Congrats!
Otherwise, if even after 15 minutes it's still there (or the "wave" background gets stuck), attempt failed.
In this case, just press off button, restart console, wait for filesystem to be checked, then re-try hack.
This may happen even after "Suceeded!" warning. That alone means nothing, don't proceed any further unless PS shuts down.
i got succeed, it shut off in a second. installing cfw update still fails though..
should I install 4.82 FERROX COBRA 7.53 Custom Firmware v1.00 or Rebug 4.81.2 REX 4.82Syscon Thibobo?
Pretty sure you can't install Rebug first, since it's for 4.81. You have to install Ferrox (or some other CFW) first, toggle the QA flag, and then you can downgrade to Rebug.
My understanding is that Rebug is straight up better.
thanks, that makes sense.
fuck i keep getting data corrupted when trying to install cfw even after successfully flashing.
is your usb in the right slot?
are you using the nor nand writer?
yes? i'm installing CFW after getting a "SUCCESS" and the system turning off. I'm past all the website stuff and onto CFW and can't get that to work
In the end it worked first time with redthetrainer. With my own equipment I only got these "SUCCEEDED" variants:
>Otherwise, if even after 15 minutes it's still there (or the "wave" background gets stuck), attempt failed.
if you use the dumper it will also give you a "SUCCESS" and the system turning off. so I just wanted to make sure.
yeah, but did installing CFW work? for some reason i still get "Data Corrupted" when installing the CFW updated
When will we be able to hack 3XXX models.
another 10 years.
So what can I even do with a CFW PS3 besides pirate all those games I already own? I mean I guess there's English Tales of Vesperia.
I already have a JB PS3 though, haven't used her in a while though.
Good question. Looked like it installed OK but I struggle to see evidence the system is running a CFW. Never used any CFW on PS3 so I wouldn't know
Shit looks complicated, call me when it's as easy as hacking a Wii.
Wii hacking used to be a lot harder.
i'm going to try it now, wish me luck.
Need a PS3 recommendations list. I wanna hack but I just can't think of anything to get.
Nevermind, there's "Install Package Files" under Game now but that's it.
It's actually a way simpler process than Wii, just jankier
Can I play online with a hacked PS3 and pirated games? I'd probably get ac5
I was thinking the same and came up with nothing. I starting to think that whole"ps3 has no games" meme is true.
>tfw own Superslim
Dark Souls
Disgaea 4
Zone of the Enders
Persona 5
Tales of Vesperia (English fan translation)
Sonic CD
Megaman 9+10
Fallout 3
Off the top of my head. What kind of games do you like? PS3 has plenty of RPGs if you're into them. With mods you can get plenty more from the PS1 library.
Here's a list to remind you. Highly recommend Resonance of Fate. Story is average, but customizing guns and doing run n gun attacks are fun as fuck. Even after the 1,000th time.
>mfw 30xx model
I already have pretty much everything I'm interested in anyways but FUCK it would have been nice to play Tales of Vesperia.
inFamous 1/2
Tokyo Jungle
El Shaddai
Demon's Souls
God of War Saga
MGS Legacy Collection
Elevator Action Deluxe
Ico/SotC Collection
I thought the MGS collections were shit ala silent Hill collection
Will this work on the CECHH01
Not even remotely. You're missing some of the bonus content but that's it.
how long should a dump take?
And another that's too big for 4chang: vignette.wikia.nocookie.net
By the way, if anyone knows if you can also play PS1/PS2 PSN games, then that just expands the library infinitely.
Nah, it's basically the same but with "HD" graphics and cheevos.
>Resistance 2
Yeah for being shit, I'm tossing that image because that games inclusion. There's a difference between must plays and okay games. Resistance 1 is the only must play. I'm going to guess without looking at the other games that they're decent at best.
The only HD Collections on PS3 you need to worry about avoiding besides Silent Hill are Prince of Persia (which has some seriously bad audio issues and is otherwise a pretty mediocre port) and Splinter Cell (which has really bad framerate problems if your system is set to 1080p and changes many of menu and UI graphics around for no reason). Everything else should be good to go.
Haven't played it, so I can't defend it, but the chart says "noteworthy", not "must plays". So it's less of an "okay" games chart and more of a "better than okay" games chart. A general list of titles that will most likely be pretty good to amazing for most people.
For example, if I wanted a list of RPGs on PS3, I'd open up the chart, look through the games in the RPG section, and then pick out one that catches my interest.
I say this, but it's too fucking big to be useful anyway, first one's much better. It's just like that anime chart that puts six different anime charts right next to each other and people post it as a sort of tool, but it's completely counter-intuitive. I posted the video game one anyway just in case someone could get some use out it though. Not as big and pointless as the anime one, at least.
it's frozen up on me 2 times now after the success message, I think I'll try reformatting my flash drive to 4kb clusters.
the ps3 gets hot so easily, I could heat my room all winter with it.
You might want to give it a good cleaning if it's getting that hot.
Just went on an adveture to get this cfw stuff up.... only to realize that the PS3 has literally no games. Non that I want to play except one. Which is a ps4 game.
does it have to be a flash drive or can I use a micro sd card with a usb adaptor?
I have a CECH-4001C. Is it hackable?
how the fuck did you even get it work dude.
I waited for 10 min and I manually closed the browser, the system shutdown on it's own, I checked the card and it created a 16mb dump.hex file. I'm not sure if this was successful or not, because I had to manually exit the browser, which may have interrupted something.
>contemplate going through the trouble of hacking it
>realize i already bought everything i've wanted to play on it
>just bought persona 5 from black friday sale yesterday
Aw, no super slim?
where 2 get games?
This but I want english translated geimus like Oneechanbara Z or visual novels.
Followed the directions. Its not as hard as I made it out to be.
so i'm supposed to update to 4.82 to begin with, right? i did the minver thing and it said 2.70 or later can be installed, idk if thats relevant
Yup. Only works on 4.82
you need 4.82
ok, so i need to update from 4.81 to 4.82, then i can begin?
puts it in easier detail
The only thing you need to know which isn't on that explanation is whether to do NOR or NAND and that is in the uploaded image
so should i update to 4.82 right now?
how do i figure out the nor/nand thing?
so cech-2001a would be NOR
I'm on Rebug 4.3
Can I just install the 4.82 CFW?
For the writer, I think yes since it's a slim right? I'm trying it with cech-2002b and using the NOR NAD WRITER -> NOR 4.82 on redthetrainer website. Keeps on freezing for 10+ minutes when I try though.
Hey. I know you already got an answer to your question, but I just wanted to tell you to never use the word "ala" ever again. Okay?
Yeah, I've been playing the SC HD collection and the frame rate has been shit, with constant stuttering. Will it run better if I set it to 720p?
mine is currently just attempting to trigger exploit and subsequently failing
I did the exploit right, got a "success" it beeped and turned off, but it doesn't detect my cfw files when I go to update it.
Try setting your PS3 Browser home page to "about:blank" then close the browser, reopen it and then go to the red trainer site.
If that continues to fails after 10-15 mins,restart PS3 and then browser > red
It can fail once, then retry and succeed
Just to be sure, your Ferrox 4.82 CFW is named "PS3UPDAT.PUP" and it's within a folder named "UPDATE" and thats within a folder named "PS3" on your Thumb Drive?
Thumb drive also has to be Fat32
Sort of on topic: I've got Multiman installed and made two backups of Persona 5- one after the other- but both times I tried editing PARAM.sfo to allow for remote play it just flat-out doesn't launch. Am I doing something wrong when making the backups, or is there something else I need to do entirely to get it to work (let alone run in the first place)?
>Just to be sure, your Ferrox 4.82 CFW is named "PS3UPDAT.PUP" and it's within a folder named "UPDATE" and thats within a folder named "PS3" on your Thumb Drive?
Nope, but it is now.
It's working now, thanks.
I tried it many MANY times and it only worked 2 times, my advice is, if it freezes just restart because it won't succeed no matter how long you wait.
My ps3 is hacked now, it feels so good now, it only took me the whole night.