
What happened?

They used to be so good...

Other urls found in this thread:

Patreon happened

>Year of our lord 2017
>Playing unmodded Skyrim

Its understandable

They don't have corporate overlords to appease. They no longer have access to a studio and high quality production equipment. They no longer give a fuck when they can rake in 40k+ a month + twitch money + ad revenue + merch sales just by putting out unedited podcasts where they talk for hours about the same things over and over again, and don't have the balls to really say anything because they don't want to piss off their resetera (neogaf) fans, but also don't have the balls to full on jump on their side either for fear of pissing off the other fans.

How to fix EZA
>get an office and force everyone to have their own desk/area. Jones' garage is cute and all but it's time to move on.
>stop making so many fucking redundant podcasts
>Kyle needs to do something other than streaming playstation 1 games and hosting a podcast once a week. Browsing gaf/reset era for 15 mins and hitting record on audacity is not that hard nor does it require ample set up time
>Remove Easy Update from the main channel and tell Ian that if he wants his own show where he can be complemented by soyboys that he should do it on a personal channel
>Here's a wild one, force Huber to do a Final Bosman type show

The problem is that apart from Kyle and Bloodworth nobody really has solid informed opinions about games or the industry that take in to account all sides. Jones is the neutral head honcho and that's fine. He's the mediator. Huber is a hype man but that's fine, Damiani can form some solid opinions about something other than a Nintendo product when he wants to be he's too much of a sperg. Brad doesn't do enough. Ben is good at cranking out reviews. Ian needs to focus entirely on production or fuck off. Don is fine in the backround occasionally producing content.

>apart from Kyle and Bloodworth nobody really has solid informed opinions about games

>solid informed opinions about games
You clearly did not think this statement through.

Didn't GameTrailers die?

Ya. And they became Easy Allies because they were all jobless.

Kyle is a fucking nerd that is secretly like the rest of us fucking losers that soaks up information about what's going on in the industry or what games are coming out on a daily basis. Don't let his little foolishness act fool you.

So is Brandon going to do the podcast with Colin or is he going to bow down to all the faggots threatening to pull support?

Seriously? Kyle is easily the most informed and opinionated of all the Allies. The only problem I have with him is that he always layers himself with a cowl of ironic jokes and tom foolery (aside from when he's irritated I suppose). But, you know, he wouldn't be Kyle without that so its tolerable.

What are you talking about?

They need to kidnap Elyse.

I don't get it. How is this related to game trailers? Is this an e-celeb thread?

>cowl of ironic jokes and tom foolery
Pic related

Colin Moriarty invited Jones onto his show and Jones agreed to come on so people got very upset and started pulling their support for EZA because Jones wanted to have a conversation with his friend.

That'll never happen, it'd stop Ian's nightly ritual of hiding in her closet in a dress and watch her chad husband lay into her, all while Ian sobs and twirls his microdick in his fingers.

He most certainly does not have "solid opinions about games." He's an autist who forms good or bad opinions regarding games over the most minute, inconsequential details.

GameTrailers was an OG game journalist/media company that we all used to watch untill the company was sold and they all got fired.
A few months later a bunch of the key members grouped together to found "Easy Allies" but they've since lost the charm of the golden days.

The "love and respect" cult was a mistake

Brandon Jones = based.
Another = corporate manchildren shills, who hyped for every shit.

Yes, this is another example, every person understand, shenmue will be shit and another failed kickstarter project.

Holy shit thats autistic

Their fanbase is really starting to become self entitled garbage

To be fair that should have been expected, their faggot core fanbase are resetera levels of left, so Jones going to a known rightwinger's podcast would never go over well. They're all faggots who forget that Blood is a rightwing christian.

Easy Update was never good unless you are mentally ill and actually like Ian.

>Damiani can form some solid opinions about something other than a Nintendo product when he wants to be he's too much of a sperg

Accuse Damiani of being a Nintendo fanboy all you want, but he's extremely critical of them, and easily the most critical of all the allies. The dude is a huge fucking sperg who needs chill out and of course a raging SJW fag, but he's still the only one of them that actually puts himself out there and calls out flaws in games instead just spouting "LOVE AND RESPECT!!!".

>Shitting on Huber's pure unbridled joy

Get out

>that we all used to watch
You don't speak for me. most of you fucks probably found them because of their godawful zelda timeline video.

Fuck Ben and his giant stupid head.

bosman turned really fucking annoying after he stopped doing TFB and i don't know why, like suddenly I started noticing all these insufferable quirks and bullshit he has. was it because that was all pre-written and edited or what

>was it because that was all pre-written and edited or what

Nailed it.

>was it because that was all pre-written and edited
You thought it wasn't?

They're honestly just so lazy. Like any time an embargo lifts and I'm reading around the net for impressions on games or a review, they're almost never there amongst the others. All their shit comes either late or never at all. Nearly every site across the internet (besides Giant Bomb who are their relatives in being lazy fuckers) has released their early impressions/previews of Xenoblade 2, yet the most we get from Easy Allies is Ben bringing it up for 5 seconds in a podcast just to say "Yeah I'm playing it ha ha ha".

Write something you dumb fucker. Make your pay. We know you're playing it now do your job and tell us what you think.

No, it's more like I'm shocked at how vast the difference between his scripted work is versus his "regular" self when they're ostensibly the same thing, person who talks about video games

I hate Ben, he tries waaaay to hard to be like all the other allies which makes him seem like someone without any personality at all. Put him next to Huber, he becomes a Huber clone, put him next to Brad, he's a Brad clone. Really weird guy.

Has he ever put forward an opinion of his own without prefacing it with one hundred qualifiers?

or starting his sentence, stopping it, breathing in, and continuing.

>used to be so good
Why do SJWs lie so much?

god he's so annoying

Shouldn't the new Hall of Greats already have happened?

The only thing great about the Hall of Greats is Don's presentations

If Bosman left Easy Allies, how much do you think their patreon would collapse by? I'm thinking about $20k


Kyle and dislike a game just because of some minor detail that clashes with his autism.

It's entertaining to see him explain why though because it's so out of the left field compared to normal gamers.

Considering how Colin ran the highest patreon for a long time and how he wants to share and talk with Brandon about being a startup using patreon as cash, I really can't see any reason why he shouldn't go because it'll not only be entertaining but allows Brandon to learn a lot more on how to fix things from Colin.

>They used to be so good
no they didn't

Yeah but Colin was that cunt who started the whole entitlement thing with Mass Effect 3. Fuck that self important cunt.

They got screwed over by Bosman, who didn't want to recreate Final Bosman. If he didn't know he was the bread winner in the group it was made extremely obvious when he backstabbed them and did Keighley's show and his segments were constantly the most popular thing about it. They could easily reach 50k but Bosman feels he's too much of an artist to feel constrained by deadlines, even though his best work came from deadlines.

Then there's the laziness by everyone else. Damiani can barely keep to doing Friend Code on time, and puts out a Game Sleuth (One of the channel's more popular shows mind you) once the stars align every 1000 years. Huber's run out of shit to say because he's the only one who actually does anything weekly, and now basically does a mini podcast. No one helps Brad capture footage for the retrospectives so it takes forever for those to come out. Brandon somehow couldn't do a weekly cup of jones, even though it's literally just a Q&A / Update video. Ian on rare occasions has an interesting show but it's mostly his awful music and tooling around with his SJW friends. Don is an enigma and it both helps and hurts them, cause when he does show up and does stuff it elevates everything but when he does it's very infrequent. Ben's podcast about anime is dreadful and should just be cut, frame trap is boring, and almost no one watches the D&D campaign anymore cause it's too long.

They also put too much stock into NeoFAG / Reset. Ben, Damiani, and Bosman in particular. Because they focus on this one community they cater to it too much and it makes them afraid of losing them by having any contrary opinions.

As someone who played Shenmue when it first came out, Huber's a fucking idiot for getting so worked up about the music alone. That entire Sony press conference was fucking embarrassing because of all the game journalists like Huber with no sense.

>puts out a Game Sleuth
Did they even put out another one after that last one about some shitty kids TV show tie in game? What a fucking waste of time that was, they could have been working on literally anything else, but they put out a 15 minute video that built up to "The codes were published on the website" like fucking WOW. Holy shit! Way to put that patreon money to work.

Only one, about a secret fight in Final Fantasy 7