Aaaaaaand dropped

aaaaaaand dropped.

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Why? Canonically Bastion is autistic to the point where he covers his entire room and playing cards in card equations.

and it's fucking hilarious. I love weaponized autism


Because Konami made Alexis a slut in Duel Links.

So still true to character?

Wait, she wasn't one already?


>literal Chad starts hitting on her
>she smashes him in cards and essentially tells him to fuck off
Yeah what a slut dude.

>Obelisk is the worst god card
>Kaiber makes it the best class in his school because it was the card he owned
>Makes Slypher the lowest grade because of salt over Yugi

Your waifu is a ho, sorry dude.

Isn't Ra the worst?

Kaiba owns the school?


Not seeing a problem. Jaden ignored her to be with the tranny, so it isn't like she has anyone to hold out for.

Ra's attack power is dependent on what's tributed. On average, it'll be stronger than the other 2

Alexis's sex appeal is pretty spectacular but I wish she wasn't the queen of jobbing.

Or in GX for that matter.

Kaiba owns just about everything on the planet by the time GX starts.

He bought it, then projected his fantasies of him being the strongest with the obelisk faction being the highest rank and the slifer faction the lowest rank because he will NEVER get over losing to Yugi.

>hold my black rose dragon


Aoi is cute
Flat is justice

Tea is technically undefeated.

Who is this semen demon

>beat tristian who is canonically worse than most
>beat joey but only he was just as bad
>beat mai but mai threw the match intentionally

>tfw she reverts to a shit duelist in S2 who's highlight of dueling career involved summoning Yusei's Stardust Dragon so he could start his game with it.
>she's like never in that sexy bike suit again.
Fuck man, they couldn't at least give her one out of three?

I remember wanting my face in those tits when I was like eight but now I finally remember her name.

>Obelisk is the worst god card
It's actually the only playable one in meta unless you stall your opponent with Ra Sphere Mode so Kaiba was right again

I honestly don't even know what season/series Yu-gi-oh is on now. Last I recall there were ninja kida fighting with portable fidget spinner duel disks. i remember years ago when CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES was still a meme.

>tfw Slifer is your favorite God card and it will never ever get support

It's this weird VR thing now. Don't worry about it.

>Already milked Espa Roba for all he's worth
When next event

Fav decks go
Noble Knights
Ice barrier

>The episode where the obnoxious teacher finally proves he's not all talk by saving everybody with his debut deck
GX had some good moments even if it's overall unmemorable

Rate my deck btw

>literal Chad

are you weevil underwood because this is a deck for ants

Slifer saw fringe play some time in Zexal IIRC.

the gambler

the only people she likes are judai, and since vagabond exists in duel links maybe that faggot too

>literal chazz starts hitting on her


Kaiber has done what nobody has, or will ever do again, no movie/book/play/game character or god will ever come close to his achievements.
>Be so salty about losing to Yugi that he practically buys out the entire planet creates two races of alien beings whose sole existence revolves around a children card game
>Any world ending disasters, magic or the like that is flung his way is simply brushed aside because "I don't believe in your hokus pokus magic"
Among a billion other reasons. Truly, he is the most based.

Don't forget that basically every world ending event that happened in the future he is indirectly responsible for because he went all in on card games and basically warped the world because of it.

kaiba believes in magic you dumb faggot

why do the biggest kaibafags seem like they've never actually watched or read the series and are running exclusively off greentext knowledge


I keep hearing Zexal gets good but those character designs are just so awful.

Who's the furry

This girl is literally a 10/10 cutie, though.

seven at best

Kotori a cute.

One exception does not make the rule.

tori green hair is cute though?
Cathy Katherine, no shit thats the name they went with



Slifer and Ra didn't even get the anti-targeting protection Obelisk got,
What were they fucking thinking?


Tori is cute af
I would give her lots of dick

Literally cannot see this character as anything but female Kaiba every time she's posted

>YFW her Japanese voice actress was in a sex cult.

>female Kaiba
user please i dont think my dick will get harder


F.A. (Formula Athletes)
Masked HEROs

she doesn't act, sound, or even play similar cards to him so the association breaks quick

It still makes me wonder what kind of 5Ds we would have had after the Signer arc if the sex cult thing never happened. The first time I heard about it, I was disappointed to learn things were rewritten to avoid relations to the event.

There were already rewrites before that point

>ED2 shows several matchups
>the only one that doesn't happen is Leo vs Bomber
>Leo was supposed to be the 5th Signer and unlock his true dragon in a rematch with Bomber but this gets scrapped because BUY BLACKWINGS

He eventually got it, but god damn if the heart birthmark didn't feel like the highest asspull ever conceived.

But we already have female kaiba

>more R63 bullshit that just reminds me I'm looking at a male character with tits stapled o-
>dress and pantyhose

>watered down nostalgia bait mobile garbage
I'm suprised you play itin the first place

>Give Kaiba a long hair wig and breast pads
>Instantly becomes best girl
How does he do it?

not with this card

>to be continued
Nigga where??

This is correct. Pure sex.

literally made for paizuri


So what's the best way to go about packs in this game, I just started only about an hour in, should I hoard gems?

there were rumors of her being in a sex cult, then they fired her VA and had to rewrite the story arc that came after so the big bad group wasn't a cult

there aren't really any interesting details about her dealings with the cult itself or the fallout of her personal life

What was the VAs name.

This Aki is literally perfect.

Literally born to have semen deposited in her womb to procreate.

beats me i just know the gossipy hen hearsay

i'd let aki punch me in the face and neck every day and set me on fire if it meant a happy life with her

no way fag


Yea way

>doesn't have huge breasts
That's not 10/10.

frig off user asuka is judai only

one day he'll realize that a regular human woman can be much better and lewder than a dragon space hermaphrodite yandere ghost. one day

Am I the only one who likes that faggy instructor that jobbed on ep1?

everybody loves that faggot

He's too far gone user, Asuka is here, now, and ready to reproduce.

She can't reproduce with a robot

Someone apparently stapled two cantaloupes to her chest.


I'm more than happy to claim her for myself

Why is she crying?.

Can I get more detail pls user ?

she's gotta go to card game college but the player character needs to become a hobo so they can't hang out anymore

She's trying to comprehend the lastest rulesets

You reject her offer to have kids together

Never mind I found it.

I gotchu senpai

Dark World
Gladiator Beasts

Shaddol galaxy best deck untill they banned construct

It's not fair