I don't get it, why do people hate her?
Final Fantasy XIV
*clenches fist*
would you trust this face to librate a country?
>Post your character
>Other anons guess your personality type
I don't know, could you trust THIS rack?
>*clenches fist*
>gives terrible speech that no sane person would believe in
>proceeds to steal the WoL's light after big bads defeat
While I feel she gets more dislike than she deserves (mainly in the "takes credit for what we do" way, she thanks you plenty) her retarded questioning of "WHY WON'T ANYONE RISE UP AGAINST GARLEAN RULE??" where she has to be told time and time again that they've tried, and their friends have tried and died is her most annoying factor. They made her act like a retarded child with no fucking empathy.
No personality type
>*clenches fist*
I'm not up to SB yet, why does everyone mention this?
Aside from being an awkward fuck, helping us in a few fights, and teaching us the value of Alphinaud, that's all she does up until the final boss.
She clenches her fist.
She's the least interesting member of the Stormblood cast yet she's always with you and is the poster character. They really shouldn't have killed Meffrid since he would have probably tempered her retardation moving into the later parts of the leveling experience. After you get back from Othard there's no one left to tell Lyse to shut the fuck up and have some tact. I hope she stumbles hard when we get back to Gyr Abania in the next few patches.
But really, Othard's shit was so much more interesting that I want to see more Hien, Gosetsu, and Yugiri before I see anything else with Lyse.
Because she is boring and cardboard compared to the traveling companions of the expansion prior. And her entire being is an asspull at an attempt for tweest.
>Finally grind hard enough to get Fenrir mount form Gold Saucer
>No auto game playing scripts or anything
>Just daily cactpot cards, lottery and the weekly challenges
>Super excited
>Realize I really don't have any reason to play
>Haven't touched it in a week
>My face
I think I've made a mistake.
Because she isn't Yda
Man I fucking miss Yda, she was the highlight of the game, now she's grimdark liberate the savages
Now you have to go for all the other mounts and minions.
Because she's far too inexperienced and idealistic to lead fucking anything and her country would blow up under her if she didn't have loads of support.
No porn of her
Was Papalymo giving Yda the BLC offscreen?
He probably just stood there while she squatted on his face
Gay twink
Squat girl champion. I loved talking to Yda and the rest of the crew.
She was forced down players' throats as the npc of the expansion and turned into a complete mary sue.
At least Heavensward's central npc wasnt in every single fucking cutscene
>Next mount costs 700k
>Finally have quite a lot of money
>Have all of the glamours that I want
>Houses are a waste of money
>No reason to spend money anymore, so it just sits there
What do?
If we're being honest her character is fine, but it's just so mismatched with everything around her. Who knows maybe three expacs down the road she'll gain the leadership skills of Hien or Raubahn, but for now good grief.
Honoroit (´・ω・`)
Is futa lover a personality type?
Not gay, but for some reason, I've already have one guy come up and hit on me since using Fantasia to change into him
Heavensward had a central NPC?
Does she have a fucking neck belt and shoulder belts?
What the fuck is wrong with final fantasy artists
Ugly and useless. Stupid hair and clothes.
Should have kept the mask on.
You just don't understand fashion.
She would have been better if she DIDN'T follow the WoL to Doma. Would have made Conrad seem less like a fucking dipshit.
>mfw they beat the shit out of him for no reason
i wanted that bitch to fucking die just because of that
Estinien, Ysayle, and Alphinaud.
they should've given her the clothes in the trailerrs
Who /unsubbed/
Haven't played Stormblood yet but isn't Alphinaud always with you throughout the entire game?
His sister takes his place after HW
wow I think im standing really close to you right now
Serious question: What would you think if they added an actual romance/dating system with NPCs in XIV? Who would you marry?
Gentleman who likes weightlifting and has high test.
There's a stretch of Stormblood where he isn't. It made a lot of the player base realize just how important characters like him (or Minfilia I suppose) are in the grand scheme of things.
my party gave up on potd..
Not online right now, user.
michael cera cocksucker
Oh FUCK NO I hate that bitch, going to skip every cutscene with her in it. I can see how they stuffed the insufferable bitch with the new insufferable rebellion bitch lyse
Minfillia sucked
He kind of is but without him Estinien and Ysayle wouldn't have bonded like they did. He grew a lot in Heavensward. He's mostly doing diplomat stuff in Stormblood since the cast is already large.
spot on
So did anybody else hate how the Stormblood story seemed split between two very distinct areas with a very thin plot thread tying them together? Like I get it everybody was so fucking hype for Kugane but it just seemed very jarring to go from Weeabooland back to desert shithole. Now I spend all day in the Reach since that's the hub, and Kugane is just kinda there.
Nice quads
And yes. It was supposed to be Estinien, as the plot revolves around his conflict with Nidhogg. At least the main scenario during the Dragonsong War questlines
Shes fine in SB, just overshadowed by Alphy because she never really got a character till SB.
Aymeric for all alts and every character ever.
She features heavily, but Alphinaud re-appears 75% of the way through the 4.0 MSQ for Stormblood and takes her place afterward. He's also back in the most recent round of MSQs that introduce the Lost City of Skalla dungeon.
Rumors are the last stretch will make Doma or kugane the new hub before next expansion.
But she wasn't retarded. Turns out unless somebody who isn't retarded is checking in on the WoLs, we do retarded shit.
don't worry, she gets stabbed and alphinaud comes back. And yes, people still bully him
I feel that way too. It would have made more sense if we liberated Ala Mhigo first then had a reason to go to Kugane and eventually to Doma. Felt a bit awkward to go overseas, then go back to Eorzea to finish the job.
It was even odder to see that Zenos had the same idea.
I just know that in the final moments for Heavensward she got extremely annoying and always like to disagree with Alphinaud. I also hate her voice in all languages, guess it can't be helped.
Alisae finally gets some fleshed out time in SB. But they keep giving Alphi more revealing moments making his character more exciting to know more.
God I fucking hope so. Also, why the fuck does Fordola get a redemption arc when she's literally fucking garbage?
Kugane is the crafting hub. Every crafting job sends you there as far as I know, the leve counter is there, and there's a market board. I've never seen it not completely packed.
I'm annoyed the Ala Mhigan campaign felt kind of rushed. After the Doman campaign I really wanted them to keep the conflict as personal as they did in Othard but they shoved so much stuff into such a short amount of time while focusing a little too much on the Ananta.
Because she's Lyse's foil. She'll be deaf before we know it.
Probably not. The Doman Enclave is being fixed as you complete the MSQ but it's a single player instanced area. Kugane being the crafting hub means there's zero chance of them moving the PvE vendors there.
Reminder that the WoL will end up accidentally destroying the world at his current rate based on the questline involving the WoD's
I cant spoil anything, at least i dont want to. But as said thats all she does, clenshes her fist in anguosh because "m-muh ala mhigo" and apes out. Her pre stormblood persona was way better and likable. Also she's incompetent for what shes elected
stop posting your catboy faggot
>no option to let the mob kill her in her cell
>mfw thought raubahn was fucking nanamo this whole time
>they're just friends
it's not fair bros...
why does this image mak me angry
Elidibus exists to make sure that won't happen.
>mfw this patch's featured word was BITCH
because it's true. Lyse does nothing. You did all the liberating. And what's his face names her the face of the resistance instead of at the very least M'naago who has been working with him for years.
Nepotism at its finest.
Because thats exactly what happened
there's plenty of crafters doing shit for m'naago though
Shut up. If you execute her, you are better than them because SHE IS A FUCKING WAR CRIMINAL. You aren't running around fucking conquering the world like the Empire are. You're threatening the stability of your own realm for an ACTUAL FUCKING TRAITOR. If you need info GET THE INFO then fucking execute her in the town square to give your own people some closure Lyse you incompetent fuckwit.
Ehh, I never really understood why people posted that image.
After you defeat Zenos and Shinryuu, every single leader and important figureheads personally thanked you for killing Zenos and pretty much understood that you were the one that did everything.
>no more 24 man raids
Why does SE hate fun?
But i'm the fucking WARRIOR OF LIGHT
wow shafted again
WoL only important when we get framed for a fucking murder
illberd was right
I want to hate fuck Lyse with her mouth taped shut and her hands tied open
Because lol memes. Never does she once say she even did anything, but I guess her leading the singing of the anthem of the end somehow implies that
>mfw Laurentius quotes Solid Snake during that whole fight
Lyse is the 'face' of the liberation though.
You know, the woman who didn't even live in Ala Mhigo for many years and doesn't understand thee feelings of despair given by extreme oppression
"why don't you fight back it's so easy lol"
>Monk expansion
>MNK sucks to play
I just got my SAM to 70 the other day and have been having a blast. I'm done with Monk and it's retarded positionals.
>MNK expansion
Lyse is a sorry excuse for MNK
It always belong to the SAM
Gaius van Baelsar
Regula van Hydrus
Ilberd "fuck Garlemald" griffin
All of Ishgard
What? Rabanastre is a 24-man
>retarded positionals.
are you braindead?
i don't even play mnk that much and its positionals are not rocket science
>SE starts adding skimpy glamour as raid clear rewards
>Merc groups revive making easy moolah off the casuals
You're forgetting Varis zos Galvus
his son is retarded
Actually not executing people is a plot point for some of the sub quests. Apparently the Eorzean armies no longer allow executions since the Garleans were using that as propaganda against them.
So yeah that mob really was chimping out.
But why should I care about who the Ala Mhigans think is the face of the liberation.
Everyone else that's actually important and the ones I care about all know who it was the did the work anyway.
Don't worry, Van Baelsar will probably come back
Hydrus LITERALLY was a fucking hero. And I hate that not many will know of him apart from a dungeon.
Raubahn did all the liberating. And now he's probably going to be the acting head of the military in Ala Mhigo.
It's more along the lines of annoyances over tanks not moving bosses to accommodate positionals even when you tell them to, or bosses constantly turning around when you're trying to hit them. Other melee including SAM have positional requirements as well, but none are as thoroughly entrenched in them as MNK.