Was it good?

Was it good?

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not as good as the originals, meaning as a remaster it kinda failed

I agree with you besides 1.
1 is an improvement in most cases, biggest problem is how they shit on the soundtrack and ruined the atmosphere in the most atmospheric crash game there is.

It could have been but they just left the game to die after release. They never fixed the fucked physics or Crash's rounded hitbox which makes certain Crash 1 stages way more difficult than intended. Meanwhile, Crash 3 is still a joke that can be beaten blindfolded.

they all have the janky physics though, including 1

>making them more difficult
Just makes me more satisfied that I managed to beat all the levels and get all the gems.

I've played it a lot so I barely notice but I know it's there.
Still sickens me that they issued a statement literally saying they weren't patching anything even after this was a huge success in sales.

3 games/10


I mainly hate what it did to Generator Room and most of the rest of CB1's atmosphere. It's less menacing.

Yes. Hopefully it spawns a couple new games.

Crash was never good. More people realized it with the release of a remaster.

It was excellent. The problems I have most with it are technical, which coming from someone who holds the originals in high regard, is a compliment. Getting all Plats was a great test of skill.

>Crash was never good.

Yet no one ever backs up why they say such a thing.

It was playable but objectively worse than the originals. The Nitros leaping 50 feet in the air in 2 randomly and hitting you mid jump is absolutely heinous and I'm shocked it was left in (probably because they thought it looked cool). People (retards) repeatedly insist I'm lying or exaggerating it but it really does impact the way you play the game. I could really go on about the myriad of issues I found while playing it.

Unless you like time trials or trophies then I wouldn't bother.

Crash is like Mario but bad.

It got called the Dark Souls of platformers before cuphead showed up
So it's good.

You're not saying why it's bad though.

That's the problem with a lot of the soundtrack, artstyle and animations in general. I'm shocked that they're more limited than a fucking PS1 game. Just look at the fucking Dingodile fight in the remaster, it's been absolutely butchered. About the only boss done right in the whole trilogy was Koala Kong. Don't even get me started on fucking Slippery Climb and Stormy Ascent having fucking elevator music. Suffers from the usual remaster/remake soundtrack syndrome of sounding washed out, too sped up or too many things missing.

You're not going to get a straight answer out of these retards. People who have played nothing but Nintendo games growing up fail to comprehend anything outside of their bubble. I love both Mario and Crash and they're fairly different styles of games.

Pretty much the remade soundtrack is the worst part.



im quite enjoying it. i bought the thing on sale yesterday and played for a couple of hours. never owned a ps1 as a kid and only briefly played the 3rd one back then.

Had no idea that guy was still around.

Sure, but there are some tracks that are objectively better.

Only agree with the first one. Toad Village doesn't reach the high notes which just completely kills the vibe. Hang Eight isn't too bad but not as good.



It was so good that it tricked me into believing that they might do more games. Then I remembered that this is Activision we are speaking off. The Trilogy is gonna be a one-time cash grab.

Activision was in talks about more games though.

My bet is also they were testing the waters for Spyro. I still think that a surprise patch is going to come through that actually gives an option once you put in the demo code into the Warped title screen. All it does now is unhighlight everything and make a sound

Wait, how many games?

>translators note

>even pegi agrees