PS4 should've had a price drop of $199 half a year ago.
PS4 should've had a price drop of $199 half a year ago
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Why? It was still selling like hotcakes back then. This time of year is perfect for price drops. The Xbone and PS4 are entering the twilight years of their life spans so they need to push out as many consoles as possible.
I finally bought one, but why are the Sony jews so reluctant to drop their four year old console down a nudge in price? Makes no sense, especially when PS5 is right around the corner.
Whats the point of these pictures?
They never prove anything.
The only way we are going to know what sold is to just wait for the sales numbers to be released.
>10 dollars off
PS4 would've hit close to 80M or so had they drop the price in the beginning of the year.
Wait till you see his..ah ha ha oh nonono
>he doesnt have a switch
wew lad
>He doesnt have both
Wew fucking lad
*jacks off to trap Link as he starts another thread*
That's actually talking about a video game character, so it's automatically in the top 50th percentile for thread quality. Sad, ain't it?
but im an idort, dumbass
>needs a photo to prove that he managed to scrape together $500 within 2 years
lmaoing @ your life
>Scraped together
Poorfags like you are so amusing in your jealousy
I went to gamestop on black friday and they had no more PS4s from the $150 deal, meanwhile they had stacks of switches behind the counter. It's not hard to believe that people are willing to buy the $150 home console over the $300 handheld.
This will be a wake up call to Sup Forums. After all the shitposting they have been doing recently, the natural order shall return.
That also would have cost Sony a whole lot of money. It's better for them to sell as many units as they can at the base price before capitalizing on the holiday rush with the bargain price.
But it's Nintendo! BING BING WAHOO! but in all seriousness, P$150-199 sounds pretty good. I should buy one bsoon.
Meh. Sony didn't win the headlines though. The buzz is completely gone for PlayStation 4.
>look at the top of that stack.
I don't get it.
>Meh. Sony didn't win the headlines though
You sound like a lefty
>Glorified ipad for children that is nearly double the price with more expensive games doesnt sell as much as console that is nearly twice as powerful and popular
What a surprise
Why don't people realize nintendo pays people to talk about their garbage?
Nintendo should just release their games for PC.
Just stating the truth. Switch is the hot, new, gadget while PlayStation 4 is becoming dried up and 'mature' to put it.
Don't own anything nintendo but take pride knowing you'll never be like the autists who take these kinds of pictures just to post them later at home
>Nearly double the price
>iPads start at $329
>Means Switch should be $165
Huh, theyd actually sell more if that were the case
>switch is a segway and PS4 is an automobile
We all know you want them to do that so you can pirate them
no shit people aren't buying the switch with zero percent off compared to the PS4 and Xbox ONE S that were both under 200. there was zero reason to rush out to spend money on a switch for black friday when other deals existed
every company on the planet pays people to talk about them you fucking fuckhead
Nah. I quite like their console endeavors.
What happened to the ''sorry we sold out! we don't have any stock left" ?
I would pay for them.
So don't use "nintendo is all the rage these days" little faggot :^)
Now its "There's too much stock, no one wants it
Because some people are so insecure about what systems they own that they need to constantly make these stupid ass consolewar shitflinging threads to "justify" their lineup.
Why does PS4 has such a large discount? Is it dying already? I've been thinking about buying it but I don't want to buy a console that will be dead in several months.
just shut up and buy it, goy
>PS4 should've had a price drop of $199 half a year ago.
So what the fuck is the point of the PRO version of the fucking thing? Like really they are still selling the original console so unless they were gambling on it stupidly hitting it big again like the base console to then push PRO exclusive games then what the fuck?
Fucking business shit of that sort makes not damn sense to me.
if consoles were easy to pirate on you would see piracy there, piracy killed the fuck out of the dreamcast because of how easy it was to do.
no you wouldn't
Ddin't Sony say PS4 hit 80 Million like two years ago?
Most of the people buying the ps4 are ones that already have one. They just want the 1tb and the sale or pro.
If something is on sale on a big holiday, even if you already have it, people will want it. WAKE UP SHEEPLE
I guarantee you there will be a new Nintendo console before the PS5.
the truth about black friday
Yes I would.
Cost to make a PS4 is 199 dollars. They are making money out of video games and PS+
Where did this come from? Google doesn't give anything so I assume this was cropped from some PR release
Its basically New 3DS 2.0
Rereleased the console with better hardware in order to run new games that were optimized specifically for it rather than original PS4
Do any of you stop to think about the autistic man child that stops to take these photos? Like imagine the tubby grease ball that is standing there with their phone snapping a pic of a console sale rack. Chuckling to themselves about how "their side won". It's equally as bad when someone is taking a pic of empty switch racks with full Ps4 ones too.
They ramped up production towards the end of August. From October onward Nintendo Switch became readily available in most online retailers, with the exception of this holiday season. GameStops and Ma and Pa electronics outlets still have Switch units here in New York though lying around though.
I feel the need to post this in every single black friday anecdotal thread to show you these threads don't mean shit
No, they just announced that it hit 60 million in June of this year.
Why would anyone need that many PS4's?
i was actually contemplating buying a switctch
but still, to buy a console for only a few games just doestnit seem worth it to me
i have a pc and a PS4 and my friend has both a os4 and an xpone
i really have no reason to buy one and no, the rerererelease of skyrim is not enough for me
So PS4 is a poor man's choice. Old news.
are they just selling them for 259 on ebay or what?
>Managed to sell over 60M in under four years
It's old as fuck now, people seem to forget this because Sony's strategy of the mid-gen upgrade to extend its active life cycle is working despite how said upgrade is barely any better than the stock model.
Oy vey... This is more hellish than last year.
>there are less of the cheaper console
plebs will buy the cheaper console
Ahh, good point, didnt think of that. However, the Target near me put a limit of PS4's. Two per customer
BF2 bundles are full priced and weren't discounted during Black Friday, dumbass. Go look it up yourself.
>It's equally as bad when someone is taking a pic of empty switch racks with full Ps4 ones too.
Yeah, I'm sure it is Nintenfriend.
>nobody wants battlefront
what a surprise
Nobody wants that shit game bundled with their PS4.
People buy the cheapest thing during BF sales. Doesn't mean shit overall.
and the switch is nobody's choice at all lmao
Scalping them to sell as a last minute Christmas present online to people who didn't buy them on Black Friday
gotta love stolen credit cards and fraudulent gift cards
And so was the Switch. ergo these threads don't mean shit
>Game consoles and BDs
>In mens apparel deparment
Why stores do this weird shit?
>reverse image search
I guess Nintendorks really are Redditors.
Wow, you're telling me the bundle that isn't discounted doesn't sell on Black Friday?
>nintendo reaction face
Like a work of clocks.
>reverse image search the other images in the thread
Be quiet reddit
Good thing the places around here took antiscalper measures on BF.
Walmart and Target put limits on the max amount of PS4's you could buy. Best Buy too I think
Are you going to answer my question or not?
And just like new 3ds there's almost nothing out there that runs significantly better on the Pro. I bought it thinking I'd stop having to deal with the cinematic 24fps only to end up getting slightly less jaggies and an even louder fan noise from the console.
Meanwhile Xbox One S is on sale for sub $200. Where's the Black Friday pics for Xbox at?
Confirmed Nintendo is the Apple of vidya
All those lucky kids that will get a ps4 for christmas then bully the switch soys when school resumes. What a cool uncle.
ughhh he's going to make like $20 per system lmao if they even sell. Also, the ps4 was 199.99 last christmas sale with uncharted bundle, people fucked up by not getting it last year with a game
Wow, would you look at that defensiveness
Sonybros and Nintenbros really are alike
Considering you had Nintendo fags saying "IT'S GONNA DOUBLE IT'S SALES DURING THE HOLIDAYS AND BE 15M BY MARCH" yeah it kinda does
That is incorrect. More than seven million people chose it
Probably market research, most players have their systems in the bedroom afterall.
Right, the console that isn't discounted not selling out on Black Friday isn't a strange thing.
>Falling for your own falseflags
No way fag you said that yourself and you damn well know it
Reminder to report all console war threads.
What the fuck are those normalfags even buying PS4 for? They don't play the actual good games that the system has like BB, Persona and Yakuza. Are they just buying it for calladooty and sports shit? This is fucking sad.