Persona 3 FES and Persona 5

How did a small Japanese company manage to make the two best games of all time?

>no Persona 4/P4G
fuck off casual P5 shitter

implying atlus isnt tiny and one of the most niche companies


>calls p5 casual but then complains that the most casual tumblr game in the series wasnt listed

5 was garbage. 3 and 4 were excellent. Time for new writers since the one for Arena/DAN/5 was garbo

>Devil Children
>Etrian Odyssey

Some of their games might not be known or popular in the West but many of the titles are well known in Japan. Devil Children was successful amongst Japanese kids even though it was trying to ride the coattail of Pokemon. Jack Frost is also a popular mascot that people who may not know of any Atlus games would know at least him.

>p4 shitter calling anyone else casual
o i'm lauffing

fuck off P5 shill
P5 has nothing to offer except graphics and more stupid gameplay mechanics that make the game feel like babby mode on Merciless
P4 had the better characters, chemistry, combat, and story

>being this retarded
Come on family

They are small, niche, and pander to a small but dedicated following which makes their games pure kino/ludo in an industry rife with bland, focus tested garbage. And my first Persona game was FES and I still think 5 is the best game ever made. 4 is the black sheep of the series with the worst fans as well.

>Persona 3
>better than 4
>or even comparable to 5
Let's not fool ourselves here.

>Small Company

It totally is though and FES gives 5 a run for its money in a lot of ways. 3 is to 2 what 5 is to 4. 3 also has the best music and atmosphere of the series.

They've been reusing the same fucking SNES sprites for decades now and most of their shit it lucky to break 100k sales.

I like this image because i can imagine how better persona 3 would look on persona 5's engine

>best music
Not even close, 4 and 5 blow it out of the water in that department
While it certainly does a better job setting the tone than 4, it doesn't have nearly the cohesiveness of 5

Not to mention the actual gameplay of FES is objectively inferior to 4 and 5.

>what 5 is to 4
Opinion discarded
P5 shitters

>3 is to 2
>any game after 2 is better than 2
That's where you're wrong nigger

Sorry but you are wrong
Yeah you're right user they should have just kept using the same dated Nocturne assets until the end of time, my mistake

Nyarly appearing in Persona again fucking when?

>hurr 3 is best in the series
>muh lotus juice bruh

Why do people pretend to like these so much? P3 is literally just a 5/10 anime that forces you through awful gameplay every once in a while and P5 is the same shit as far as I can tell.

>liking Persona 4
It's a disgrace of a game, a black mark on the series

P5 isn't the same, the gameplay isn't awful and is actually fun

Never, Tadashi doesn't do Persona anymore.

Basically, Persona is fucking dead.

SMT too. Shitshow that fucking 4A was compared to IV. IV wasn't that great but at least Kaneko worked on the premise and you could tell.

SMTV I don't want to get false hope for, but it seems like they're at least trying to copy Kaneko if he isn't back.

>a black mark on the series
Agreed, persona 3 is fucking garbage

>inb4 muhhh lotus juice bruhhhhh his shitty rapping sets the atmosphere hurrrrrrr

What was wrong with Apocalypse that wasn't wrong with 4?

not every enjoys your black sheep kiddy shit

Both P3 and P4 are excellent games. I just think P5's story was a mess but gameplay wise was better than both P3 and P4. Still though, overall P3 and P4 were ways ahead of P5.

I would like to put this debate on standby so that Sup Forums may aknowledge my envy to attempt reproduction with the humanoid robot.

>two best games of all time?
but its like the same game

You do realize that you are just a contrarian right? That most people enjoy 4 more since it is the better game? 4 has superior combat and also isn't slow as fuck. Things actually happen at the beginning of 4.

Did you fucking play it?

IV had a very very slightly anime aesthetic because Doi did the designs, but nothing as bad as IVA.

Also they did away with alignments and replaced it with the power of friendship garbage or the alternate edgelord route.

It's like it was a wikipedia summary of other smt games but just read Persona 4 and SMT1 neutral routes for ideas. Pretty godawful.

Aigis is literally over 300 kg
You try to copulate her, you're going to end up with a broken dick and hip

While I am a P4fag myself, I wouldn't say things actually happen at the beginning of 4. While it wasn't as slow as P3, it certainly felt like it was still slow and tedious in the beginning.


I so wanted P5 to be better than P4,but it wasn't.
(At least in the story department)

>Things actually happen at the beginning of 4.

4 improves on the gameplay of 3 in a lot of ways but don't try to act like the pacing isn't stilted just as badly. 4 just has a problem for the first 2-3 months whereas 3 has a problem in the last 2-3 months.

t. Chaosfag
SMT4A was good, I just hated Nanashi

Not him but it was annoying how they fixed the dungeon design in two instances and everything else was as shit as IV in that area, pretty insulting and makes you wonder why they bothered

It's alright,many have died in the name of love and what not.

But none of those are an SMT game

4A is a bunch of shitty anime tropes running around Tokyo with a taxi driver reject mc and an edgelord mick fuck whispering sweet nothings in your ear.

Gameplay alone doesn't hold a game up if the characters and story are insufferable shit.

>casual P5 shitter
this is too rich, a persona player calling another persona player a shitter.
go play SMT not this persona baby crap then you can lord over the persona cunts faggot.

I love 3 when it comes to story and characters but holy shit the gameplay was atrocious.

From the absolutely abysmal party members who you can't give direct commands with a horrible AI that straight up refuses to do what you assign it to do, to the horrible piece of shit that is Tartarus, to the horrible combat system where you have you can ambush shadows 100% of the time easily and ambushing them gives you a 100% chance of beating them easily unless you are severely fatigued which turns the entire combat outside of the bosses into a boring shitfest, to the abysmal SP system where you can just buy 300 Soda cans before every battle and never run out of SP because they don't need to be restocked like in P4 and P5, to the awful Slink system where ranking up your Slinks is linear and boring as fuck since there are next to no special events that raise your relationship points unlikes P4 and P5, to the horrible imbalanced party members where anything that is not Aigis, Akihiko, Mitsuru or Yukari are just straight up worthless, to the horrible weakness system where the game just fucking tells you the weakness of the enemy immediately, to the horrible balance between physical and magic skills where magic skills are just straight up better since every boss enemy is resistant or immune to physical attacks after the first quarter of the game, PERSONA 3's GAMEPLAY FUCKING SUCK ASS.


>muh deep alignments
>muh law vs chaos
>muh YHVH
>muh edgy storyline
>muh deaths
fuck off SMTfag

God you faggots are just as bad as P3 fuckers. Just because the game is cheap and has poorly thought out mechanics doesn't mean it is "hardcore"

Why do personafags not give a shit about the series and megaten beyond 3-5?

Kirijo "Marin Karin" Mitsuru was a good party member. She dindu nuffin

>being this butthurt over lotus juice
Persona 4 is trash

Persona 1 and 2 were more like SMT than they were like P3-5

Fuck off you p4fag scum.

Because megaten is too dark and thought-provoking for the average personashitter

I love Fuuka, that is all.

Huh no wonder P2 has the best story of the series

>says the guy playing generic dating sim, with basic as fuck gameplay and no good dungeons.
ok kiddo, go play persona 1 and both 2 games if SMT is too hard for you and you want to play a real game.
>Just because the game is cheap and has poorly thought out mechanics doesn't mean it is "hardcore"
mad cos bad also your dumb as shit if you know its cheap and cant adapt.

I dont know why persona babys are a thing, the first 2 persona games were good then the weeb shit came along with the cancer like you two.

I've played plenty of MegaTen games, Persona 5 is better. There's a reason it's the most expensive and highest development time game that Atlus has ever made.

Ken was a pretty good party member if i remember correctly and koromaru was a pretty solid pick since he was immune to Hamon,people underestimate him simply because cereberus dosen't evolve.

I can't validate Junpei over any Aigis,I'll give you that,but p3's crew wasn't that unbalanced.

Characteristics of faggots who hate Persona 4:
can't enjoy good characters
can't enjoy a small-scale yet good story
can't handle friendship and bonds winning against evil
wants to be contrarian to look edgy and deep
hates popular things because "muh normies like it"
only states opinions without facts or evidence to back them up (ex. "P4 has a shitty story and shitty gameplay")

Fuck off anti-P4fags

most are normalfags who just don't care and only play games their friends/ecelebs tell them to, and many of the ones who do try to branch out get memed to death in the first dungeon and stop
P2 is nothing like an smt game storywise

Wew lad

The characters are garbage and so is the story. The only good character is Rise and Kanji

>muh dungeon crawling
>muh visual novel aspect is cancer
>muh edgy dungeons
>muh devils
>muh "go play a real game"
SMTfags truly are butthurt for Persona, a spinoff series, becoming way more successful than the main series

Wew lad
>he doesn't explain why the characters and story are garbage because he can't

Rise is a good and nice girl though I will agree with you on that.

Best villain in the series


Characteristics of fagoots who can't enjoy smt
>care more about the dating sim elements than the actual gameplay
>think plot centric stories are inherently inferior than character centric ones
>can't judge the merit of the series by trying it themselves because of some shitposters on the internet
>dismiss the exploration of idelogical concepts by calling it "edgy"
>can't enjoy a game unless the supporting cast is sucking off the self-insert protag 24/7

of course there's no persona 4/golden
4's just trash

you got me

>"I only play real Shin Megami Tensei games like Nocturne or Strange Journey."

Original P4 is literally harder than P5, though, what the fuck am I reading in this thread
P5 is P4G-tier.

>mfw these maggots debating what's the best series altus made.

>Ken was a pretty good party member if i remember correctly and koromaru was a pretty solid pick since he was immune to Hamon,people underestimate him simply because cereberus dosen't evolve.

You are wrong, retard. Ken is shitty and does nothing someone else doesn't do better. Want damage? Mitsuru. Want heals? Yukari. Want buffs? Akihiko or Aigis. He is the least shitty out of the shitty party members but there is no reason to ever take him.
Komaru is fucking awful just by the fact that he cannot carry normal armor and has to wear that dog piece of shit thing.
Junpei is garbage because all he has are physical attacks and they are worthless. Just as awful as Komaru.
Metis is a straight upgrade from Junpei and better than him in every way, has two elements, no weaknesses and an upgraded origia mode, and she is still worthless because her main stat is physical damage and physical damage is worthless.

P3 balance is a clusterfuck and you have to be a massive retard to think otherwise.

>I'd rather have a hard game that is hard because it is bad than an easy game

>edgy dungeons
yes a mall, school or just around town is edgy you do have me there,
>muh dungeon crawling
muh visual novel aspect is cancer
im sorry that I like to have gameplay in my games man and not have the game play its self for me.
>muh devils
ok so having shadows for monster isnt edgy, having a gun that you shoot urself in the head isnt edgy, having a shadow of your self that is meant to be all the shit stuff about you isnt edgy, being literly jesus isnt edgy, having a child that is close to being a main character, die just cos the story guys wanted to be dark isnt edgy?
you a fuck head if you use any edgy shit as an argument when person is more cringy in the edgy department.

can we just all agree that door-tan is the best girl in all of the Persona series?

what's your endgame

who are you quoting? I didn't say anything about which is better or which I prefer.

She doesn't hold a candle to my wife

P5 (without any of the dlc or NG+ bullshit) on hardest difficulty is much harder than P4 though.

Also Persona (or SMT for that matter) has never been hard, it has just been grindy as fuck. Every game lets you fuse OP personas that break the game after you play enough. I still don't understand how fans of a certain game jerk themselves off over "muh difficulty", if you want difficult gameplay Persona/SMT is the last thing you should be playing, go play Brood War instead faggots.

She's trash and not even canon. Her game is trash too and inferior to FES in almost every way. Literally Marie tier awful.

Your favorite game is shit. My favorite game is great.

who knows
i'm also the one who bumped this stupid thread at page 10 with a bait reply to get discussion going


You 123fags need to lay it off with the nudes

>I only play Persona because anything that is remotely obscure is shit. Now time to live vicariously through this anime school life where I can be the chad I never was

Jokes on you I also play SMT games which I very much like but still hold P4G above them all

Playing through 4g for the first time
>following sl guide
>8 hours in
>just now realized I fucked up the str sl because I didn't have a str persona the first couple of times
How fucked am I? can I make it up? I can't figure out a way to work it in without fucking the whole schedule up
>playing on hard just because
>completely out of sp by the time I got to shadow yukiko
>spending like an hour running in and out of floor 1 to get snuff souls
>vita low power thing comes up
>shuts off immediately after the warning popped up literally a minute ago
>won't cut on even though its plugged in

>Doing max SLink outside of NG+
Why would you do this to yourself user

Grinding and crawling is a bitch but it'll pay off for once your ride comes to an end.

this desu
just enjoy your first gameplay doing whatever you want, focusing on the SLinks you really want to max and raising those stats up
also, if you know how to fuse personas well, bosses should be easy

Grind more and use soma it will restore hp/sp don't collect consumables it will clear it anyways.

b-but muh autism
I guess I will now since I fudged it and don't have any saves to go back and fix it anyway

While I haven't played 5, I've beaten P3, and I can tell you that game is a fucking mess through and through. The only redeeming quality of the game is the music.

Just max out your stats first run and NG+ will be a cake walk. Finish all dungeons in 1 day and just follow a "best answers" guide. Just remember that Death S. Link is only on Sundays.
Fuse pic related if you can, carried me through every dungeon alone.

Oh and remember to sell all the items that you can before beating the final boss, because money carries over but inventory doesn't.

>playing for first time
>using a guide

I hope there is a special place in hell for assholes like you.

Not him but what's the best way to complete SL in one run only.

I'm an SMTfag but Persona 3 FES and Persona 5 are peak Atlus kino

Id argue it's BECAUSE they're small they can focus on making the games they actually want to make and only have to worry about making their smaller niche audience happy.

I mean look at Nihon Falcom. They've been going strong since (quick google) 1981! Wow. That long.

But yeah instead of going for mass appeal they make due by developing a small but LOYAL audience whom they don't fuck with the same way EA might.

>developing a small but LOYAL audience whom they don't fuck with the same way EA might
You say that but I haven't seen a single good Ys since Origin.

My first was p2ep and I actually like p4 and p5. But I can't say the same about p3 and I don't know why you people praise it. Edgy characters and story, dogs, robots, muh anime, no seriously. The style and music were good but that's it. Maybe I should have played it in my teens I dunno. Just not my game.