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hey Sup Forums
yore ugleh
DOMINATED! but you're a good friend and i love ye
>See annoying engineer
>Equip Direct Hit
>Corner peak his sentry
>About to kill
>Spy just walks in front of me and we both blow up
>Engineer does banjo taunt
Caring isn't cultures.
I'm also an innovator who isn't parroting anything.
Sup Forums, I need some help. I love playing Huntsman Sniper. What can I wear to look like a stupid fucking shithead? I already have the Hazmat Headcase
reminder, it's Robin Walker that doesn't want to remove crits and refuses to play TF2 if they remove it
Hot Dogger
This Robin Walker guy sounds pretty cool to me.
I thought that fag fucked off to dota
>refuses to play tf2 if they remove it
So literally no difference? Robin hasn't touched the game in years.
I think it was during a yogcast vs star match when he mentioned it
Post yfw shooter newbs are discovering TF2 for the first time due to Overwatch be(com)ing so terrible even they want something better than it.
>When you take skill
Lets be real though, demo probably has the highests skill caps in the game, equall to soldiers or even exceeding his.
>kills your entire team because he's overpowered
Nothing personnel maggots.
>325dps per player
t-thanks valve
>This situation is somehow applicable to an actual situation ingame.
what about scout
>group of enemies in front of you
>spaz out like you're having a seizure
>do more damage than a kritz'd heavy
>abusing the hitboxes isn't applicable to the actual game
came back after not playing for 2-3 years
what the FUCK have they done to pyro
the W+M1 meme has literally gone ten fold
go on dedicated servers that remove them and stop complaining
crits give that jolt of satisfaction, even in a game you're about to lose
sure, it just luck based and if that rocket wasn't a crit you would've survived. But don't forget that you get random crits too and the amount of times they saved your life or helped the team push forward
you people are literally no fun allowed
He is basically just aiming (a hitscan) and moving, soldier and demo need to aim projectiles and learn how to blastjump and airstrafe. Very advanced demo play also lets him chain stickyjumps into pipejumps or vice versa.
pyro doesn't have to aim to get max dps anymore
flamethrower base damage was doubled
flamethrower dps multiplies against groups
flamethrower has no falloff
flamethrower blinds you so you can't shoot back
first flamethrower particle can hit multiple times, doing as much as 125 damage
>You cant shoot a closerange class coming at you.
He is still the second worst class and you know it.
why would they do that?
It's not worth the headache
>You cant shoot a closerange class coming at you.
how do you shoot him when you can't see him
>This is a problem for some people
He is probably at the centre of his flames dumbass
most maps are comprised of mostly flamethrower range rooms, if a pyro sticks to the flank he can instantly melt all classes but heavy who isn't going to be in the flank, all without aiming. how are you claiming that is balanced? do you just not play anymore? every single server you join has a pyro in the top 3 now, you can literally get 13000 damage just waving your mouse around
i have no problem with pyro being effective in close range, but i think there should be skill involved
>implying rockets are hard to aim
airshots included
i like grenades though
Dragon fury has a good mechanic that needs tweaking like smaller hitboxes and reduce fire rate. Valve should have made all flame throwers work like the DF. May not be perfect, but at least it promotes some kind of aim
it doesn't give you a headache while playing because you are actually in control
heavy fills the same role except he has to aim and is the slowest and loudest class in the game
why does heavy have to work so hard for his kills when pyro can w+m1 and be just as effective
you're guessing at best and you can't afford to miss a single bullet when you're fighting a class who can melt a heavy in under a second. pyro can focus entirely on dodging because he can't miss, unlike scout who becomes much harder to play the more erratically you're moving.
that may be somewhat true, but getting killed by crits isn't fun
Because pyro does exactly what he is suppossed to do now, kill people at close range. I could argue that sniper is more unbalanced because he can kill someone instantly at any range but I don't do that because I learned to avoid sightlines. You have to learn the same for pyro now that he is an actual threat, learn his common ambush position, look behind you more often. It isn't that hard to learn new things.
>I could argue that sniper is more unbalanced because he can kill someone instantly at any range
Shitty analogy. Sniper's positions are limited because he has to be far away enough to not get jumped by soldiers/scouts. Most maps do not have that many long corridors for snipers to use where as closed rooms are abundant. Sniper is difficult to play effectively where as pyro requires no effort at all.
Pyro is an ambush and damage-over-time character. The only time that Pyro should be bursting you for tons of damage quickly is if he catches you from behind with the Backburner and if he reflects a rocket/bomb/arrow at you.
I'm under the impression that there is a bug with Pyro right now where he deals a large amount of burst damage with flamethrower and, if this is true, it should be fixed.
>tfw two hat drops in the past 12 days after many years of no hat drops
Why couldn't I have this kind of luck back when drop hats meant something? ;_;
pyro can walk around too, if you happen to bump into a pyro around a corner there are very little options you have to survive. you can't even dodge his weapons like you can against scouts or soldiers unless he is using the objectively worse weapon the dragons fury. how can you say pyro is balanced when he requires less aim than every other class in the game, even medic medigun, to be effective? at least sniper requires accuracy
Back when hats were hot and new, I would go to bed at night idling in TF2 and then wake up the next morning to find I got three or four random hat drops. It was an amazing feeling.
It's not a bug. Valve clearly didn't put it in the patch notes because people would lose their shit if they saw
>+120% damage on flamethrower
I saw that faggy video which you made that webm of. And fuck is the point of all the whining? All i got out of it is that nerds are crying like punk as bitches simply cause you cant rush a fucking pyro , of all the classes to fucking rush, as a fucking scout or something without the pyro having the upper hand or something?
Seriously they fuck was the point of that shit? Fucking hate yall no fun allowed fag whining like a bunch of shitty losers simply because yall would rather tf2 play like some other game or some shit.
While competitive yes TF2 was never about like ranked online tier faggy competitive play that people are so desperately wanting to make it now.
Shit man it is like no one wants to adapt and get better and overcome the mildly bullshity op shit every class has a bit of and people just want to play like some sort of other game with a tf2 skin. And since they cant get that they instead whine as much and as hard as possible to get it from tf2 instead of finding searching and digging through shit to find something else that they will actually enjoy and is going in a direction they approve of.
I miss being the only person bothering to play Pyro on the local Dustbowl servers. It made me feel special.
Yes and pyro's are allways in a position where you can fight back, you can learn to take the long way around corners, learn to look behind you sometimes. He is close range only you have an advantage over him many more times then he has an advantage over you. I doubt you can even remember the amount of times you killed a pyro at midrange. He is still the second worst class, only now he actually does what he was designed to do.
>only pyros should have fun!
>The only time that Pyro should be bursting you for tons of damage quickly is if he catches you from behind with the Backburner and if he reflects a rocket/bomb/arrow at you.
Ive always found this fucking stupid. Since what the fuck is the point of the pyro, who is supposedly and offense class, that sucks at any sort of fucking offense since anything can kill it, push it away, or just run away unless caught unaware from behind as if it was being played as a spy or some shit. Pyro aint in no way an offense class of any sort and more like support than anything else with its ability to airblast people and explosives away.
Fucking hell do i not understand nerds crying that the pyro is now able to better fulfill its role as an offense class meant to dish out some modicum of fucking damage now.
you are implying there is only a single pyro, in a favorable situation such as the main route somehow being more favorable for a scout or soldier than the flank. how many hours do you have
every one should have fun. Yall whined the fun shit from other classes away and now that something added a bit of fun for a class yall probably dont really play. Then now yall whining and crying like a bunch of bitch boy since yall seem to hate ,ironically enough, other who are not you having fun than anything else.
Quit being so self centred fag boy and look at the big picture overall as to all the fucking changes over like the past 10 fucking years.
>Fucking hell do i not understand nerds crying that the pyro is now able to better fulfill its role as an offense class meant to dish out some modicum of fucking damage now.
there are literally videos to explain exactly this to retards
why would a pyro not have fun if he had to aim
Because Heavy's role is not only to kill, but to act mostly as a tank.
I miss being able to stomp other pyros into dust with my shotgun. Though lately I've nearly given up my flamethrower's m1in general and just play fireproof reflective scout.
>I saw that faggy video which you made that webm of
Lol right because that one guy is the only person who thinks pyro is broken.
Flamethrower mojo would still be a thing if he hadn't made a video about it.
>All i got out of it is that nerds are crying like punk as bitches simply cause you cant rush a fucking pyro
Are we talking about pyro or heavy here? Who the fuck runs at a pyro? If pyro was as slow as heavy then nobody would give a shit because it would be much harder for him to flank.
>Fucking hate yall no fun allowed fag whining like a bunch of shitty losers simply because yall would rather tf2 play like some other game or some shit.
Pyro is the exception here, every class in TF2 has to aim except pyro.
>While competitive yes TF2 was never about like ranked online tier faggy competitive play that people are so desperately wanting to make it now.
Valve has been catering to pubbers since day one what the fuck are you talking about. Why do you think TF2's player numbers are shit compared to Valve's competitive games? Why do you think so many TF2 pros ditched this game?
>Shit man it is like no one wants to adapt and get better
Yeah let me just adapt to this pyro popping around a corner and instantly melting me before I can even react. Pyro mains are so good that's why they're MVP in every server just by W+M1ing, it's not because pyro is utterly broken and takes no skill to use.
>overcome the mildly bullshity op shit every class has a bit of
Like fucking what? Snipers have lasers giving away their position, are weak at close range, and have limited places to snipe from. Heavy is loud and slow so it is hard for him to sneak around. Soldier and demo damage themselves at close range and you can dodge or surf their explosions. Scout has very low health and requires good movement and aim. Engineer's sentry beeps so you always know where it is. Spy has the worst stats in the game in exchange for his one hit kill which is easily countered by turning around
Pyro can also defend by reflecting projectiles, extinguishing teammates, and being the best anti-uber class in the game.
3.2K last time I checked. Idealy you should be near your teammates and you should spread out given pyro's can't look in two directions at ones. Just learn how to work with pyro actually being a threat now because I have the feeling most of you are annoyed with the fact that pyro isnt just a worse heavy anymore.
>all the bitching about how pyro is still the worst class
>no basis or proof for this
Just go over to and you'll see how much they've put effort into proving how overpowered pyro is right now. YES, soldiers and scouts and to a lesser extent demomen are also pretty bad, but two wrongs don't make a right. Plus literally any of those classes is incinerated the minute they get close to a pyro because of his noncrit DPS which is just shy of crit minigun damage, with the added bonus of not relying on a shoddy hitbox system and instead using particles that can hit you multiple times in a single puff.
Tfw I did the same shit and never got a hat
go open some loot boxes faggot
alright now how many hours do you suppose are post jungle inferno? let me guess you stopped playing for three years?
>pyro's can't look in two directions at ones
factually wrong, that is the complaint. he can spin in a circle and do 100 percent his potential damage to infinite amounts of enemies. he has higher range now, the flames move faster, he does MORE damage now, he is broken. you say pyro is the only close ranged combat class but yet every class except demoman and sniper are only very effective within a pyro's range.
> have the feeling most of you are annoyed with the fact that pyro isnt just a worse heavy anymore.
ive already explained my problem and it isn't this, i have a a feeling you are just trolling me at this point
Pyro is the worst class because he is close range, just by this design alone he is worse then almost all other classes in most situations besides the situation where he is close to you. You basically instantly win any midrange encounter with him. I told this to the other guy aswel but try to remember how many times you killed a pyro that couldn't even get close to you. You probably kill more pyro's then have pyro's kill you.
scout, spy, heavy, engineer, soldier and medic are all close ranged classes
I can't be the only one who thinks TF2 has always had shit balancing.
From 07 to 09 a lone Demoman really could dominate the entire enemy team with stickies.
Then we had Axetinguisher and/or Phlog uber pyros that could wipe a team in seconds.
Then we had heavies jumping from around a corner and doing an instant 400dps.
Then we had demoknights with stupid damage resistance.
Then we had scouts with 140 health and immunity to fall damage.
Then we had multiple minisentries that could outdps a full sentry together.
We still have multiple weapons that are either totally worthless (Oath, Degree) or superior to every other option (Spycicle, Scattergun)
TF2 has always been unbalanced and desu always pretty bad. It's gotten worse lately though.
I probably have 100 hours after inferno and I don't get why you have a problem with pyro.
>factually wrong
So everyone has a spinbot now? No actual player can look in two directions at ones and if they can they are probably hackers which means you probably would have lost anyways.
>Pyro is the only other class that can remove sappers
>Pyro can now two-shot 150 health classes with the Dragon's Fury
>Pyro now has movement ability with no trade-off other than removing a shotgun
>This is all not including changes done to his traditional flamethrowers
>pyro's are allways in a position where you can fight back
No you can't, every class dies in under a second.
>you can learn to take the long way around corners
You need to be a good 30ft away to not be in his immediate flame range.
>He is close range only you have an advantage over him many more times then he has an advantage over you
Every class in TF2 with the exception of sniper is strongest at close range and no you don't have an advantage over him because pyro does more damage than every class without having to aim.
>I doubt you can even remember the amount of times you killed a pyro at midrange
At midrange reflecting consistently is easy to do and if he's caught out he can just run back to cover because unlike heavy he isn't punished for shit positioning with 77% movespeed and a giant hitbox.
>He is still the second worst class, only now he actually does what he was designed to do.
It doesn't matter if that's what valve wants him to be. It's shit game design. Pyro still has the lowest skill ceiling in the game and has no advanced mechanics to learn unlike scout, soldier, or demo who take 1000s of hours to master. He isn't fun to play or fight against because he's so one dimensional. A competent developer would have reworked him from the ground up so that he is fun to play. Buffing his damage over and over without fixing any of his inherent problems isn't good for the game, it's just being fucking lazy.
yeah you are trolling, ive already told you my problems with current pyro and presented proof to my claims
>what is damage falloff
30 damage rockets at mid range whoa. pyros new flare system lets him do 64 damage from any range, even using splash flares such as detonator and scorch shot. guess pyro is a long range class now
>yfw puff and sting pyro's with the axtinguisher were more fun and balanced than the current build
Scout is faster and could stay out of effective range.
Engie medic and spy arent designed for direct combat and usually lose all encounters in which they are unprepared and alone
Heavy is not closerange but midrange, if heavy can damage a pyro before a pyro damages him theb heavy wins.
Try to actually think about game design next time.
Dragon's Fury is shit.
Or at least inferior to a flanking Pyro using Backburner.
>Sniper joins and has obvious hacks
>50+ kills and no one on our team can leave spawn
>Taunting our team in chat
>The other team won't kick him
Post TF2 things you miss
>Loch n' Load 1-shotting Scouts
>Babyface Blaster not having its usefulness gimped
>movement ability with no trade-off other than removing a shotgun
So much better than classes that have actual range and movement abilities incorporated in their stock loadout, right?
>So everyone has a spinbot now?
You are fucking retarded. Flamethrower doesn't check for accuracy anymore. If a target is on fire they take the same amount of damage as if you were locked onto them the whole time. You can spin around and do max damage to multiple players in completely different directions.
>he's just good lmao
>u mad
>that one poor bastard who gets kicked after trying to call a vote on the hacker
All they had to do with the BFB was to lower the max speed cap so Scout didn't out run his hitbox.
>You can spin around and do max damage to multiple players in completely different directions.
The 'Seizure Pyro' is a valid playstyle
The Pyro isn't about movement though, he's about ambushing and taking advantage of a close-range environment. Now he can just close the gap towards people and melt them, plus having verticality was in no way intended for the Pyro upon his release. A jetpack Pyro is more dangerous to Snipers than Spies now.
>yeah you are trolling
Ran out of arguments sweety? Holyshit I actually thought you could have been right for a moment but you just kept showing that you can't handle change. I actually felt like I wasted my time now which isnt something that happens often. Goos job being such a tard.
i guess on defense this would hold some water, but what about attackers? who actually need to move forward and put themselves in situations close to pyros? pyro should have advantage in close range engagements, he should not near be guaranteed to win every single engagement just by looking in the enemies general direction. dragons fury is currently the most balanced pyro unlock and obviously isn't my complaint
Is it wrong that I always pocket hackers when they do this
And when did you last see a pyro do this because I have never seen that happen.
I've been playing TF2 religiously as my favorite game since 2008 and, really, the only thing that I actively hate about the game is the matchmaking system they forced down my throat.
Selecting a Valve server from the server browser and being thrown into the action in under a minute was way better than the upwards of several minutes I have to wait for matchmaking to place me into a game.
I still wish that they hadn't nerfed Bonk, but the buffed pppp is really fun.
>Scout is faster and could stay out of effective range.
Doesn't mean jack shit if you're so far away you're doing ~10 damage per shot. If scout gets hit by a SINGLE flame particle he's fucking dead. Before the update scout could get close and expect to survive against bad pyros. Now you just instantly die. If he's being healed he's untouchable.
>Spy and medic
Pyro fucks over both these classes specifically by being the designated spychecker and having the best anti-uber tool in the game.
>Heavy is not closerange but midrange, if heavy can damage a pyro before a pyro damages him theb heavy wins.
If the pyro is dumb enough to just walk straight at you and not flank because he isn't a slow as fuck like heavy. So heavy has to be out in the open away from any corners or doorways at all times because he will lose if pyro gets anywhere near him.
>Someone actually makes a good argument for ones.
I was thinking about 5 cp where midrange is king. I cloud see pyro being annoying on defense but he isnt as big as a hurdle as a sentry or a heavy medic combo.
If you're not shaking your mouse rapidly left to right when ejaculating fire you're playing pyro wrong
Yesterday afternoon. People are just now learning about this bug and exploiting it.
This bug did not exist until jungle inferno.
>Pocketing a hacker
What's the point? All you are doing is making it easier on some guy who pressed his "I Win" button and ruins the server.
By leeching off his skill I get the second most points and are therefore good too :^)
Your scout argument is retarded because he can deal tonnes of damage at midrange and your heavy argument boils down to "more prepared player wins" which is how it should be.