I just beat this and thought it was pretty damn good. Let's have a discussion about it

I just beat this and thought it was pretty damn good. Let's have a discussion about it.

It was a good game.
Cut off the bad parts of gameplay from the first game making it fantastic though near the end it becomes more Shoot em' up and less sneaking and saving resources but it's fine, and the story was far more cohesive and did it's best to fill in all the weird plot holes left behind by the last game.

It was good. Really good. I really enjoyed the boss fight with Theodore when you fought all the main boss fights from the first game

Pacing on TEW1 was garbage IMO. You were constantly moved from space to space without ever getting used to what was going on. The slower pace of TEW2 worked well. Probably my favorite TPS horror game since RE4.

Kidman was so hot. I haven't been so attracted to a vidya girl since I was a lad.

That part was awesome. I'm glad I had played the first Evil Within just before this one. I also agree with your criticisms of the first game.

Don't be a fag, user.

The ending is shit.

Do you think this will get a 3rd entry? The after the credit cutscene sort of implies that it will.

I just came to say Nightmare & Classic Mode are the only way you should be playing Evil Within II.

No way, switching between Kidman and Sebastian was kino.

Hope it fucking doesn't. 1st one sucked. 2nd one sucks harder. This is a series that is just founded on fucking mediocrity Mikami and I'm surprised there are cocksuckers for both entries.

And why's that? Survival horror games with lots of ammo management already tend to be a slog, why make it more difficult?

I just finished the fight where you restart the generator and have to deal with the camera face. This game is a marked improvement over the first in pretty much every way I think, I'm liking it a lot.

Is this a samefag thread? Cus this game was not good lmfao.

Keep going, it's got a good pay off at the end and steady increase in quality all the way through.

>coming into a thread about a game you didn't like and contributing nothing.

You don't belong here.

Why you gotta be rude man?

continue samefagging, retard.

>You don't belong here.
>Sup Forums of all fucking places is a place for civil discussion
get the fuck out

More encounters and character dialogue, also Nightmare strikes the best balance in enemy difficulty and ammo drops, Classic gives a little too much since goo is replace with other drops.

The headshots are so good in this game. Stefano was a great villain, he reminded me of something out of Bioshock that got more flushed out, I wouldn't have minded if they stuck with him the whole game. My only disappointment was what they did with Oneal.

I feel like Kidman's segments could've easily just been cutscenes, not braindead shootouts.

What's with these games' endings seemingly implying Seb is still in STEM?

Op here, I've only responded to this thread 4 times now. Not samefagging sorry.

Lerk more, newfag. Sup Forums has plenty of civil discussion despite what reddit might have you thinking.

Sounds like plebbit is more your speed.

Kidmans fuck you speech at the end.... I think I'm in love. Please give me evil within 3 Bethesda

It sorta sucks. Sorta good, too. Anima was neat but mostly a non-issue. Art direction was a step down in a lot of respects from the 1st with some nice spots here and there. Guns still sound great. Hameplay improved but also suffered for the stealth and removal of matches. Villains really suck or are quickly shoved aside. Runs pretty okay.

Well the game is basically just nightmare Inception, not surprising at all they even stole the cliffhanger from the movie.

The death of the Mobius president guy was so satisfying. I was all worried Kidman would sacrifice herself in the end.

That feel when you beat a game and Sup Forums is there to talk about it with you and not even the reddit shitters can take that away.

Do you think Father Theodore was a double agent of that religion/cult Ruvik's and Kidman's family were a apart of? Was it all a set up for the DLC that will never happen because the game was left to die and flopped?

You actually miss the matches? I thought they were annoying as fuck in the first game and am glad they're gone.

No, I just think they ran out of ideas with what to do with Stefano so they created Father Theodore.

>The death of the Mobius president guy was so satisfying
>leader (and the entirety of) of a secret organization that pretty much controls the world dies because of a fucking aneurysm caused by STEM

It was the lamest fucking thing I've ever seen.
It would've been like killing Albert Wesker off by playing Indian Love Call.

They could have just made Stefano the main villain, or have him work for Ruvik instead.

It wasn't scary

Without matches, all that's left in both games is a fucking mediocre shooter with stealth mechanics that makes Splinter Cell Blacklist, Conviction, Watch Dogs 1, 2, and Mafia 3 look like fucking Thief.

Came in from a rainy Thursday on the avenue...

Look man, the whole story is ridiculous. I just mean the build up to it, how he tries to stay calm at first and slowly cracks, and then all the blood streaming out his face was nice.

I'm glad Ruvik didn't come back. There was just the right amount of call backs to the first game.

Did you find the first game scary?

Why was there a first-person section for just a moment in this game? What was the point of that?

What should be done in The Evil Within 3 IF it gets made?

We wanted the RE7 audience.

>Did you find the first game scary?
The first quarter or so of the first game was genuinely creepy, it had fantastic atmosphere. EW2 has next to no atmosphere outside of very short segments like Stefano's mansion

That was originally planned to be a mode, but it was taken out. (Maybe because of RE7?)

Until Beth forced the knife and stealth matches were to function like the lighter and gas in REmake. If you didn't pop the head then the enemy wouldn't be dead. Was supposed to make shots count more often and also lead to being smart with how you use your supplies, a core concept of survival horror.
It was exceptionally lazy. Like almost all the game after chapter 8/9, actually. How they managed to fuck up the halfway point that bad is beyond me. Big props for the almost seamless mirror transitions, though.

Any theories on what the post credits scene was about?

Going back into Stem to get your wife, but it's just a trap to lure you back in. Maybe Kidman is the villain and she wants Sebastian to be the new core?

I think it's Beacon's STEM being activated. It looks old and abandoned.

Middle slogged a bit but final act saved it. Really appreciated that the final boss was a video game as final boss, especially as I found RE7s boss encounters to be pretty lacking.
Oda DLC when?

Kidman as main protag
New org comes in & basically steals STEM or some shit

Seb is brainwashed

Wearing a gas mask blocks your peripheral vision a lot.

I hope not. I'd rather go back to Union than Beacon. Beacon was just a mess of different horror settings. Union was actually the most memorable sandbox area I've played in a while.

It was like ME2's final boss but on steroids. I loved it.

>Kidman as main protag

I think Joseph would be a more likely pick.

>Myra is still alive despite getting shot in the face, turning into a giant jizz monster, and getting shot more
>all so Seb and Lily can leave and she can kill Mobius
Who writes this garbage? Seb being forced to stay in STEM so his daughter can live her life in reality would've been so much better. That, or he gets out and finds her brain in a jar.

I really enjoy how cheeky the game gets for a few things. Like going back to Liam in Chapter 7, or how Tatiana throws a little party when you fully upgrade Seb, or how he comments on how he should probably go back to saving his daughter after doing every target challenge's high score.

I still don't like the story though. I enjoy the idea of Mobius testing out their own little town, but I don't like the idea of Lily being so part of the story. At all.

>Oda DLC when?

Or adult Lily.

She wouldn't actually be alive, it'd be a trap the way I'm thinking of it. Also I too was hoping it'd be Lily's brain inside the stem.

It's gotta be Kidman if there's another entry in the game.

>he gets out and finds her brain in a jar.
Who else was hoping for that? What a copout. This was supposed to be a horror game.

>Joseph was originally going to die, but Nakamura said she would resent Mikami for the rest of her life if he went through with it

This makes me wish she worked on TEW2. Her name being in the credits is only because of the reused designs from the first game's development, like the Harbinger.

Doesn't live up to the promise of the first three hours. Levels are pathetically small. If there had been one more explorable block of the town, with the same depth as the first area it would be a great game.

Outside of the Father Thomas hell areas the back half is bad. Some good enemy types, some really bad ones. I really like how inexplicable some of the rules are. Ups the horror but stops happening after the first half.

TEW was a little bit better.

I would like a sequel with Kidman finding Joseph.

The first game looked terrible to me, but I'm interested in the second one. Usually I hate skipping games in a series, but the first one seemed so boring and shitty, especially the boss fights. Would I be missing out on a lot by skipping to 2?

>but the first one seemed so boring and shitty, especially the boss fights.
2nd was even more fucking boring. Boss fights are even fucking shittier.

No, just familiarize yourself with the story. I forced myself to go through the first game because 2 looked good, but it wasn't that worth it. 1 isn't bad, but it's long and sort of uninspired.

>It's gotta be Kidman if there's another entry in the game.

Why? Her story is done, Seb's too. Oda actually makes sense, what with Ruvik confirmed to be alive, and in possession of Mobius STEM 2.0. He would likely remember Joseph's susceptibility to his mind fuckery, and seek him out.

>the promise of the first three hours
You mean the Last of Us gameplay, the shoddy premise, and the complete 180 of Sebastian's character?

Neo-Sup Forums, fuck off.

This one actually felt like its own thing instead of being a random mishmash of other horror games with no rhyme or reason like the first one.

I wouldn't mind if they flushed out Joseph like they did with Sebas, but I just don't see them doing two characters completely over. It was already jarring enough to see Sebas so different (although I would say once you get used to it, he's a pretty good character.) I think Kidman would be a no-brainer because she's already developed and waifu material.

Literally everything about this one feels like a random mishmash of other horror games

why would you give a shit about a boring character like Sebastian to start with

No way, there was way less random teleporting and a more cohesive story, villains, world. It was barely a horror game let alone a mishmash of them like TEW1 was.

I just remembered they totally changed the rules of STEM too and now I'm sad.

Like, wasn't a big part of STEM in the first game showing that it feeds off of the thoughts of a collective? And it's what explains so many of the Haunted?

In 2 it's just OH WE HAVE A CORE.

I didn't care for ghost tid (forgot her name) until I gathered she was what turned people into Lost, for remembering their past lives, which conflicted with STEM.

only complaint i had was the movement speed. just damn was it like you were running in water or something.


It was shit for soy boys.

He was a jaded, quiet cop in the first one, which worked fine because his character wasn't the focus. The second one turned him into gritty hero sarcastic one-liner cop man who can't shut the fuck up about every fucking thing he sees and MY DAUGHTERs constantly and the game expects you to care when it was never supposed to actually matter

>This one actually felt like its own thing
>basic mooks that look like Last of Us Cordycep rejects
>generic looking zombie bride with knives that make Ju-On clicking noises
>dudes on fire that look like fucking Unity assets
>white goo mooks that look like unity store assets.
>Human centipede reject
>the boomers from Left 4 Dead
>Pyro's not-catholic cousins.

The game makes the 1st one look like it is bursting with creativity.

This is supposed to be Sebastian.

The world itself is just a series of boring city blocks and service tunnels with one dungeon section, and the gameplay is literally just The Last of Us. The story is goofy and contrived and the characters and villains are all completely meaningless

The Harbinger/Liam was meant to be an enemy in the first game.

Some more ranting.

Stefano was a bargain bin Mads Mikkelson Hannibal, though I appreciate the aesthetic. Theodore was not bad, but it's baffling as to why he's even exists, and Moira wanting to kill you is stupid. Why does she even have STEM powers? The Kidman section was good. The female merc was completely underutilized, it's obvious it was written to be Kidman but the story needed Kidman out of STEM so they invented a generic merc, hastily threw together a backstory and killed her off.

Why did they let the mother of the child they are experimenting on gain rank in the organization? There's a super secret exploit that kills literally every member of a super powerful organization? Some of the stupidest writing ever. The character stuff is fine, but the rest is retarded.

The promise of some fucking exploration and gameplay that isn't a hallway and 2 enemies.

Kidman goes to find Joseph, Ruvik has been mind raping him for a while. Ruvik captures Kidman and puts her in STEM, a budget STEM built by Ruvik. Because of this we go deeper and darker than ever before. A truly fucked up game.

my first playthrough i played on survival witch i thought was normal mode. i should have picked the next level up as i was just tanking my way through the game. there wasn't really any pressure because i had so many resources.
i did like the game though

>The promise of some fucking exploration and gameplay that isn't a hallway and 2 enemies.
What exploration? It's all just copypasted buildings with resource pickups in them and maybe a workbench

Alan Wake was supposed to be a whole game like the first Union section.

I like Alan Wake, but that would have been amazing. Hope they make AW2.

I hated that part of the ending, but maybe I enjoyed how mysterious Mobius was in the first game. It's fucking stupid to kill them off in the second game.

True horror would have been Lily being completely warped from the experimentation, Seb opening the STEM box to a quivering mass of flesh, or a vegetable, or even a malnourished, older than she should be Lily. Instead she is literally completely fine and hasn't aged.


Lily should be 11.

Mr. Scratch was based as fuck.

Shame you never fought him.

Oh fuck! That Sebastian looks cool!

TEW3 with protag Kidman and a ton of sexual/rapey stuff when?

Breaking Seb.

At what point do they get cease and desist letters from Rockstar for copying Max Payne?

It was also going to have a pronounced day/night cycle where daytime was used for hunting clues and nighttime for exploration/shooting goons. Shame that it was probably looking a little too creative for MS. Not that Icare too much. I really liked AW regardless.

Bethesda is greenliting it right away just for that. Low sales be damned.

Laura is cute! CUTE!

>try to youtube it
>all the videos are fucking lets plays with the worst hosts

I haven't played EW2, but I like Alan Wake. Any chance you have a video of that?

I don't. You should just buy the game bruv. It really sells the themes well. Extremely atmospheric, too. Weak parts here and there coupled with some really fucking SHAMELESS product placement. DLCs are actually top-tier, too.

>manage to kill two flamethrower guys and create my own flamethrower
>emptying the entire thing into Laura didn't kill her

Are you on Nightmare? Since I found that I had to use one Fire Trap, and then use the flamethrower.

I was on nightmare, I thought that too once I died after unloading the thing. She died instantly to the fire trap.