What's the best way to experience classic Mac games?

What's the best way to experience classic Mac games?

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there was this felix the c at animation game/program where you made animations. know the name of it?


fuck how can i play this

Fuck off dobson

Sheepshaver is relatively easy to set up, and you can go to macintoshgarden.org for games.
Vintage shareware Mac gaming is prime cozy, have fun with it

This is correct. Be sure to install 8.5 on SheepShaver then install the 8.6 update. Unfortunately, the Sim games were removed from Mac Garden a while back, but in general, many of the multiplats that were released on DOS and Mac in the early 1990s has a better version on the Mac with higher resolution.


Do you remember that game where you're a big brain guy sitting in a chair fighting another big brain guy?

Doesn't sound familiar, can you give any more info? What type of game was it?
Pretty much everything is on that site though, so if you feel like digging you'll likely find it.


Get MovoD II and play it until your ears bleed.

Nanosaur on Steam when?

Was this , lucky you posted it user.

Believe it or not, once upon a time, 'Visual Novel' was not synonymous with 'porn'.

I use basilisk II but it seems to be a mess there is probably a better way.



>tfw trying to play this game as a kid

I have played just about every game in this thred as a kid. So v does still exist...

Not sure if office chair controls aged well.

Nu-Mods haven't killed all the old crew yet, though not for lack of trying.