We did it Sup Forums


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ass won over gameplay

>"Fuck you we wont patch shit stupid gaijin" award of the year

>Game Debate
Literally who? Heh they must be alright.

Blame Square Enix. We're lucky they made it on PC at all, they could have easily copped out and made it PS4 only if they didn't trust the western market.

Congrats. It certainly means a lot more to this game than it would the nintendo games. I say this as someone who only played the nintendo games out of the nominees.

Uh oh. :^)


i'm ordering 5 2B cosplays and a gallon of anal lube
byob. bring your own condoms. who's in!?

Deserves it

Well, hope you're not one for the idiots that fell for the 'LEAD PLATFORM' PR drivel.
Click bait title?
>"Actually there was no special arrangements made for either platform (PS4 and PC), but since most of the development process is done on the PC anyway, we ran with it," says Saito.
>no special arrangement for either platform
>built for PC-only

This is truly an auspicious day, GLORY TO MANKIND!

wtf,why is it such a pos on pc then? i mean even on ps4 its a broken pos with dips to 20fps

Are they a respected website?

I just bought it for $25. With how much dick riding this game gets it better be good.

If this was Western with no changes whatsoever to anything would Sup Forums shill it as much?


I don't understand the reasoning that it not being western affects anything about its perception.

Black Friday. Amazon, Best Buy, a whole bunch of places had it for that price. Sold out fast on BB though but they managed to restock it at least once.

See Have no idea how I managed to reply to my own post instead of yours.

Literally who? Its my personal GOTY but I doubt it would be for any reputable journo lists.

2M people voted, it's not the pick of some guy or few

>2M people voted
Really? Must have been pretty close then.

then why pc version received 0 patches since release?
this is the only thing that's stopping me from buying it

best and most modest tits

>Must have been pretty close then.
1. Nier Automata: 29%
2. PUBG: 13%
3. AssCreed Origins: 11%

Why do we give a shit about what gaming """"journalists"""" think?

Same problem as other awards then. PUBG isn't releasing in 2017, so why the fuck is it even a contender for GOTY 2017 on any list? It could be the best game ever made but that still doesn't mean it should be eligible for awards in a year when it's not even released.

I still can't play it because it STILL crashes to a white screen on my RX card.

Jesus, people really like 2bs game.

>Why do we give a shit about what gaming """"journalists"""" think?
Doesn't apply in this case, people nominated games, people voted.

>Beat BoTW
>Beat AC:O
>Beat HZD
>Beat PUBG

what the fuck are these statistics?
If they are real, then colour me legitimately happy/impressed, but how can a Niche title beat triple AAAs like this?

>1st got more votes than following 2 combined
This gives me a little hope that future isn't just microtransactions and multiplayer.


Probably more telling of how many units are out in the wild.
More people probably own automata than own a switch.

Because it's actually a good game.

>2 million weebs voted for their waifu simulator
is it really fair

I bought this game on black friday lads, arrives on wednesday.

did I do good?

>Yakuza 0 on the list
>Star Wars: Battlefront II nowhere to be found


I had it as my personal GOTY but to really beat out everything else I don't think anybody could've predicted. Imagine Taros face when he hears he beat out all the western AAA releases this year.

Have fun trying to play with an ever present boner

>we did it
Why do people say this? We didn't do anything, THEY did it.

>Game Debate

I've never said "literally who?" more sincerely in my life.

>By September 2017, total worldwide sales of the Switch version of the game exceeded 4.70 million, making it the system's best-selling title
>Update, September 21: Nier: Automata has now surpassed two million sales.

definitely this. I would love to see him become more inspired by this gaem's triumph over the rehashes of today and have him make either a sequel or a new spin off/IP of sorts.

the game was so trash
litteraly an ugly piece of shit
shit mission
shit characters
shit story
the most shittiest combat i ever seen,skyrim was more fun
shit progression
everything was so trashy
you can't even die if you have enough heal
good music trough

It's ok to have shit taste user, just don't flaunt it so much.

2B isnt even the main character. What the fuck. This isnt like my anime at all.



The game was very unmemorable to me, all I remember is 2B's ass.

>Dosen't remember best boy.

The first time hearing that acoustic lick in the ruins is so delicious.

I take it you only got ending A, and possibly one of the joke endings.

It was underwhelming, to be honest. They clearly ran out of time and budget and the amount of content in the game took a nose dive in the latter half. The world was small and empty. Combat was fun, but the lack of enemy variety left no drive to explore it. The atmosphere and direction were the only things that stood out somewhat.

I did the credit boss

>Blame Square Enix.
Bankrupt kikestarter funded Obsidian patched fucking KOTOR2 10 years after release you nigger

I'm level 99. What the fuck do I do now?

Go kill Emil and clear arenas.

I beat Emil already but there's literally nothing else to do.

Nothing because this shit game has no replayability unlike MGR where fighting the bosses over and over again is so hype. The bosses in this game are fucking shit.

Fuck off homos.

In that case I would say the word "memorable" isn't what you were looking for. Most of the memorable parts of the game are in C route.

Maybe "Lackluster," Or maybe you really don't remember much about the game, I don't know, I'm not you. I just assumed you stopped before C because, as you said, the only memorable part of A is 2b's ass.

There's been at least 1, but you're not wrong.

>PS3 graphics
>Game of the Year

Just neuters the shit sites/mags. A game without quality graphics is not and will never be GOTY.

I legit don't even remember the story anymore

This game only goes to show that Platinum cannot create fun boss fights like DMC without resorting to their cinematic QTEfests like Bayonetta.

>PS3 graphics
try PS2

>There's been at least 1,
Game was released at 1.01 which was some cosmetic shit that happened because some Nintendo fags got butthurt about a thrash item being named NIN64.


Ass like that deserved it.


Try 2010. Bayonetta has better environment textures than this game. Remove the post-processing and this game looks downright ugly.

>thrash item being named NIN64
that’s hilarious

A GOTY should deliver on ALL fields. Not just be so good at ONE thing. Sorry baby gayby soyboy.

>implying the story wasnt shitty anime tripe
I think you're better off watching Tokyo Ghoul if you enjoy this schlock so much.

You did. Have fun, user!

>game debate

prepare to be disappointed

What a bad fucking day, game gets nominated to "GOTY" by s bunch of no ones. Hope the jap chokes on his award.

Good memes my man, too bad you forgot the cute frog.

Honestly, only a From Software game should have the honor of winning GoTY. No other game dev has influenced the world as much as our god Miyazaki

What FromSoftware game got released in 2017 retard

>retards still post 'literally who?' instead of finding out how this shit went through this INTERNET thingie
>salty contrarians and CUHRAYZEE Platinumfags SEETHING

Exactly. Which means there are no goty for this year because this year was utter shit.


Fuck off you're not even the main character.

Bloodborne deserves to be GOTY every year.


Nope. Sup Forums is hypocritical as fuck.

NA is a shallow, repetitive 7/10. But based Japan made it! Every Yakuza is even more of a movie game than Uncharted. But based Japan made it, so its amazing! Digimon Cyber Sleuth is a complete slog. But based Japan made nokia rule 34!

Fucking this.

Unless you have a boss fight that can fucking match the sheer kino that is Ludwig, you dont fucking deserve GoTY and this Near Shit has fucking none of that.

reminder 2B weights like 330lb


A niche game beating out AAA hits would be fucking amazing to see.

IMAGINE throwing out your back trying to manhandle 2b

>meanwhile BOTW literally looks like a half-assed Unity game and Nintenbros are squealing GOTYAY

Sadden me that From has still yet to top him in terms of hype boss fights even DaS3 and its DLCs. Friede comes closes I guess but she's three phases too long.

Imagine 9s killing you because he wont let you do that, waifushitter.

>commander 166.8kg

>measurements for 9S


For when you order his lingerie.

Just look at those measurements, she's a curvy girl.