Does this look like the strongest bounty hunter in the galaxy to you?


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what does the strongest bounty hunter in the galaxy look like to me?

Her power comes from her suit



I would wreck that ass.

she gives me the strongest boner for sure

No, she's supposed to be the strongest woman in the galaxy. Do you think these offical images represents that well?

She has Chozo DNA. It made her super strong without necessarily having large muscles.

How can you be physically super strong without large muscles?

>spamming like 3 threads in a row of this shit

Fuck off.

Sybb is that you? Go away Sybb.

She could probably milk me totally dry in the span of a few hours, so yeah.

She looks like a photo model with a surprisingly fat ass


Replying to a Sybb thread without saging should be a bannable offense. Report and hide.

uhh no? that is literally the point of the zero suit segment on ZM, to show her as someone who can be vulnerable

Different biological structure which makes each muscle able to do more work.

muscles take more time to draw so thats why its easier to make a stick

Smaller class weightlifters aren't fucking massive but have good muscle definition and decently big muscles but in regular clothes they don't look that big.

If she were better toned it would make more sense. Non obese female powerlifters aren't even big

Maybe super defined muscle

I want to remodel her shithole

This one is.

I can't understand this kind of obsession. I understand waifus. I don't understand this.

>high heels
they almost fuckin had a 10/10

She looks like a man with boobs. Disgusting.

You must not be straight.

I fapped to Samus' butt but I didn't make I don't know how many hundreds or thousands of threads on message boards about her butt being fat or not.

What kind of women do you prefer?

I dunno, show me art of her bounty hunting.

I think he's autistic.


Muscle density, for one.


I liked the one he made where he pretended to not be himself so we would talk about Samus's ass firmness for him like always.

The left one

>he made one thread immediately after that one fell off the board that sas deleted within a minute
>this one is still up

Guess the mods are eating their hot pockets.


What is this art for? Samus Returns, Smash Bros.?


More like sexiest

Ask Bruce Lee

Ya'll niggas postin in a sybb thread
Sybb thread


Isn't this post the pot calling the nigger black??

You know, I've been thinking, what if sybb isnt actually a turbo autist and maybe he's stuck in between our univverse and a universe where he fucks samus's flabby ass everyknight? That might explain the obsession, and so maybe he has major insecuirtes so he comes on here and talks about his girl's ass. Just thinking.


Prepare for some unhinged autism:

What is Sybb like as a person? Does anyone have any idea? I can only imagine.

Looks like a low class space hooker


Some autism hunters much greater than me somehow managed to find an account he made on a forum designed for people with aspergers (literally). He revealed some shit but I can't remeber it or find it because a search for gf_sybb is drowned out from ass posting hes done on 1000s of forums. Basically he's a turbo autist but that's all we know, I would imagine he's quite introverted, having posted about the fat content of a character's ass for at least 3 years, probably much more.

I dunno, maybe Sybb would be willing to chime in and talk about himself? He usually abandons the thread when he gets called out.


No, that looks like the strongest hunter in the galaxy's butt.