You have ten seconds to tell my why BotW is GotY or Paya gets it.
You have ten seconds to tell my why BotW is GotY or Paya gets it
It's not
It's the most fun I had with video game this year
>threading your own post
I always knew BOTW shitposters were re.ddit
At least shitposting means i don't have to play a game at 30 fps.
Uh...BOTW is 60fps on your PC
You don't have a toaster do you?
What is this supposed to show
not only did you try to /thread you fucked up and outed yourself as a newfaggot.
I'll give it shot once I finish Nier.
No (You)s, dumbass.
how fucking new are you? Seriously.
You don't /thread your own post and that's not how you /thread either.
I don't consider myself a smart person, but posts like these make me realize at least I'm not bottom of the barrel.
>responds to two different users
>thinks I'm new
I'm still playing Nier while people get flustered that I shit-talked another Zelda game.
>user has an aneurysm
this just raises further questions on what was trying to convey. I guess both the OP and the first reply anons are both newfags.
>responds to two different users
that's what I did, yes. Did I say they were the same person at all? No, you're both fucking newfags.
What is this thread even about now, the fuck I have never been so confused on here
Game is a decent but the Zelda name apparently makes it perfect. There are a lot of flaws in the game and I suspect if it was any other game than Zelda it would have been 7-8/10. It is fun to just chill and explore the world but combat is only so-so weapon durability takes away from the excitement of chests. The shrines are more of a chore than fun.
Not a newfag, I dunno what the screencap guy was going for, as for threading in the first post, the idea that BOTW is even close to GOTY is extremly laughable.
Yeah, I'm super new if new is considered 2011.
fpbp, Mario Odyssey is GOTY
>if new is considered 2011.
it is you fucking newfaggot, I hope to god you're just being ironic now as you're embarrassing yourself.
This doesn't change anything,
answer something important subs or dubs.
in what context
It's not, Cuphead is
You're about to show a lover an anime you think is so bad it's good. Think "Ghost Story" levels of camp.
>any other game than Zelda it would have been 7-8/10.
Remember Game journalists go on a scale where 7 is what 5 should be. So 9/10 is perfectly reasonable
why would anyone show their lover anime?
>as for threading in the first post, the idea that BOTW is even close to GOTY is extremly laughable.
But you yourself admitted you haven't played it yet the fuck is this
Or is that guy not you?
fotm shit
What the fuck
You've asked the right question, I'll bring this back to the DARPA chief and we'll analyze it, find a way to reverse the mutation. How's it feel to be a hero user?
Why are all BOTW threads so fucking weird
a mix of extremely dedicated anti-botw shitposters and zelda fans being generally odd
What did she mean by this?
they dun bang
but what did mellie mean by this?
While not a flawless game, and one that certainly has room for improvement, BotW set's a solid bedrock foundation of what it means to have a fun game about exploring, in a genre that has up until how been completely off the rails.
Breath of the Wild is as important for open world games, and any game that has exploration as a core mechanic, as much as Ocarina of Time was for 3D action games back 20 years ago.
Elder Scrolls has neat ideas but plays like dog shit and Bethesda games have more bugs than a single south american country.
Even if you didn't like BotW, you can't deny the fact that, a "Majoras Mask" style "use the same engine but for something totally off kilter" style game possibly happening in the future sounds rad as fuck
When the fuck is the Winter DLC coming out?
>"Breath of the Wild showed something most designers already know, but which is hard to achieve... open progression following each player's intrinsic motivations, adaptive challenge curve and economy, open narrative structures, and so on
What a crock of shit. BotW has minimal progression in the first place, the challenge curve is one of the game's biggest fuckups and there is literally no economy whatsoever. What is this faggot talking about?
Winter starts until Dec 21, broski.
Is this a shitposting thread
>still doesn't get it
Unironically because of the master race. If not for CEMU then BotW threads would be like 50% more civil. Though it's still Sup Forums and it's still Zelda so there would still be lots of arguing.
That does less than nothing to help me.
I'd like to think BotW (and MGSV) raised the bar for open world games and companies like Bethesda will think twice about releasing incomplete/unpolished products and hoping the wealth of content distracts players until the requisite mods/patches are out.
i honestly don't get all these pretentious reviews, the game is very fun only for the first 7 hours, let's say until you aquire all the sheikah runes, the combat is boring, Wind waker had better combat. Enemy variety is limited to like 5.
>Bethesda will think twice about releasing incomplete/unpolished products
Good joke.
HAHA wow that's great
I mean it's obviously lacking some features other Zelda games had, but if you're someone like me who likes exploring the landscape in games, BotW has that on lock. They didn't have as many features as other Zelda games but they perfected the one they had. It is the definitive game about exploring.
I like that mindset user, the problem is mgs V came out before Fallout 4, and commercially weren't as well received, yes mgs V is a much better game than anything Bethesda's made in the last few years, but realistically the creative directors have this weird open world mindset that most of the competent open world guys do not, if you want evidence of this check out the recent interview with Julian LeFay, he doesn't badmouth Todd Howard's mindset, but he shows the difference and why it can't be changed.
They won't ever, if anything, they'll do what CDProjekt did and just patch them with free content included. It's also hard to test an open world like that so you as a player will be a beta tester no matter what.
Yeah, MGSV has other flaws for sure but it feels so fucking good to play. Ground Zeroes was nice as fuck, Its a shame we won't ever see Konami utilize the fox engine like that in another game. Hopefully we will see another game in the BotW engine
If the next Zelda were to be based on BotW but with more enemy variety and less shrines for actual proper dungeons to discover I would die happy.
They tried to make Link a trap for some time now
What prompted you to make this. Not like I'm complaining but I'm curious how your brain even works
it just looked like a chin to me, dude
You have been around some weird chins and necks kek
Love you guys
le ebin screencap time haha xd
touche dosent even make sense in this context?
lol, wtf is goin' on in this nigga's mind?
You loving me is an insult :^)
>graphics babbies everyone
You are whats wrong with gaming
>Breath of the Wild is as important for open world games, and any game that has exploration as a core mechanic, as much as Ocarina of Time was for 3D action games back 20 years ago.
How? In what possible way? I ultimately liked BotW, but I have no idea why claims about how it's "redefining open world games" and other assorted bullshit keep getting thrown around.
Because Mario Odyssey doesn't attract this kind of praise. Everyone is able to see Mario Odyssey as just a great game without pretentiously trying to ascribe it as anything else. It's just a great game that came out in a year that saw a bizarre return of the mascot collecathon platformer; it's the follow up to Mario 64 that people have been clamoring for since 1996. Yet nobody is making the unfounded claim that it's somehow changing the video game landscape, or somehow redefining the genre.
but this isnt fencing
Zelda fanboys are more insane overall, on both ends
welp i mean
It's because of OoT, it got memed into being the "greatest game of all time" by a ton of journalists and fanboys. Now BotW is getting pushed as this grand amazing hyper-innovational masterpiece so it can be "our generation's Ocarina of Time".
its still dosent work
>Now BotW is getting pushed as this grand amazing hyper-innovational masterpiece
There is some truth in this though, like BoTW has done for the open world what OOT did for 3d action games. The first game I've ever played that justified the open world and used it as more then just a gimmick.
You haven't played many older open world games then. Modern open worlds, maybe
what other open world game used the world as more then just a bigger level surrounded by wilderness nothingness.
GTA already did that though. BotW didn't invent sandbox gameplay.
>BoTW has done for the open world what OOT did for 3d action games
I love how you ignore my post , because you're not actually capable of explaining how.
when do the ten seconds start with these?
As soon as you begin reading?
After reading ten seconds?
or after you've read the whole question?
Or before you even check the thread?
Fuckin hell from the thumbnail I thought your image was gonna be a horse with its face shredded off
gta's core gameplay wouldn't change if it were made up of levels rather then a sandbox. sure you can go on a rampage and just start killing if you want, but mostly you go from mission to mission just completing the levels.
If anything applies more to BotW than any GTA. Once you leave the Plateau you can literally just rush straight to Hyrule Castle, you can completely ignore the vast majority of the world design.
the sad excuse of a final boss and sterile credits really drags down the whole package at the end. also no caves or underground areas
ERRR outta time, sorry
no dungeons
damage shit
I don't know, on one hand I think SMO is as great as Zelda is but XC2 is also coming out
It's polished and has interesting quirks, but it's ultimately a game for the Skyrim audience.