I never played her game, but I love Makoto

I never played her game, but I love Makoto.

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You should player her game then.

go back to /vg/ waifufags

Well that's kind of strange.

I did play Ann's game and I love her.

Her design is good but it’s a shame she’s the worst party character.

Seek help for your mental issues.


shes not haru or ann

You’re all wrong

Love can't be wrong.

>tfw you will never have a tea party with Haru

>loves character
>can't even be assed to play her game
>can't even be assed to play her game despite the fact that it's a really good game worth playing anyways

I feel sorry for all girls being waifu'd by pieces of shit like you.

that looks like a boy and I like it

Anybody have the full image?

Boys (female) dressed as girls (female) is the best

Good taste user. But play the game then decide your best girl

It is the full image


Haru and Ann are both superior to Makoto.

In what way exactly?

A real man loves his Mothers

Bigger dicks

FUTAba would blow them out the watter

Not overbearing mom characters with no sense of humor

I bought her game for black friday, but I'm getting Xenoblade 2 before it gets here. Futaba is probably best girl. Or Kawokami.


Not everyone has a sense of humor. Everyone is different and it's not a flaw.

Yes, Futaba likes to give blowjobs to Ann and Haru.

It is a flaw for a character that is supposed to be a teenage girl.

I see no correlation whatsoever. You don't magically lose you sense of humor if you grew up. You either have from the start or you don't.

The difference is that when an older person is overbearing on a group of kids it makes sense. When a teenage girl who isn't even out of high school tells you what to do it comes off as annoying.

Well she is the older one and she' the most serious in the group plus she has some experience in giving out orders to other students so it make sense at least.
I can't imagine any other PT suited to order people around other than Makoto, exclude Joker because he's a self insert character.

Well ideally they should have gave that role to Morgana since he is supposed to know the metaverse the best

>I never played her game
fucking kill yourself

He's a cat with amnesia and he can't order people around since everyone disrespected him at least once.