Have you ever fallen in love over an online video game?

Have you ever fallen in love over an online video game?

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i am not a neckbeard beta

I met her IRL and we had fun

Yes, I'm deeply ashamed of myself. It still hurts a lot though.

Yes, over a fighting game.

We've known each other for 6 years and we're married now.

>Have you ever fallen in love

Yes and I dated her for 5 years. I wouldn't mind doing that again with a cute user

What if that user is a boy?

That is to be expected. I don't care along as they are cute and we hit it off.

even better

Post Steam please and what games you like.

Yeah, me and this guy
have been e-dating for a while now and i havent felt better in my life


fucking gas yourself worthless shitstain

Post yours instead

Yeah, but I couldn't never have told them

Go on...

You wouldn't expect the cute girly one in the relationship to take the initiative would you user...?

>tfw no hairy bf

>tfw in love with an user I known for 4 years ago

no, I don't think I've interacted with someone enough online to fall in love with them.

No butt online "dated" a girl in an MMO. We both voice chatted and changed MMOs a lot and eventually I'd forgotten about her. I was too addicted to runescape and an mmo called domo

was the boi pucci tight at least?

I'm not posting my steam in this place. And while you certainly sound cute, you probably live on the other side of the planet anyway.

No, but i did on Sup Forums It didn't went well though

>sissy white boy general

Sounds like you're giving me a run for my money.

I mean, it's just natural for the man in the relationship to be the one to hit things off, right...?

I had a long distance relationship with a brazilian chick I met on Neverwinter. She was pretty cool and a med student but we broke up after a month because we were too far away from each other to make it work. The cyberfucking and sexting was orgasmic though.

post your boipussi

Back when Gaiaonline was popular I ended up getting into an online relationship with a girl named Hiyono when I was 12. 2 years later we decided to meet up because we were just one state away from each other.
Ended up losing our virginity and stayed together for next year before breaking up

Long distance stuff doesn't work forever user. Only reason mine lasted 5 years is because we lived close enough to meetup frequently enough.

I also met a guy here on Sup Forums recently. It's going really well so far, he's such a love bug. It might also be the first time I've felt so comfortable with a guy before.

Should have imported her tbqh


Never fell in love but did get laid. Turns out the girl I did raids with was really a girl and was only 30 minutes away from me. Fucked for a few weekend till her boyfriend found out.

Why did you break up?

>Fucking a boyfriend-not-free girl

Though I love playing MMO I never understood the point of being remotely close to someone in a online game.
I mean, it's not like I'd ever bother to go far away from home just to meet some fucker I played a vidya with.
Aside from having a guild and doing raid and shit it's useless to be social in a mmo

I fell in love with a girl when I found out she had amazing taste in games but that's about it.

She was an "asexual lesbian", don't ask me how that works, I don't know. To my knowledge she has never dated anyone. Fucking tumblr is to lonely girls what /r9k/ and Sup Forums are to lonely guys, it ruins them completely.

I am happy for you anonette

>implying I'm a femanon and/or bottoming

Enjoy your boipussi then?

Well we finally got a touch of each other and it was amazing, but we still lead separate lives and just got hard on us not being together
Especially while trying to focus on our education and decided it was best for both of us if we focused on school

I did end up seeing her again after we graduated high school but were in a relationship with other people by then

Will do, thank you.

My problem too. I feel like I met lots that viewed it as genuine friendship though. It doesn't help that whenever I played an MMO I'd ditch it the moment it got boring.

Because she left that part out till the second time around.

I fell in love with a sexy little asian girl I met in an FPS. She was about 700 miles away from me, but I ended up driving to see her, and flying on another occasion. Totally worth it imo.

was the boi pucci tight at least??

extremely tight, till I was done with her

Yeah we both knew this beforehand but we were kinda hoping it would work.

For a week she toyed with the idea of moving to where I live after finding out how much surgeons get paid in North America. She didn't knew beforehand and almost fainted on Skype when I told her the salary is $150,000 to $500,000 a year. She said the surgeons don't get much in that socialist shithole.

one time i had a chat going in world of warcraft with a woman who lived in alaska ... does that count?

Don't think I did.
I do have feelings for someone I met here though.

Tell us about him/her (him).

Hey, aslong it was all worth it huh? I'd honestly take a long distance relationship even though I know perfectly well I won't luck out another time ;_;

I guess this isn't gonna work out then.

No, but I want to. That's why I play MMOs mostly. But it's so hard to find the perfect girl since everyone is a fucking slut or a weirdo that gets attached too quickly and turns into a psycho.

So I'm fine being single for now.

Post your country and age.

Yea yea. This stupid meme needs to die already. It's hardly funny anymore and just sounds like a stupid "in" joke that tweens regurgitate.

What is love?

I don't follow. I just meant that I'm a boy and I like other boys.

baby don't hurt me

It lasted 7 years until she went to uni. She went full feminist and that was the end of that.

Why are girls who play MMO's like this? Not even just the fat ones either. Last raiding guild I was in during MoP we had four girls; one tanked, two healers, one rogue dps. We all went to Blizzcon (the WoD announcement one) and all but one slept around for the week we were together. The one had a boyfriend (the GM) in the guild so i'm chalking that up to why she didn't either.

same except things are going extremely well

Any cute feminine boys want to be my boyfriend?

why would anyone ever wanna date another one of the faggots on here

Only if you're a cute feminine boi too qt


There isn't much I want to tell to be totally honest.
He already knows how I feel and he feels the same way about me somehow. That's all there is to it.

Well isn't that sweet. I'm glad things seem to be working out.

user what the fuck shave ur ass no one wants that you disgusting fuck

>tfw both of my only irl gfs basically asked me out
>wasn't really into or even attracted to them much but just kinda went with it
it got my dick sucked a couple times at least but thats about it

the fuck is wrong with you white boys

No, I'm emotionally stunted and will probably never be capable of any form of intimacy.

>no one wants that
but I want a bear bf, so I want that

im a caveman

I'm assuming you're not a nigger because they fuck anything, even that jungle of nool.

yeah, in FFXI. Probably the most affectionate relationship I've had in my life, but at the same time it sorta turned me off of that shit going forward after it went south, I tried to stay away from online relationships.

not him, but I can't explain it. he makes my heart beat

if two cute feminine boys become boyfriends, is it gay?

Yes, but it's still cute.

what kinda stupid question is that

shut up white boy, stop trying to defend that disgusting piggu


I'd like to fall in love with another male through online games but no one can stand me. My personality is just naturally repulsive I guess. I'm too clingy and stupid, I'll message you the second I see you online and I'm wasting my life playing games. But hey, I'm still young

>the absolute state of this board
I don't care if it's bait, this place has fallen so far.

I get off to being called a pig


My ex gf was clingy, I love that shit. You're probably too young for me since you mentioned it, so good luck in the future user.

what do you look like

do fps and fighting games count? as in, any game you play online, or do you mean mmorpgs and mobas? every online rpg and moba ive ever played has made me want to kill myself because it was so profoundly awful.

but, yeah, back in late 90s i was in love with counter strike and quake 3. i've been in love with tekken for like 15 years. i want it to put its dick in me.

only if assholes touch

Why does that matter

Yeah that's what everyone says

so i can be clingy too

>I got balls the size of grapefruits and this sunday you'll be spittin' out seeds

Only with fictional characters in it to be honest.
>tfw incapable of loving real people

I am not comfortable with sharing my appearance here. Sorry.

That depends, still you treat me well?


That they love clingy people? Or that you're too young? Fyi most people think clingy people are cute, so long as you don't go way overboard with that stuff. Post your age out of curiosity anyway.