I hate this meme about nu-Lara being weird when it comes to handling all the killing she does...

I hate this meme about nu-Lara being weird when it comes to handling all the killing she does.Lara doesn't want to admit to being a maniac murderer who enjoys all the killing, of course she is going to act like "Oh no what have I done!" everytime she kills people(and animals too I guess).Posting some pages from the comics.First few from "Secrets and Lies" last few from "Queen of Serpents".

Other urls found in this thread:





Skipping a lot of pages here.

Who the fuck would have that kind of reaction? Your friend just kicks major ass to protect you, and the first thing you do is accuse *them* of being psychotic? Fuckin bitch.

Jumping to the other comic.


And done.

That's some artsy prude bitch she asked for help in getting ready for Jonah's play, so I think the reaction fits her perfect.

Friend saves you from two thugs and the reaction is to not want anything to do with them anymore? What fucking garbage writing is this? Also she didn't look like she enjoyed it at all, she just looks angry and focused in each panel yet the bitch acts like she was a grinning lunatic or something.

Reminds me of that comic where a guy gets robbed by a dindu, another guy shoots the nig nog, and then the guy who got stabbed asks why the guy was carrying a gun.

>artsy prude bitch
So she's one of those idealist retards who think that everything can be solved with power of love?

We call those people liberals. #openborders #rapefugeeswelcome

Classic Lara is one of the most Iconic vidya characters ever.

This new girl is whatever

Fantasizing about fucking up someone being a dick to you is pretty normal behavior though.

Not if you are a cute archaeologist girl.


What are some games where you play as girls that do enjoy killing? Either a gradual love for it or just flat out love.
The only game I can think of is Last Blade 2


Meanwhile in old Tomb Raider comics

She was iconic alright

Those tits are just too big.

Didn't they end up like that in the original game because of an error expanding them to ludicrous degrees but decided to keep them anyways?

>lmoa dude fuck you for not just handing your shit over to random dudes for no reason
retarded desu ,who the fuck would ditch a friend over this ? if anything i'd like her more.

If Lara was a man she would have sucked his dick right then and there.



>I hate this nu-meme about nu-Lara being nu-weird when it comes to handling all the nu-killing she does. nu-Lara doesn't want to admit to being a maniac nu-murderer who enjoys all the nu-killing, of course she is going to act like "Oh no what have I done!" everytime she kills nu-people(and nu-animals too I guess). nu-Posting some nu-pages from the nu-comics.First few from "nu-Secrets and nu-Lies" last few from "nu-Queen of nu-Serpents".

Well nu'd friend.


What the fuck ever happened to NATLA?

So you got a link to this comic then

this is just embarassing

Video Game Sex Symbol Lara Croft

>Friend stops you from being robbed
>Fights off the robbers
>You tell her she's psychotic and quit an acting gig that the person happens to be a part of

What in the world is this garbage? Who wrote this shit?

well obviously she wanted to get raped but lara got in the way

For all your comic needs.



what does Sup Forums think about the upcoming movie


Nu Lara is just Nathan Drake with a one-dimensional inner 'conflict' because omg so deep best writing evar. It's both pathetic and hilarious. But we're used to that in the vidya media and mainstream fanbase, it's really not notable at all, just tiresome.


Thanks for this. I was using readcomiconline.to/ but haven't checked how complete their library is. Hope this is better.

It would be cool if she went edge mode jack the ripper "hahaha i love the killing and raiding hahaha"
I'd find that entertaining at least.

NO, no they are not!

That's what all the kill finishers are for and frankly one of the only cool things in the reboot. Shoving a shotgun on a downed enemy's face never gets old.

>Nura is a batshit insane woman one trigger word away from pushing her uncle off the building
>kept trying to convince herself futilely that she's not and that she totally didn't get a boner watching a dude get smashed into pieces by a subway train
>marvel manface syndrome

Why do people like her again

>Why do people like her again
Because she's hot and a girl.

>liking nura looks over old Lara

Just admit you like the cock user, it's 2017 you don't have to keep pretending to like manly girls

I did not even imply I like new Lara over old Lara.
My point was that because people find new Lara hot, they like her and don't care she is horrible.

It's realistic portrayal of women

Site goes down a lot so if you can't access a comic try using a proxy.You can easily find one by just searching for "libgen proxy or mirror"

IIRC the guy modeling Lara accidentally made her breasts much bigger (since OG Lara model was made of like 50 polygons, all it took is just pulling a couple vertices in a wrong direction), and then the devs just decided to throw it in.

They should have picked someone else to play Lara.
