How are the Steam Awards going for ya??
How are the Steam Awards going for ya??
>Overwhelmingly Positive
I still don't get what people see in these games.
It's fun with friends: the game
you have to be BADASS to get it
Maybe you'd know if you had any friends, dumb frogposter
grats, you aren't really a normie
I had more """""""""fun"""""""""" in borderlands 1 than 2
Similar to Diablo, overall better designed game outside of story/writing, for the most part it's because a better alternative doesn't exist, sort of like Skyrim.
don't listen to the faggots saying its fun with friends, i have tried to play this game with friends 3 times and each time we get bored as fuck and play something else
This is bullshit.
t. person who has played it with friends
None of us enjoyed it.
I've tried playing it with friends.
The pacing is just so bad. It's dogshit. Large open empty worlds with nothing to do but head over to the next shoot chamber, and it's not like the actual mechanics are much fun with how weak your fucking weapons are and the constant cover hogging.
Watching grass grow is fun with friends
I like working together with my friends to collect and find useful increasingly strong loot to complete quests to get stronger to take on harder quests to get closer to my end objective while good music plays.
look a subhuman butthurt gaftard
You fucking killed me
I shall contribute to your effort
Should I get this? It's only 30 bucks and is the GOTY edition with all the shit in it.
I don't really care about the story I just want some good coop shootan with my imouto.
>Frogposter doesn't understand the concept of fun
Wow I'm so surprised
you fucked up. On Thursday, GMG had GOTY edition for 8 bucks. I think it was a fuckup because it was back to normal price later that night.
Got a few buds to pick it up. Fun game, bitch boy writer aside.
it was in humble bundle for one dollarydoo like two weeks ago
>people wasting time on this shit when valve won't post any of their suggestions
Pretty good.
>better designed game outside of story writing
You worry me.
Everytime I play Borderlands everybody just wants to grind the same fucking bosses hoping to get a 1/1000000 drop. Just hack it into the game.
GOTY? I'm pretty sure that was the regular one and the 5 buck tier had some of the shitty head DLC and none of the story. It was the bundle with Endless Legend in it.
The DLC aint bad, but I'm not shelling out a ton of money for them either. 8 bucks is fine.
>I still don't get why people like videogames
>no nekopara live
>I still don't get why people like bad video games