Schedule is nearly finalised

Schedule is nearly finalised.

Is Sup Forums getting excited for AGDQ?

Other urls found in this thread:

>skyrim main quest

Sup Forums was never "excited" or "hyped" for shitty conventions like this. they just want to see who's gonna fucking sperg out so they can attach it to a fucking meme
>what the fuck is wrong with you, this type of "video game culture" only benefits SJWs

Sup Forums is one person

Jesus it's a little over a month away. Felt like sgdq was yesterday.

Watching autists and trannys play games is so 2016

>Euro GDQ had actual women
>Cute ones too

Nah it's reddit shit m8 and gets worse every year the only people who still attend it are pathetic trannies looking for attention and wannabe e-celebs looking to boost their sub count on twitch/youtube.
all the old speedrunners that still give a shit either go to NASA or ESA to hang out.

t. chair sniffer

>watching people beat games quickly with (sometimes) interesting to watch strata
>Sup Forums still shits on it because they can't say a few words

You guys really don't like /fun/ huh?


>Wathing Autistic Guys Done Queer

How many trannies this year Sup Forums?

why would a woman wait until things get this popular to feel bad?


no, not really, not since last agdq. it lost all it's comfy, desu. quite done with all the tranny nonsense and thought policing. i think i'm just gonna work that week instead and wait for NASA

>finalized with an s
>faggot speed runs
No, you are cancer on two fronts.


>Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood!
Can't believe the nazis at GDQ would let this slide based on name alone. I wonder if they'll have the runner condemn it or something like that.

Name my white supremacist hategroup Sup Forums

Cant wait for another 2 months straight of nothing but tranny threads on Sup Forums after its done.

It's weird. I used to watch hours upon hours worth of VOD's from the events but the last few I've barely watched any.

>announcer yells over the runner to try make them stop talking about the game and getting pissy they can't read more donations

63% club

GDQ is shit as a whole and has been for a few years. It's no longer a group of people getting together for fun and to support charities sinultaneously, it's about running the game and pandering the sponsors. Everything is sanitized and washed out, runners (and the audience) are actively discourages from doing anything entertaining or going "too far", like Bonesaw did. Multi-hour RPG runs cutting down on the total of number of games played, socially retarded people making stupid announcements mid-run and making things awkward for everyone, etc etc.

tl;dr they went corporate and it sucks now

No Super Metroid, no watch.

>the infiltrators killed Super Metroid
>prominent runners getting their runs rejected
I bet there's even more races this time around too.


>introduce women to organizational team
>it becomes absolute shit

>omg why did that shitlord DansGaming have to RUIN my gdq
>I was going to grow my twitter so muuuuuuch
This was literally her complaints

>not wasting our time with stupid shit like earthbound, mario RPG or another 8 hours FF7 run

well done.

FF7 was the best run of the GDQ you shitposting no-watcher.

It was fun seeing FF games being ran for like 10 hours the first few times but at this point its getting retarded.

half life run was pretty amazing though. Heaps of talent but meh commentary

No memes, mostly trannies, no drama, no fun.

Maybe as a background stream, that's all they'll get from me.

Is it already time for another paycheck to Mike?