Is it possible?
Is it possible?
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It does not seem likely. Unless there's secretly a huge audience of people playing both UltraMoon and Assassin's Creed Origins.
Sure, but Pokemon isn't coming out next year.
Well Xbox is dead so why not
There is only one thing that will make me consider a Switch and that's piracy
Then again, this goes for every single console.
Sure it is. The 3DS is still the best selling console this gen.
Kids don't give a fuck about Pokemon. Grow up and work.
What market share? It doesn't compete with consoles and it doesn't compete with mobile phones so what is it? 40% switch and 40% ipads?
60%* woops
It's already guaranteed that the switch will sell 200 million, so yes. Screencap me and weep.
Market share of what?
is it a pokemon rpg with a huge open world??
what pokemon?
are they making pokemon real?
Pokemon will sell well to people who already have a Switch but not to people who don't.
It needs to have a cheaper alternative, whether that's a smaller Switch or their next handheld.
>he doesn't know
but what fucking games are they gonna play?
they literally have one zelda game and a fuckton of remakes/wiiware type bullshit you could run from emulators on a fucking phone nowadays
They're saying pokemon, but isn't enough of a reason. It doesn't make people jump ship.
Wrong, the game is mostly done
>Pokemon will sell well to people who already have a Switch but not to people who don't.
Holy fuck what am I reading
The Switch is fine nerd.
It doesn't need saving.
>7million units sold
>somehow will hit 70 million units sold next year
nigger it doesn't need saving
Pokemon is currently only bought by people who are pokemon fans. Pokemon fans are usually nintendo fanboys.
Because only we buy the same game 6 times.
how's your 100th run on bloodbourne?
they will release another game for it sometime.
Man, a Xenoblade game is about to come out on time. Mountains have moved this year. If they say Pokemon is coming in 2018 it's coming in 2018.
If people bought exclusives then the Wii U wouldn't have flopped. But it did, and the majority of people buy PS4s.
I get what you mean, but I think the article is implying that people who were hesitant on buying the switch will be swayed over by Pokemon.
-Poster from my Mario/Zelda machine
>n-nooo fucking delete this t-the switch is fine
Not to mention, GF pissed off a lot of the older fans with the train wreck that was usum. Pokemon isn't going to make one ones that haven't bought one yet buy one
>Pokemon Gen 8 comes out
>it's even more unfinished than the 3DS games
>it still saves the Switch because normalfags will eat up anything Game Freak shits out
If you're not the 1st in a race, you've lost
If you don't place 1st in a tournament, you've lost
If your console doesn't sell more than all others, you've ____
Why cant we have one thread without you console warring faggots showing up?
>only manchildren who care enough to pay $300+ to play a pokemon game are broke students
The Ds was cheap and the 3ds did poorly until they dropped the price by almost 100$
It's 2017 senpai. You go on about the past like a high school jock treasures his old football trophies. Time to grow up.
Remember that time sales for the Gameboy exploded due to Pokemon? What about that time the GBA's sales exploded due to Pokemon? Or that time the DS's sales exploded due to Pokemon? How about that time the 3DS's sales exploded due to Pokemon?
You niggers suck at history.
>How about that time the 3DS's sales exploded due to Pokemon?
Yeah all that effort and it's still Nintendo's worst-selling handheld. LOL. Just keeps going down and down and down
For one person lost, they get two back, you really think they give a shit about their older audience?
>anal ysts
If you don't make a profit, you've lost. Nintendo can't stop winning, even the Wii U wasn't enough to destroy them. A similar blunder the PS or Xbox would spell doom.
It's 2017 and Switch is selling like hotcakes.
Enjoy the future when Pokemon alone sells 15+ million units.
Nigger the Switch is not going to sell 70 million units overnight. Why is it always a competition with you dorks?
Both Sony and Nintendo have said multiple times they are not competing with one another.
Here's a nice historical fact for ya
damn... things are bleak
3DS has 60 million lifetime sales after 10 years and you think Switch is going to sell 150 million
Sales have been dropping at as steady rate for a while now, Gamefreak blew it with the gust of wind from GO with SM and Pissed off their long time fans with USUM. I'm saying the ones with a switch now might grab it and the ones without a switch aren't.
>10 million
Is this supposed to be bad somehow?
>no Gen VII sales
Meh, even if it is totally mediocre, I'll take it just for finally getting out of the realm of 240p screen resolution and the shit framerate during horde/totem battles.
I might actually buy a Switch soon, it almost has enough worthwhile games for me to care.
Being an Idort is great, got a great PC, a PS4, Xbox360 (Bone wasn't worth it, maybe next generation if they get more games I care about) and like I said, probably a Switch if they keep releasing decent games at this rate.
still enough that Game Freak doesn't bother changing anything
My graph is chronological while your graph is in order of sales. Nice try man
"Gamefreak was very nervous about doing any kind of radical departure for Pokemon, they sell so well why would you mess with that? Apparently, Breath of the Wild's reception and the reaction to Mario at E3 was so overwhelmingly positive that it convinced them that they need to make the next Pokemon game as disruptive as those two games were. That it's going to be as big of an innovation as those two games were"
>gen 1/2 understandably high
>relatively steady drop to more consistenst sale in 3, 4, and 5, with gen 4 being a little higher
>small drop with X/Y, which is understandable as shit like the "save in that one city and your save dies" bug was well known, but sales remain fairly consistent otherwise
What's the issue here, again?
Cause it fits your narrative to not show the fact earlier games also sold lower
still not getting a Switch unless they make a cheaper handheld only version
>the lowest is still over 12 million units
>reportedly at 16.2 million units as of a few months ago
>no gen 7
>only counting the first two games in a generation
Wow so dead.
Hacksuda said not to expect anything in an interview.
Not surprising given the incremental upgrades per generation. However next pokemon is not only a massive jump from 240p to hd, its also the very first console pokemon.
/vp/ is going to literally explode with pure rage and autism along side the rest of the Pokemon fandom.
Those nerds fucking hate change so much.
show dick
>not buying a console made to switch from HDMI to handheld named SWITCH until they remake it into NOSWITCH
Is what over, genwunner?
Haha. I'll believe it when I see it. Pokemon is deadset on being a typical JRPG with the same shit every time.
I'm not trusting some random rumor mill being optimistic.
Doesn't really matter, making sprites and a few boxes of dialogue cost fuck all to make, they can just mod existing games for pennies and nintenbros will eat it up.
same way the 2DS was a better 3DS
>what is literally every single mobile game.
>>only counting the first two games in a generation
Yeah hmmm why would anyone ever count only the best-selling titles of each gen? News flash: third versions and remakes don't even match half of what mainline titles sell.
>comparing the commercial death of 3D in all devices, especially TVs, to Nintendo literally changing their consoles function and name
>Mobile game with dull, repetitive, grindy gameplay
>Surprising that people stopped playing it
I mean come on. There's so much they could have done to make it an engaging and interesting experience. Making a barebones battle system and a leveling system that revolves around catching the same thing a million times and treating your pokemon as completely disposable to the point of grinding them into extra leveling materials by the dozen was not how to make an engaging experience.
>y-you need to accept the gimmick this time user
ORAS sold 14 million copies. HGSS sold 13 million. FR/LG sold 12 million.
>consoles hooking up to HDMI is a gimmick
needing a special dock for it is a gimmick, yeah
niantic is a bunch of half ass'd faggots
>The worst-selling games on that list still outsell the second-best selling PS4 game (H:ZD)
>3/4ths of the list still beats the top-selling game (Uncharted 4)
This is supposed to be bad?
>you have to buy a game console with physical hard wired chips in order to hook them up at all
It isn't.
This is the first console HD game for GameFreak and the reason released Ultra Sun&Moon was because there wasn't going to be a Pokemon game for 2018.
The difference is that the 3D didn't work and even had a public controversy
The Switch's switching is the main selling point and appeal, they didn't started selling a Wii without a Wiimote or a DS without a touchscreen
It is when it's on a handheld and over complicated beyond a USB-C to hdmi adapter cable.
By-the-by: The switch is a handheld with an HDMI output made much more complicated than it needs to be.
The vast majority of people buy PS4s for multiplats. Maybe time to realize exclusives simply don't sell consoles?
Nintendo's listed date for the Pokemon RPG for Switch is "2018 or later". It may release in 2018, but they haven't necessarily committed to it. For now, it's a possibility.
Pokemon will be the 2018 holiday release.
Deal with it.
do you even konw what you're shitposintg about at this point?
pretty much this post, what is the Switch?
>say: Switch has bad graphics as a console
>"but muh portability!"
>say: Switch is a handheld
>"it's a portable-console hybrid!"
well? which is it?
You need to buy a game console with the ability to display it on a TV.
>Everyone in the house brought Pokemon on handhelds.
>Everyone enjoyed playing together.
>Now only one person can play at a time on the only Switch in the house.
You are really doing a good job at representing the user base of the Switch.