>user , you should buy a vr headset.
User , you should buy a vr headset
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>$500 for no games
righ ochoa
I want one for porn and to make easier to watch movies when working out tbh_fam
Why did my friend tell me it works for any game , like all new games support it . why would i want that ?
I would wait until the next gen is out anyway.
Your friend's full of shit. There are a few games getting native support like Payday 2 but for the rest, it's either playing it on a big VR screen or fake support from vorpx.
VR is a bigger red herring for games than the PS3.
Get VR headset
Use the virtual room
Magic giant television to play games on in an apartment you'll never be able to afford
t. Somebody who never tried it.
And of course it's a shitpost
VR is not for everyone, my dude. At best, it's a giant teevee strapped to your head.
At worst, it's a vomitbringer with shitty support and a laughable selection of supported titles.
>Using stale memes as facts
I agree that it's not for everybody though. Doesn't stop it being a valid and fun experience.
>valid and fun experience
i bet you also think footlong nigger dicks in every hole you have is a valid and fun experience
Never tried, but I'll believe it since you seem to speak from experience.
Sup marketeer
Don't know why is pretending to be me but they make a good point.
Rift with Touch is $400. KYS
>is pretending to be me
Wasn't my intention, just got bored of writing 'not him but...' every time and still getting accused of being 'him'.
>tfw you bought the oculus rift for a TF2 hat
VR gaming is something most gamers have wanted since the 90s. It is available now and people who have never used it OR who have only used smartphone headsets (which are shit) or seen people play it on YouTube (which does not translate to the same thing at all) talk a lot of shit about it. I was one of them, until I got the chance to play around with psvr in person at a local store with surround headphones. It sold me as something that was actually worth getting into. I doubt it will really take off unless Sony or Microsoft makes it the focus of the next Gen though.
This. Plus after so many console gimmicks like Kinect promising you'll feel like you're "in the game", people are a bit sceptical.
VR is a meme and the best games have you sitting in one place doing boring shit because teleporting around is fucking stupid
VR is impressive but what is unimpressive is the amount of games for it. Tech demos aside the average game translates badly into VR and the amount of VR focussed games is low. Couple that with a high pricepoint and you have an unattractive market.
VR came at the wrong time for the GPU market. If you are looking at a brand new GPU line cost, plus the the miners that jacked up the price, plus the VR headset itself, plus games, there is every reason it should have failed.
But it must work if people keep trying to flaunt it around. It should have died a long time ago with such a shitshow of a launch.
Does going into every vr thread to say this make you feel better?
Oh did somebody else say this? I guess it's common knowledge then, are you upset I didn't make you feel better about your purchase?
Yes. Kinetic was bad. A good idea, but it didn't work well at all. PS move actually worked really well to Sony credit, but it had little support and died or was shoe horned in terrible ways to turn people off it.
So far, VR is not worth the price tag for most. Skyrim is the only game I know of that really brings the goal of VR to the closest representation of what people wanted with the tech, but even that has flaws (texture loading, wonky menu controls, etc).
Resident Evil 7 was pretty good from an atmospheric standpoint. So far though most are just slightly longer tech demos. Amazingly enough, I would still recommend psvr to apartment dwellers who live alone because it gives you a big ass TV screen experience for cheap.
I don't know where you're looking but the Oculus store and Steam already have a pretty good collection of games going.
As for translation, I think the only problem is when they try to mix VR with regular players, like in Payday 2. VR has different difficulties to regular controls, so it's tough to balance.
>paying real money to sub to streamers
>preordering digital content
The thing is that those games aren't exclusive. The pricepoint is so high that people are generally uninterested in taking the dip for games they can already play.
The thing that really sold VR to me was going into an online theater that played youtube videos. Everyone was just hanging out, watching bootech videos and laughing. We were throwing popcorn at each other, and it was just this surreal experience. It's crazy how close we are to perfection with this shit.
'Common knowledge' doesn't mean it's correct. It's just something parroted about by thoughtless people.
No matter how many times you repeat "vr is a meme", it's gaining followers who like using it.
that sounds like normalfag paradise, and fresh hell
It is a meme, name me 5(FIVE) game worth picking up VR for.
Well for one there are games exclusive to VR, so I still don't know where you're getting your info on all this.
Second, who cares if a VR game has a non-VR mode or version? People use it because being in VR is great fun in it's own right. This isn't consoles.
There are quite a few exclusively VR games, however most aren't all that good.
Arizona Sunshine for example is pretty neat, but hardly a big pusher for tech. To be honest, VR needs a few big exclusive AAA titles from major studios and from major series to get people to look Hardee at the tech. From making a new Armored Core built around VR specifically would be nice.
The problem is that those will most likely be PSVR exclusive.
Everyone was pretending to be loli anime girls, so yes.
>Skyrim VR
>Fallout 4 VR
>Doom VFR
Lone Echo (and Echo Arena)
I Expect You to Die
Edge of Nowhere
Tabletop Simulator
That's fine. Psvr is the best selling VR headset still. If it becomes enough of a seller people will make more VR specific titles and the market will expand more. For all the shit consoles get on Sup Forums, they tend to set a lot of trends for normies and the goal is to get VR to not be considered a niche.
Maybe 1/3 of this list is worth getting VR for
Well at least you didn't use the "they're all tech demos" meme. Well done.
>over at friends house
>he has a vr headset
>he heads out to pick up some snacks
>immediately google VR porn and destroy my dick while he's gone
I think pretty much every VR game looks kinda shitty, i'd end up using it exclusively for jerking off
Why does she have a tail? Fuck off, furfag.
how does it work? is it just like 360 video with orientation controlled by your head?
She's obviously playing Second Life.
>come on, user. Buy a PS4 instead of upgrading your pc.
Ye pretty much, it makes watching pov videos pretty neat but it would probably wear thin eventually
bet I'd wear thin faster waheeeeyyyy
Virtual reality is neat. Hope it becomes popular to get more games. For some reason people claim that others don't like to spend more than 20 minutes in VR right now. A long in the tooth game is a good use of it. Skyrim is actually a good proof of concept for that.
Stereoscopic camera set up with fisheye lenses. Look up the 'vr porn' thread on /gif/ for examples. You just load it into a vr video player on 180 mode.
There's also photogrammetry and depth sensor stuff that can capture actors and place them in a 3D environment but it's going to be a while until we see that widely used in porn. The Bladerunner Memory Lab demo was really good with it though.
I played idol master in vr to look up cute singing Anima girls skirts and master bate furiously
I only want to get google cardboard for porn
As long as PSVR lacks official PC support it's not going anywhere.
Except to a lot more homes than PC specific headsets.
Considering how poorly the PC headsets sell to begin with I wouldn't consider that an impressive achievement.
remember when it was speculated to start at $300 max?
I thought it then would be cheaper from that on holidays and I could get one for $200
oh how naive I was
They're still locked to a small library of Sony's choosing.
I find it funny how people completely lost their shit about Oculus having a 'walled garden' and paranoia of them locking other games out but it's suddenly okay when a console does it.
The best part is that it only would require official drivers to work on the PC.
>cancerous soyboy frogposters
The goal is to get VR into mainstream gaming. Consoles achieve this better than the PC crowd does and you know it. If it gets mainstream, the PC community will really make it shine with all kinds of neat stuff. Sony so far is doing a better job of making it mainstream. The more popular it gets, the more tools will be made for it. But it needs to be appealing for people to throw stops money and tech at it first. Consoles hold back the PC crowd, but they also set some standards too.
But I'm too poor.
To elaborate further. Sony vr should be considered the baseline, the most basic form of acceptable vr. 1 to 1 tracking, surround sound audio support, hand accessories, depth measuring, and the worst acceptable graphical experience. All PC stuff should be better. If the basic consumer thinks of VR as being at least as immersive and well done as psvr as the standard going forward, it will allow VR to expand much faster. Shit like Samsung Gear has been pretty damning because right now THAT is what normies consider standard VR.
Agreed there. I'm glad that PSVR actually holds up to quality and the players like it. Back in the Morpheus, there was a lot of worry that Sony were at best trying to make a quick buck with a devkit hackjob or worst, trying to sink VR by mass marketing a bad headset.
I just hope they can keep it up and the players keep playing.
Is the rift worth £350?
>tfw know that my parents decided that they are going to get me a vive for christmas
having richfag parents is allright
>Fell for the PSVR meme thanks to Black Friday sales.
>Set it up and turn it on.
>Astounded because it looks like absolute shit, even worse than just watching direct footage on Youtube thanks to the (relatively) low resolution monitor.
>Decide to try the demo disc that came with it.
>Try RIGS and Battle Zone VR.
>Almost ejaculate because HMD are fucking incredible for cockpit games.
Too bad there's almost no fucking good games taking advantage of it.
Looking down and seeing my character's body in a towering Mech, looking around at the inside of a futuristic tank or even just leaping around defying gravity through a linear space wreck was fantastic. I want more full VR mech and futuristic vehicle experiences. Just shove me into the cockpit and let me go full-throttle.
I can see the potential but the PSVR definitely isn't living up to that.
Too bad I can't decide what single VR porn studio to subscribe to for the Black Friday deals. VRCosplayX is the cheapest at 8 bucks a month and appeals to my vidya-loving side but is a bit limited in content. Czech VR is 25 bucks for a month but has access to a bunch of sister sites including VR facesitting stuff on the Czech VR fetish site but has no Ebony content. VRbangers is 25 bucks for two months with no monthly option but has plenty of ebony and transgender content.
I honestly can't decide which studio will recieve my first VR tribute as well as my first ever payment for pornography.
Most of the Vive games work (keybinding issues and reliance on 360 tracking) and Oculus has some nice stuff for free. I'd say it does the job.
I haven't tried Vive but I would wait until the new controllers and rigid headstrap become a standard for it.
Playing with my vive cooks my face. Can't even use that shit for an hour without feeling intense discomfort, not even in the winter when it's ice cold.
To anyone considering a VR headset, wait until they're lighter, smaller and higher res
I wish the psvr headset had computer support. For all the flaws, it is super god damned comfy compared to all other headsets.
Like seriously feels like you are wearing nothing at all after a minute or two.
It has partial computer support through that Trnius VR thing but it's pretty basic.
Barebones is the word you're looking for. If Sony bothered to make the PSVR fully compatible with both PC and PS4 it'd neck the competition.
Sony only wants to sell their console though.
>implying you wouldn't fuck yukari
Not true actually. Sony wants to make money. If they played their cards right they could be considered the gold standard of the vr game. A sony headset in the bulk of homes would be a boon for them. They are an electronics manufacturer, don't forget.
That's rarely how corps think though. It has to be stuff in their name only. Even if they could be on PC and still sell PS4's with exclusive vr titles, they would rather that everybody buy the console.
>friend who is literally sucks shit at all videogames buys the oculus
>constantly asks me to go over to try it out
Anyone who claims that Vr is a meme, go play resident evil 7 in vr and come back.
I'm convinced it's the future for video games
Resident Evil 7 is a shit game though.
How to fix Sup Forums:
Automatically delete every reddit frog and woijack post.
You don't have to be skilled to enjoy vidya, tryhard.
>vr has no games
>what is pavlov
>what is onward
i mean at this point do you need any other games
>j-j-just tech demos!
>vr technology exists more than 2 years on the marketplace
>no reasonably cheap headsets
>no reasonably cheap and playable games
I want to have one just to play vrchat, but this shit costs way too much for this shitty modelled game
get a job lol
>tfw I just bought a Rift
I was skeptical even after buying it but once I put it on holy shit
this is the future of gaming
VR technology already exists for 20 years.
Get a job when it will take to work for a half of a year in order to get shitty nogame-headset and compatible pc? Hm definitely yes, sign me up
I love my Oculus Rift. Pavlov is fucking amazing.
vr is a device for the middle and upper class, not for plebs like you
That's the point of the middle and upper classes, dummy.
Define "reasonably cheap". There are many pc and console peripherals that are outrageously priced and only have a single use. VR has different applications for it's price.
Anyone tried using android as oculus for games? Does the porn work?