What is Sup Forums emulating?

What is Sup Forums emulating?

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wait the ps3 emulator actually works now?

When it comes to Catherine and weeb games it does. It's running 100% the whole time without any graphical hiccups.

there are games that aren't weeb on the sony lineup?

where can I get p5 + emu

Lost Odyssey on the Xbox One X.

A functional adult.

But I can't get the rom to work.

I hope you brought and ripped the game yourself user ot else I'm gonna have turn you in.

>paying for games

rpsc3 is the emu and the first result on google. persona 5 is on every torrent site you lazy fuck

no need to be so rude user

How is it? I don't have an Xbox but I made an account when they were giving this away for free.

Breath of the wild. Fuck CEMU is amazing. Nothing better than downloading nintendas own games, updates, and DLC for FREE from their own servers and having it look and run better than on their own console.

So p5 works perfectly?

First Ace Attorney, first Layton, TWEWY, SRW OG1, Wind Waker HD and Yakuza 1

its Sup Forums isn't being horrible part of the rules

On the One S, it runs better than the 360 but with the occasional dips when things get busy like it did on the 360. On the One X, it runs rock solid all the time.

They did a pretty fucking good job on both the Xbox and 360 emu on the Xbone. If you have a good amount of bc games it's worth picking up an Xbone on the cheap

That's it you leave me no choice.


Not him, but I think people don't have any say on how they get spoonfed.

Sorry, forgot to mention -- If you haven't played LO, it's really fucking good. Arguably the best JRPG in its generation.

I don't- never owned a 360. I'd love to justify getting a One S one day but I can't find a huge amount of exclusives that weren't on PC or PS3.

If they expand the OG Xbox library there's plenty of justification for me in there, though.

keep it coming

SMT4A. It runs slow sometimes on my potato, but works fine otherwise.

Take this.

oh no
please stop
surely you musn't
you can't

So your stealing the game?

Xbones are cheap as fuck nowadays and it's even better if you never owned a 360 since it upscales. There's a boatload of good bc games on it, too. I'm one of the faggots who bought it for the bc and I found that I play a lot more stuff on it now than my PS4.

wait is there a 3ds emulator worth a shit out? did they make citra actually play games?

Got any bc suggestions? Like I said, mainly thinking of exclusives, or something I can't already get on pc/ps3. I guess I'd get the Halo Collection too.

which ps3 emulator?


Not all, but some work. Especially on enhanced chink builds.
I played ALBW, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and Rune Factory no problem. SMT4 and 4A work fine too. Sun/Moon runs too (though I haven't gotten far) and I heard Kirby games play fine as well.

Resident Evil 1.

Games that came out before any of you were born that aren't the typical parade of "accepted" retrogames.

I honestly believe that if you all stopped playing modern games and started going through the deep catalog of the likes of old arcade games, the C64, DOS games, and the like, you'd be endlessly entertained and would never play another modern game again.

Why not buy the game?

Nice pasta mate

That's illegal user.

I guess my boss has a thing for lolis, he's calling me into his office i think i might get promoted!

People are mixed on it, but Blue Dragon is another 360 JRPG worth checking out. Kameo if you're into platformers, Forza Horizon if you like open world racean. Geometry Wars 2 if you like twinstick shootan. The Halos and Gears of course if you're into that -- Reach is BC and pretty gud.

If you get Gold, you'll get a shit ton of free games with the membership every month which includes Xbone and bc stuff.

Is loli illegal in texas? Asking for a friend

>enhanced chink bulds
Where can i find these?

The halo games.
Sunset Overdrive
Rare replay
360 emu
Xbox 1 emu
That was worth it for me.

art depicting young underage girls actually is a federal offense as of a few years ago.

but same rules apply to as with other kiddie stuff, just never download / save the stuff and supreme court finding will support you.

depends, what is your specific address? I'm not going to hand it over to the authorities haha

I would if they released it on PC

You also mentioned you like the Xbox catalogue. You can get Phantom Dust on the Xbone now.

because no other title on switch or wii u even slightly interests me. i'd buy a PC port.

I'm using this right now.


I'm sorry, did I type out some tired old bullshit? Oh wait, no, I didn't. You've never seen that before in your life, child. Because I TYPED THAT OUT BECAUSE I BELIEVE 100% IN IT.

Go play real games, children.

read the thread you absolute cretin

>modern games are only for children
>play older games only because they're for mature people like myself
you're pathetic, kid. fuck off

Cheers bro, i've been planning a SMT marathon starting with Nocturne, i will use this to play SMTIV.

Go to bed grandpa
Sure dude
64737 trainwrecks drive

SMT Nocturne, featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series.

panties on is cuter

The weirdest thing about that build is that I apparently got a 20%-ish boost in performance after updating nvidia drivers from 384 to 388. Must be offloading some work to GPU. Or it has a bitcoin miner, I dunno.

I forgot about sunset overdrive. maybe rare replay, I'd see

Bruh. Yes. Is there an official list of BC compatible games for the OG Xbox?

>Can't get JJBA:EoH to run above 30 fps
fuck me sideways.


I think PD was a free download for me, not sure if disc in drive will work.

>mature people like myself
I'm 47, kid.

>go to bed
Sounds like you're the cranky little child that needs to go to bed.

Can you finally play Demon's Soul now?

I'm building a new computer with
>GTX 1080

I'll be good for this shit right?

>on Sup Forums
how sad

>on Sup Forums still

oldfag here, even im not that old. go back to bed grandpa, dont forget to take your meds

I'm using ayymd, i hope it won't cause any issues. Last thing, can you hook me up with a good source for roms working with citra? I keep finding sites with dead links.

GTFO faggot, real emulation requires quad sli

Wow. Actual children. You know this site is 18+, right?

mostly just famicom shit like makai maru (that's ghosts and goblins for you filthy gaijins) and a few master system games here and there. most of what I'm playing on emulators right now is stuff I find on gamecenter cx actually, I guess I'm playing along with arino.

>art depicting young underage girls actually is a federal offense as of a few years ago.

any obscene stuff is federal offense in united states of clapping, they just pick and choose what to prosecute because reasons and only for importing and not posessing

How's midlife crisis treating ya, old chap

nothing, im not a poorfag that can't afford a $50 console so I have to look at THAT lmao.

WiiU usb helper. It works for 3DS too. Just leech games straight from Nintendo, it can decrypt them too.

valkyria chronicles 3 on psp

I'm not under the age of 18 and i'm certainly not geriatric shitposter

In English, please

Ace Combat Zero and 5.

Every older person inherently has a higher ground when talking to you. He's been your age, you've never been his age.

wtf old people are superior in every single possibly way imaginable and i need to get down on my knees and give them constant praise now?!

Bushido Blade 2, Drakengard and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. After I'm done with Advance Wars, I'll probably try to get through Valkyria Chronicles 2 again, due to the hype around the fourth game.

Replaying rage racer for the hundreth time. Once day I will learn to use the external camera but as far as i'm aware the external camera exists explicitly to make you lose.

he means "dual server processors"

Bushido Blade
I just made a thread about it but Sup Forums decided to 404 it moments after it was created for some reason.

>Posted 42 minutes ago

Shhh mods are sleeping.

mods get salty about vr in v

How's yakuza 3 emulation now?It had lots of glitches although the frame-rate wasn't terrible.

Not necessarily, but you could start by not sperging about age online because it makes you uncomfortable.

Probably still needs improvement.

no i need to love him cuz he is old i need to loooooove!

>RCPS3 still isn't able to load NatsuIro HighSchool
Aside from Vesperia, it is the only PS3 game I'm interested in playing. I own and have beaten just about everything else.

Oh well. At least CFW is on the way for (Super) Slim users.

>be in an argument about age
>act like the biggest fucking child imaginable

well isn't that what i'm being told i am?

Terranigma. Haven't really found out why it's so hyped up yet

The World Ends With You. Playing it on my laptop, thankfully I have a touch screen. Loving everything about it so far.
my man

>Oh well. At least CFW is on the way for (Super) Slim users.
NANI? The latest exploit released doesn't work on my 3xxx slim. IS THERE HOPE YET? i want to play ps3 vesperia so badly, holy fuck.

If you have a decent rig, you can pretty much play the whole 3DS library. Citra has come a long way. Playing Bravely Default right now.

they're going to release a Henkaku-esque exploit for super/slim users sometime soon


Sorry but I'm not a fucking criminal

I will literally never understand how you people see it as wrong to steal physical things from others, but suddenly because it's digital you have no qualms with being a thief

Fuck outta here
