Doki Doki Literature Club is bad

I've only seen people praise it. Can I get an echo chamber going?

yeah I'll help you out.

Visual Novels are not video games.

Am I actually not supposed to post VN shit here? If not, where?

when does this "game" become dark
i'm at the part when the pink girl is coming over to bake some motherfuckin cupcakes

Fairly soon.
It only turns "really dark" if you have suffered from depression yourself and can understand Sayori's train of thought. The rest is just horror.

It's good but it's not great. It is definitely overrated and I cannot believe it hasn't faded into obscurity yet, especially considering the content and the fact that it is such a short-lived experience. But I guess people love their meta fourth wall breaks.

Maybe the board for manga, or nowhere at all is also an option.

You have to have a high IQ to understand it, I'm sorry.

it's literally minutes away pal, I played it last night
buckle up for some edgy bullshit

also good choice

okay well shit
spoilers: sayori just fucking necked herself
and now the title screen just glitched her out
when i start a new game it start glitching out on me as if she never existed
what do i do now

You keep playing.

i don't want to anymore, i'm scared now

you restart the game so Monika can tell you she's been the bad guy all along
oh no so scary ill have nightmares for weeks

honestly a shit game

keep going, it's going to keep breaking the fourth wall like that right through to the end
It didn't ever spook me besides the unsettling parts with the eyes, I am irrationally afraid of mutilated/unnatural faces though

All I'll say is that if you stop now the (you) that has finished it would smack you because that's definitely the worse option.

It was worth the price I paid

>It didn't ever spook me
Hanging out with Sayori spooked me even on the second playthrough where I was just collecting the missing scenes. Don't know what it is about that one, maybe the music.

but was it worth the hours you'll never get back

glass half full kind of guy


all of the other boards you should go to will direct you back here because nobody wants this garbage

eh, I probably would have just been browsing Sup Forums the whole time, "the game" was better than that.

pic related

it's like one afternoon to play through it. you would have just spent that shitposting on Sup Forums otherwise anyway

is your cursor a swastika?


These threads were fun until it got a Steam release, now it's just a bunch of idiots who are strangely pissed off.
I don't know what the connection is though.

I want Monika's game to win a Steam award!

Technically ddlc has gameplay, therefore it is a game.

It's how it is with absolutely everything in life. Things are enjoyable as long as they are fairly unknown, because then only those who genuinely care about them/enjoy them participate in any discussion.
As soon as it spreads further you'll also get all those people who get annoyed by seeing the topic pop up for maybe more than once a week and feel an overwhelming urge to complain about it rather than ignore it.

You're right, it's shit. The 'twist' is budget bin creepy pasta tier, Sayori and Yuri are shit girls with mental problems and forced drama, Monika is just the dev's mouthpiece that retards think is an actual deep character because he put an anime girl over his opinions.
The only good thing about the game is Natsuki.

Visual novels are videogames.

Sup Forums's contrarianism is kicking in again. This always happens when something explodes in popularity.

How good is the writing compared to entry level VNs like fate/steins/umineko/clannad?

looks like bottom of the barrel shit but symphonic rain taught me not to judge VNs till I play em.

>entry level

Anyways the writing is fine. The story is fine. Everything is fine except that its a little short. Don't let the hipsters on Sup Forums tell you it's bad because it's popular. Back in September they wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

It's a shame, really. I mean we didn't get up to anything meaningful, but it was all in good fun and we had a bunch of laughs together.
Now it's just spamming "ripoff" this and "meta shit" that all the time. No one's even trying to be funny with their shitposting.
Though I suppose we'll never break into the sweet spot of the threads on here, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see what it's like at Dan's next game.

I thought the first "act" was genuinely well written.

>Sup Forums is one person

Does your VN have a reading list before playing it?

Issue I had was that the game uses dark and heavy themes merely as bait and then cops out.

Sayori being depressed and killing herself due to recent events and being egged on by Monika are rather heavy themes, but rather than tackling either theme it just sidesteps the issue.

It's no longer a story about the suffering of a human bean, it's a story about a story character being deleted and a bunch of meta-wankery. Having recently read a few stories that did actually tackle these themes DDLT just comes off as cheap. While it does do a decent job with the meta narrative overall I couldn't help but find most of it comical rather than disturbing (having the pink haired chick's eyes pop out mid-conversation was just silly, rather than shocking) and it just gives me the same vibe as guro. Not disturbing so much as it's comical how hard the author tries to be edgy.

If you want to read an actual story about psychological bullshit I recommend Crimson Gray.

best post in the thread

Yeah, I read your mom, fagit.

fate IS entry level, unless you're thinking it should be in naruto-level of bottom barreling.

If fate is entry level, then we all have it to blame for VNs being such a niche genre. No one wants to read a fucking a map just to get to the end of a story.

Agree 100%. I liked the game's file tweaking aspect, since it's something unique to the media, and isn't done nearly often enough, but from a storytelling point of view it really didn't do the game much good.

I can practically smell the pretentiousness.

tfw no kimika gf

Name one (1) OELVN that's better than DDLC

It is justified.

How do you justify a quality that's 100% negative?

Maybe because of the stuff that happens in the story?


Brainlet detected.

>plays a game that brings up the old 14 year old angsty teenager philosophy question of the problem of evil

you got me

Not many people want to spend 45 minutes reading about some dipshit highschool kid's morning routine either. Pacing is the biggest problem most VN's, Fate included, have.

>unironically wojack posting

>can't come up with an actual reply so he has to go for the low hanging fruit

buh... so this is the power of an intellectual...

I'm going to be honest with you guys, I really really don't like the majority of women

I like subahibi too but the reading list is pretentious. The only requirement is you know shit you should already know, such as Alice tropes and Nostradamus methods to "predicting" the future.

Reading Cyrano is pretty required at least.

I liked it.

How is it pretentious? It's just a list of stuff it references.

>posts in a thread about a game that's centered in meta shit using subject matter such as suicide as bait
Really makes that noggin joggin

Have you ever considered reading the rules of the site you're posting on?

It's pretentious to post a list of references and refer to it as a reading list before playing it.

It implies "you need to read this material before you can properly appreciate a work", which is untrue and attempts to elevate a work above the depth it is.

The fact of the matter is, you don't need to read the reading list to appreciate the work. You just need to be able to decipher the message along the way, along with the messages it attempts to convey with you only for everything you know to be radically challenged in TnS2

It's a joke, user.

Oh, are you the guy that brings this VN up in every single DDLC thread? Have you got something to prove?

in his defense Sup Forums doesn't actually have written rules posted in a sticky like other boards do, the one rule is talking about video games which may vary depending on if you think VNs are video games

feser benis :DDD

why can't people talk about vns on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums

People need to stop riding the DDLC bandwagon already, it's getting fucking ridiculous.
I'd love to discuss other VNs I've played, but it's incredibly hard to do it here.
/jp/ is filled with touhou and waifufags.
The /vn/ thread on /vg/ is fucking awful.
Sup Forums has some decent VN threads once in a while, but nothing more.

because it's classified as video game and no crying and pooping on your carpet will change that

It's too late user.
DDLC is the new Undertale.

Perhaps you should try creating a thread of the VN you'd like to talk about instead of shitposting in one you are tired of seeing being posted. You literal God damn fucking retard.

Undertale is what I was thinking of when playing DDLC. The save games started fucking up and whatnot and it was just like "I've seen this shit before"

>create VN thread
>it 404s with 0 replies

The only thing Undertale and DDLC have in common is meta narrative, which, frankly speaking, was handled absolutely different in both of them.

Nowadays you've gotta start with bait. Nobody browses sincere threads anymore, it's all bait. Depressing, isn't it?

DDLC is okay, it's huge fault is that it's way too fucking short.
Monika best girl.

This, both points
Post Monika

yuri best girl


That's no excuse for not reading the sitewide rules and the rules for the board you want to post on.

if its on steam its a video game

>baby's first memegame

You're right

Whenever you get tired of using her pussy she'll let you cut a new hole anywhere you want and fuck that instead

Just Monika

Uninteresting parody of moege with a single gimmick. Maybe there is some kind of commentary about moege hidden somewhere, but you'd have to make something more than litterally what you are parodying for it to have any impact. Far from it, it's actually way more tedious than most other VNs. Rejoice as you watch uninspired monodimensional characters that exists for no other reason than to advance the story to its resolution.

The gimmick of the game is not devoid of interest though, but there are other games that already did it in a way more meaningful manner. Such games as Irisu Syndrome or OneShot.

All in all, it's still a free game, so eh. But a point could be made if the character felt like actual characters.

Somebody spoil me on every girl's route and twists.


Yuri - Who cares
Sayori - Who cares
Natsuki - Who cares
Monika - Did nothing wrong at any point, ever

It's not that type of game

Careful with that. I started to apply that to every hobby and I came to realize that everything makes me feel guilty sans saving up money. I don't play videogames anymore.