What is the videogame equivalent of this?

What is the videogame equivalent of this?

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Operation Kowashitai

Sup Forums sending the Nintendo Treehouse thank you card because they shilled to you people

Mighty No. 9?

Battlefront 2: 2 as soon as the lootboxes get readded.

Battleborn and / or Lawbreakers

battlefront 2 lootboxes is the video game equivalent and shilling anti-NN propaganda is the Sup Forums equivalent

Every single time a company releases a not-quite-sequel to a popular game series to use as a gauge of "fan response" to see if they should make a proper sequel that people actually want.


Mass Effect Andromeda

I love DC movies, but capeshit needs to die.

i liked the movie desu

That would insinuate there was a prior game in either of those games franchises.

Its that youtuber who kept plugging lawbreakers even after it was dead

PC Gamers

I wonder if someone out there would actually do this and if so, how many are doing it

I love DC comics, but all capeshit movies need to die.

>being this mad about consoles that beg you to buy their garbage low-quality locked in bullshit vs. PC gamers that buy games because they enjoy gaming
Get fucked, console children. Consoles are dead.

Isn't this like major companies kickstarting? Like when Sony shilled the kickstarter for whatever weebshit that was a few e3's ago?

Something akin to "Buy our game/support these devs because they have a tranny/SJW/feminist/woman in their team!"

even as pc master race you can't of typed that with a straight face

consoles, as much as I hate to admit, are thriving more than ever, our only exclusive which does have fucking millions playing, is pUBG.

Not much to show off on our side lad, just saying.


do these dumb fucks not realize that the only way Warner Bros will be convinced they're fucking up the DC universe is if these movies flop?

I'm so glad justice league is tanking, BvS was a disappointment but it still turned a profit. JL is outright going to lose them money, it'll be lucky to gross $600 mil at this point

This is about Evolve btw

how is this picture so artifacted?
this movie isnt that old


I hope star wars and capeshit starts dying off, along with video games. Then normies can abandon 'nerd culture' and move on to something else.

Sonic Forces

Is it even appropriate to call them capshits? The last Super Hero movie that I can remember that wasn't an advertisement for future advertisements was The Dark Knight Rises.

how the fuck does people end up playing that shit over and over again


With the exception of some Batman stuff, DC shit is so bland and boring.

But DC movies ALWAYS perform below expectations. That's just because they're fucking garbage.

And this won't work either. I'm from Sup Forums and DC fans hate those movies more than anybody because they have NOTHING to do with the comics they're adapted from.


play it
it's free on ps3-ps4

PS3 version is getting shut-off in 2 month

>voting with your wallet
>someone votes harder than you

Here is Sup Forums equivalent.
This is how you get someone's attention.

Crash N-Sane Trilogy
Buy up dat collection to let Activition and Sony know you want more Crash.

Fuck that's pathetic


buy Dragon Quest Heroes or no more DQ in the west

>that shadow clone at the end

After Batman Vs Superman, I couldn't care less about this universe. What a shitshow that movie was. The Superman portion was pretty good, but they had to destroy it by shoehorning Batman into it. A damn tragedy.

quit disliking of BvS and DC movies

Unironically this.
>Port a multiple year old console game to PC and release it only on Steam
>Holy shit guys please everyone buy this to show them that we appreciate this!!!1!!1!

No. These movies are why we get thousands of normies saying they love Wonder Woman and just because they haven't read any of her comics doesn't mean they are just as big of fans as anyone else.

>nobody mentions the Devil May Cry collection or Xenoblade one

fucking newfags.

That Taekwondo stuff looked semi useful till he went full retard

This fucking stunt.

I thought it was a card sent to Iwata that treehouse just posed with?


fucking kek

That was another one of people wishing Iwata get well soon, which is also embarrassing and possibly killed him

This was so cringe.

Did that guys just clone himself in the end there? what the fuck.


The batman game mechanics caught on pretty hard. Those LotR games use it and even that new spiderman games uses it.

FFXV obviously

i'm legit impressed

we should try this


>all smash players are alike
Oh I get it, because all black people look the same

Brings thoughts of the whole Battleborn saga to mind.

>everyone forgot already


This is like if Randy Pitchford had paid people to spruik Battleborn instead of trying to do it himself

I reckon he created that board. What a fucking loser.

>shilling for companies to make more money
What's wrong with these kids

>What is the videogame equivalent of this?
Polybius. Because they're both made up bullshit.

What the fuck is this?

Awesome game please buy 10 copies


>'we love interconnectedness of films'

This is the worst opinion

The end of this webm always gets me, like what the fuck is going on there with those 3 guys. Some real men in black type shit

>they finally cave in and make a new season
>it's idolshit with half of characters gone

at least the movie and new specials were superb

Wonder Woman was fucking great but the JL with the gay ass aquafag and the other shitter were just bad

Because its fucking 10/10 you cuck

I never saw anything like that

People blinded by fanboyism into paying for the promise of future products to buy? That's Kickstarter's entire market with Shenmue as the crown jewel of bullshit.
>Publisher already there before it began
>massive kickstarter
>another permanent donation site opens defying the point of the deadline
>despite getting millions to convince Sony it's worth doing the devs say they need more

>send kojima a card
>MGSV is complete shit
>send gaben a card
>valve stops making games and goes full jew mode
>sends iwata a card
>sends treehouse a card
>every nintendo game's localization is now complete shit
sasuga Sup Forums

Eh, don't watch capeshit, but I can see the appeal of an interconnected universe. I really like it when franchises do it - stuff like how all the GTA games fit together despite telling many stories from different points of view.

Yeah they did it in 2015 I believe with Shenmue 3

What should we kill next?

Christian Whitehead

Send a card showing support to EA or Trump, I'm sure they would appreciate it.

Randy Pitchford since he already seems close to offing himself and we can make it seem like we were ones to push him to it.

DC should have sticked to the idea of separate movie franchises instead of trying to create an interconnected universe a-la Marvel. But the desire to get them billions is too great to ignore. Still, they are lucky they even managed to get decent box offices with Man of Steel and BvS, the stream is clearly drying off if they continue to spend hundreds of millions in the production alone. While I do not consider Wonder Woman a good movie, far from it, it still was more coherent than Zack Snyder flicks, let alone SS. Clearly they can have their successes in doing standalone films.

Too bad that Zack is a hack: I like the core ideas of more realistic, gritty and serious DC franchise, but I think he's too inept to actually flesh them out correctly. The dark knight trilogy clearly showed that it can be done, given talent. Zack has none, aside from him being a visionary.

Ok, so what exactly went wrong with the film? Isn't it the bog standard superheroes meet and team up to fight the big bad? How do mess up that simple concept?

DC or whatever Batverse is called is like Assassin's creed. A good idea that needs to retired, at least for a while. Yes we got some good movies/games set in these worlds but it's 2017, it's been 10 fucking years, let it rest.

send a card of support to Comcast and Verizon and save the internet.

>fedora autistis and soyboys doing something autistic

I have to say it reminds me of gamergate.

Shenmue didn't hit all of its stretch goals, so backers can rest assure that when they play the game they know for sure that they are playing the compromised version of the creator's original vision. It'll be a blast.

Come to think of it: what rhetoric ISPs are pushing to justify the abolishment of net neutrality? I cannot comprehend how it can be good in any light.

Name a single more influential game released in the past 10 years. When you have goddamn Zelda and MGS copying you, you know you're onto something.

The problem isn't the characters. Its the directors Sony keeps hiring. All DC movies suck ass because the directors keep making them into slow paced non-sense shit.

And to answer your question OP. I dunno, maybe Bubsy? Sonic? Its not that the premise of the games are bad, is just that they're made by people who don't understand what a fun game is.

Every kickstarter ever?



Sony has nothing to do with DC movies

Only interesting thing about DC are the what if scenarios and some of the stories from Flash Batman and Superman.
Not to mention DC tends to pretend its heroes are not normal people when they are not heroes. Like the normal human is just the persona and the hero is the true self.

Marvel has the exact opposite philosophy.
Its characters are humans (or humanoids) first heroes second they may have costumes and powers but thy are as human as anyone else even when wearing the costume and often have human problems.
Basically marvel characters are more relateable.
Also Marvel tires harder to tie everything in to a single universe in the comics (I know multiple universes exist but its not as bad as DC)
While anything in DC is practically seamy cannon because you never know which universe its exactly so even when something mundane happens like a random green lantern being revealed to be gay its suddenly an alternate universe.
Just look at this shit.

We suffered together user.

>I don't know why people think these games are bad but I want to fit in
It's really obvious. Just make your own opinions, it's not that hard.