Which one, Sup Forums?

Which one, Sup Forums?

The one that has a penis.

Jesus Christ, those hips on Din.

Reminds me of that archaic dating sim.

saria is best girl, always


I never did beat Seasons though. Keep getting sidetracked.

post the uncensored

So all three?

reverse search it on yandex, retard

Played Oracle of Seasons first, Din all the way

>anything but Din

Men of taste here, I see

Din for sex, Nayru for gentle femdom, Farore for rough femdom

I don't remember Farore being that cute.

I fell in love with Maple when I saw her character artwork. Why does my heart go for the girls that barely get any artwork??

I want to commit a crime.

Din, always Din

So what was that "link your copies to unlock the secret third path" game even like?

I remember her being as old as the others, was she actually a kokiri or something?

It adds extra stuff and the final boss is ganon instead of Onox or Veran

I hope more of the older Zelda story stuff would be implemented into the next game. The three goddesses, especially if they're physical beings like in Oracle's; Ganondorf himself, not just piggy or demise; and Sage's, each with their own design instead of that TP clone thing they had going.

>*Unsheathes bread*

Fag too much of a wimp to post a simple image, bet he's scared about getting banned. Dumb evadeless soyboy.

As a kid I always wanted to fuck Din after playing the gbc games.

So none.

>*teleports behind you*

There's always time for Din-Din.

>Din was the better girl
>But Naryu had the better game

leave it to a poltard redditor to not know how to get their own sauce

*toasts breadora*


How long has Farore been a little girl?

This is the difference between a western and eastern dev. Even Nintendo thinks nothing of this. And neither do I, but I do notice what my own country is squeamish about.

Pedophile spotted

Farore is cute but 2young4me.

So I guess Nayru

Fuck Din, Marry Nayru, Friend Farore


Also a cinephile and anglophile.

But the concerns would only arise when I begin preying upon and molesting children, film reels and the english.

But that's Farore.


I feel like I'm the only one who appreciates Nayru's big titties and thin waist.

Who fucking cares, dipshit?

>Tree love will never prevail

Din all day, erry day. Her game is also the one I prefer, too.


Why don't you appreciate her clearly more maternal leanings? Look at that face. She CONSIDERS things before she comes out and says them. That's far more valuable than a squishy handful. Especially as the years roll...

Stop. I need air.

>skindentation on the right tit

Sometimes it's the little details.

Because I'm not looking to make her a life long companion as she isn't real, perhaps?

>no farore on frame

rip wind, we barely knew ya

>rip wind
You asked for it!


Um what did Nintendo mean by this?

We're BOTH fantasizing, but I guess you're admitting I'm more thoughtful.

Alright, I'll take it.

"She's got a pair of BUBBAZ on her, boi." - Nintendo

***du nuffin.

The true answer.

I just want to fap to a fictional girl, not imagine spending my life with them like some weirdo.

What's weird about one but not the other?

What's normal about one but not the other?

Why is normalcy worthy of contemplation at all?

He brought it up.

Assuming it wasn't you.

You're a fascinating fellow, user.

A man is what he thinks about all day long.

Don't ruin the moment by trying to be deep, please.

... You call that trying to be deep?
A single word in that sentence was two syllables.

Seems to me it's an expression that's simple as fuck, but you manage to be even simpler.

That you should have a proper bra fitting every six months

I can't see how bıg blue ones tits are so can't pick.

ya u can

Dem hips.
Dem tits.
Dem armpits.

Thanks, then I'm going with blue.

>those hips
>big hair

checks every single box desu

Why is Din so perfect?

I would hope Faroe has the ass to make up for the absolute lack of tits. She looks so flat I bet she doesn't even have nipples.

This artist never did more of that Din and I curse God's name every day because of this.

I need more of this Din.

Sir, I think you've had enough of that Din.

And you ruined it. We could've made beautiful music together, user. You just had to push it too far.


Shut the fuck up.

None of the above.

>Best Zelda girls have shamefully little porn

why even live bros

The best things aren't porn!

She's supposed to have a big nose.

Wouldn't the goddess' champion be Ganondorf? I know this is the oracle though in OP's pic.

No need to be rude, Dr. Deepman.

The instructions haven't changed.

This. People going "hurr Din becuz tiddies" are truly missing her finer qualities. I pity them.

Sassy is the worst quality a mate can have, holy shit.

Are you people insane?
You really want to be sassed at?
You're not a cuckold but you're not exactly far off.

Been with meek, insecure clingy girls. It's really not as fun as you imagine and you're a turbo fag if you can't handle bantz

That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my life.

>Hey man. Would you wanna be attacked with a hydrogen bomb or a paperclip?!

Y'know there's probably something in between those two, you pigfucking dolt. You goddamned baked potato.

Woah user chill with those insults will ya? This is a family board


And you're still sort of autistic, but golly I love ya anyhow.

You're the one comparing harmless sass to hydrogen bombs my man. What if I instead substituted that word for "spunky" or something? Does that alleviate the problem?

>harmless sass
That's like saying 'non-sexual pornography'

>ywn lick din's armpits

Did someone hurt you user?

That would be the SJW retort you're using now.

Din would be a monster in the sack, but Nayru is top tier wife material. Plus I get to 1up Ralph

>A monster in the sack
Sex only gets but so fun.
People talk about it like it's some snowboarding mini-game with style points and shit. Jesus christ.

Honestly? You don't get much more out of it than you do just whacking it.

Theres more to sex than just intercourse

Too mature.

The green one is just ugly.

Farore > Nayru > Din, although real answer is "any" because opportunities for sex with a literal goddess are rare.

It's not that big

Nice autism, negroid