>game advertises morality system
>it's just spooks
Game advertises morality system
This is funny but no-one on Sup Forums knows anything about Stirner, he's too weird of a leftist.
hahahahhaa /lit/
>poster advertises philosopher
>it's just a "2smart4u" philosophy based on his own personal beliefs instead of conclusions drawn from observations of the surrounding environment
>muh empiricism
>induction babby
read hume
Can anyone explain to me how is incest just a "spook"? The universe itself dictates incest only leads to genetic fuckups.
Incest is natural, "genetic fuckups" don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Christians outlawed incest and christians aren't natural beings.
>game lets me do whatever the fuck I want because might makes right
Except humanity wouldn't survive if everyone were to fuck their close relatives.
>using "natural" as a virtue
We're all related to Adam and Eve, so what's the problem? Stop procreating?
>incest is bad
spot the amerimutt/kike
Okay Cletus
Don't reply to me ever again
>We're all related to Adam and Eve
I need to go on leftypol more often
where are you from user
t. redneck
>Hans Heinz Holz warned that "Stirner's egoism, were it to become actualized, would lead to the self-destruction of the human race."
>Edmund Husserl once warned a small audience about the "seducing power" of Der Einzige -- but never mentioned it in his writing.
>In his opus magnum Joel writes: 'The Ego' is the "most rampant heretic book a human hand has ever written", and Stirner laid with it the foundation for a veritable "devil's religion."
>Even Nietzsche appears, according to Kolakowski, "weak and inconsistent compared to him [Stirner]." The "destruction of alienation", that Stirner aims for, he says, amounts to "the return to authenticity", and this would be "nothing else than the destruction of culture, the return to animality [...] the return to the pre-human status."
>Calasso too regards Stirner's "Egoist" or rather "Owner" as an "artificial barbarian", an "anthropological monster" etc.. 'The Egoist' is the "writing on the wall", signalling the doom of occidental culture.
>Theodor Adorno once admitted to his inner circle that it was Stirner alone who had "let the cat out of the bag". However, he took care to avoid arguing such ideas or even mentioning Stirner's name.
>NevertheIess in his study of Nietzsche, [Klages] was prompted to commemorate the author Stirner as a "sheer demoniacal dialectician." He concedes to him that his thinking, in comparison to Nietzsche's, is "often more radical, less circumlocutory, analytically more exact", and that he "gives ultimate conclusions, for the most part, with more conciseness." Klages regards Stirner as that "antipode of Nietzsche, who in any case should be taken seriously." Stirner, he says, is the reason why Nietzsche is of paramount importance, because "the day on which Stirner's program becomes the will-guiding conviction of all, this alone would suffice for it to be the 'doomsday' of mankind."
Was he /ourguy/
Shut thay ...err fuck up y'all damn incest hatuurr
It's been posted on /lit/ before 8ch existed new fag.
Nice spooks nerd
What, did the lefties kick you out from their board? LOL
He's a Sup Forumstard, of course he's a newfag from reddit
So a bunch of christians shat their pants?
When you shitpost a whole book and it scares everyone to death
>collectivist cuckolds get mad when you point out the inherent meaninglessness of their spook ideologies
Brainlet here, redpill me on Stirnir.
fuck you spook
Nihilists should just kys themselves.
Where do I find a qt egoist gf?
Read the Ego and it's own
>fuck you mom, I won't go to church
Get fucked
He made Marx super butthurt.
But he was a nihilist. He just realized that subjectively determined meaning was still relevant to growth, even though there was no purpose in seeking some nonexistent objective meaning.
t. faggot teenager
Age is a spook
>One cannot speak of Nietzsche's development without being reminded of that freest thinker who was brought forth by mankind of the new age, namely, Max Stirner. It is a sad truth that this thinker, who fulfills in the most complete sense what Nietzsche requires of the superman, is known and respected by only a few. Already in the forties of the nineteenth century, he expressed Nietzsche's world conception. Of course he did not do this in such comfortable heart tones as did Nietzsche, but even more in crystal clear thoughts, beside which Nietzsche's aphorisms often appear like mere stammering.
This guy got BTFO by Marx of all people
Survival is a spook
>write unreadable polemic that's longer than the guy's total works
>wait to publish it until he's head
>faggots in this thread actually trying to associate stirner with commies
I thought /leftypol/ is a general on Sup Forums.
Why don't you kill yourself then if life is just a spook?
Now you're on to something
no it's a board on cripplechan, a board that isn't even as large as that site's Sup Forums
it's the definition of a false equivalence
What the hell
Nobody in this thread actually knows what a "spook" is in the context of Stirner's work.
educate yourselves and come back later
More like
>virtue signal media tries to black mail my sentiments into dictating my beliefs.
Oh no you don't.
I do, but the meme is funnier
And where would humanity be without morals?
Has any philosopher ever successfully argued their way out of Descartes' demon? Or has every one since him just made a leap to assuming that what we're experiencing isn't a spook?
Nice spooks nerd
t. faggot teenager
at a better place
I guess VIDEO GAMES are a spook too.
I forget, is Stirner the one who argues that everything that's considered a foundation to civilization a mere illusion?
This is currently the best thread on Sup Forums
They actually are.
New Vegas does this. The morality system in New Vegas literally means nothing. It's just there for memes.
>Invitations are spooks, so I will show up anyway.
depends, do you own your hobby or does it own you?
>reality is an illusion
Sounds like mental problems.
it owns me
Is this actually plausible?
There are no pics of this nigger?
I'm a brainlet, where do I begin with learning all these philosophers I see posted all the time
I'm afraid it's too late for you
google for actual info Sup Forums and /leftypol/ for memes
>anarchist against capitalism
>not leftist
Start with the greeks.
having something own you is a spook. I enjoy being owned by me property and hobbies. someone saying they own me is a label they use.
Denying reality is denying the laws of the universe, not that of civilization.
For example, money is an illusion.
Not the actual physical manifestation of it, but the idea that it can be used as an exchange for things of worth.
Read the Greeks, work your way up.
Concepts in your head aren't reality