Holy fuck, I got spoiled and found out the killer before starting, is it even worth playing now?
Holy fuck, I got spoiled and found out the killer before starting, is it even worth playing now?
Really? I don't know anything else about the story except the gist
Yeah it's still good. There's more to it than that so just stop reading Sup Forums and play.
Third post best post. I'd assume pretty much everyone who's only played it in the last five or so years got spoiled beforehand, just like you. It's still a fun ride anyway. Just get off this thread and play the damn game.
it wasn't worth playing before you got spoiled either
Yes don’t listen to people who hate on P4. It’s an amazing game regardless
I witnessed the entire final boss segment of P3FES when my brother played it so I knew what happened in the end but I still played through it and liked it regardless. Same goes for all Persona games. The journey is what's most enjoyable and all of their endings are similar to each other anyway.
You see it coming halfway through, so it isn't some big plot twist, it is still worth just because social links and characters
same thing happened to me
i played it and enjoyed it, but i cant say it didnt suck knowing what was up beforehand
if you're not playing golden, stop right now and go buy a vita. they added so much good shit, it's worth paying the $59.99 for a PSTV.
Maybe you've seen one of those fake spoilers. But if you think that Adachi is the killer then you are right. Just a thought haha.
Fake and gay, in truth the bad guy is Izanami, the butthurt goddess.
He was asking about the killer you fucking mong
Yea, doesn't really ruin anything. Play P4G if you can, you can learn more about the killer
Certainly, bitte Nanako was the killer all along.
It's still very enjoyable, i just beat the game for the first time a week ago after got spoiled an ages ago.
The spoiler isn't all that harmful than what you think.
Junes is an evil corporate fucks that want to conquer inaba.
Do not buy their shit and support the local to drive them out.
Finding out the killer is like 95% of the story. If you already know it's Nanako there's very little point in playing except for the gameplay or trying to catch foreshadowing and hints.
Yeah, who'd have thought that Nanako was the killer
for real?!
i started playing it for the first time too this year, I like it a lot, just takes a lot of my time
That would have been cool. Teddy was kind of an obvious choice for the killer since he's so nice.
It was pretty damn obvious Naoto did it user. Don't blame yourself.
Now the gas station stuff you should be worrying about
Nanako dies.