Does Sup Forums think Zombies Chronicles was a worthy set of remasters, or does it suck ass compared to the original maps?
Does Sup Forums think Zombies Chronicles was a worthy set of remasters...
I wouldn't know, I don't play baby games.
Apparently Kino is the only map used
Why can't they just make a straight zombies game that doesn't require that I buy the rest of the shitty CoD game along with it?
Stop being poor?
They probably feel that it'd only appeal to a small part of the community, sadly, even though cod is starting to lose players with each launch
Infinite warfare is the most hated cod ever and it still outsold titanfall 2, overwatch and battlefield 1 combined last year
So don't talk shit
It only outsold because people wanted Cod4 that you had to buy Infinite warfare to get it.
>It only outsold because it came with another cod game
Cod will always be king baby
It's a great remaster if only because you can use the new mechanics in BO3 to get to high rounds quickly and making it possible at all on the harder maps like nacht
this, i would gladly pay $60 if it had at least 8 maps
Controls are shit, zombies kill in three hits, engine sucks.
Honestly, the feel of zombies mode in how zombies attack and the player movement progressively got worse with each game
Absolutely worth the price, I just wish we got literally any other map instead of Nacht der Untoten.
What happened to the OG devs who made the zombie mode?
I dunno, but judging by how most devs evolve after countless sequels, they either left, got fired, or quit giving a shit about good gameplay
Most of the original Zombies devs quit after BO2. The old head of Zombies, Jimmy Zelinski either got fired or quit due to the poor reception of his BO2 maps, as the only ones the community really liked in that game were the ones made by Blundell and the campaign team (Mob of The Dead and Origins). The end of BO1 wrote the devs into a corner with the destruction of the Earth. I'm just pissed we never got a proper sequel to Moon.
PC fag here. As always CoD is fucking dead. The only maps you see people on (I have all DLC) are Shadows, (the base game map) The Giant,(separately released back in May 2016) and Kino or Origins (both ZC maps) It's such a sad state for the game to be in. You're either resorting to the CoD Z reddit, or Discord to find players, and even then most have moved onto WW2 or IWZ's now.
>I'm just pissed we never got a proper sequel to Moon.
We did in TranZit and Die Rise, but all of that was completely dropped in Buried
Tranzit made me want to die, Die Rise was fun up until round 101, and Buried was really fun depending on strat used.
As in, a sequel with Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Samantha and Richtofen as the announcer.
Didn't they just sell this shit for black ops 2?
Does anyone still play this?
I racked up 100 hours pretty fast when this dropped, haven't played it in a while. Zombies is Kino.
You might be confusing it with BO1's Rezurrection. That came with the remastered WaW maps and Moon. Nacht, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese all had waw weapons on the walls, with the Cold War weapons in the box.