Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire

How's the beta?

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It's alright. Looks good and plays well, but it still clearly needs a lot of tuning and balance.

Make sure you tell the devs, user!

Who's the best companion from the first game and why is it Durance?

It's Zahua and Durance isn't even a close second.

It's Edér, my man. A well executed normal and likeable companion that stands out in a genre filled with so many unique snowflakes. Durance gets second place, though.

Zahua was very good and his quest was the best personal quest of the game, a shame he was a DLC character, so I got him pretty late. Maybe one of these days, I'll replay the game and try to get him really early for maximum banter.

>MFW playing Nalpazca Streetfighter Shadowdancer

casters are real bad because spells take forever to cast now.

I hope Chanters will be good in Deadfire.

I tried out a Beckoner character and it was pretty fun.

>Beckoner - Summoning invocations are cheaper and summon more creatures, but the creatures are weaker.
It sounds good for early game, but I have this funny feeling it will suck on the lategame.

Balance man wouldn't let that happen. By the third post-release patch it will be exactly as viable as everything else.

>Devil of Caroc
>Literally any player made party member
>That completely forgettable party member from the 2nd expansion who's name you properly don't even remember

It's kind of funny how the most normal dude is the most memorable.

I love how he's described as being an ugly fat dude, and how he's an arsehole to everyone and blathers on about how his god is a whore or something

>noooo stop making other classes useful

Maneha? She was alright. Terrible voice actress, though. Didn't fit the character at all.

I just found her completely forgettable and boring desu. Nothing about her I found particularly interesting.

is that spell any good at all outside of literally that single room

I'm like halfway through act 2 right now and aside from that skeleton room in the endless paths I haven't run into any encounters that come close to a large enough body count to make the spell seem worth it

Any place with lots of weaker foes, like spiders, undead or Xaurip. Plenty of those, but I play on PotD.

Sounds great to me. Divide the damage dealers in as many different sources as possible.

She and Devil of Caroc felt like they came out of a Bioware game. Very odd dialogue. Sounded too modern. Clashed hard with the other companions.


Biggest fuck up of PoE and it happens 5 mins into the game.


I used her but mostly because my MC was also barbarian. I found out that two dual-wielding barbarians firing of simultaneous Heart of Furys at the start of a fight is like carpet bombing the area. Those still standing afterwards are low on health. Not that effective against big boss-type monsters though.

Summons were quite bad at dealing damage in the endgame in PoE because their accuracy sucked. Well, at least in PotD.

hourly reminder that potd isn't meant to be very balanced

POTD is a meme difficulty for masochists.
Hard is the way to go.

Is it as boring as the first game was?

PotD is the only good difficulty to play. It's pretty easy though.

Do a highish int Dual Godansthunyr (using Helwax mold)

Crit stun everything everywhere. I remember completing a WM1 (the druid/adragan one) by jumping in and using heart of fury. on the boss, instatly chunking everything else. Btw, since carnage is a class ability it get a +1 acc per character level, so a max lvl barbarian carnage are more precise than it's main attacks by 11 acc.

I could never figure out if carnage hits got shit like interrupts and on hit attacks from fancy weapons

They do.The classic combo a long time ago was Tall grass, the prone pike. Also also,, since weapon bonus stacks, you get a free +2 might that stack with maegfolc skull or whatever other might item.

It's truly magnificient. The only funner character i ever made was my monk.

I'm doing a monk right now, and the push + prone ability is pretty bullshit, it's 10 seconds prone. these ondra faggots keep doing it to me as well, it's horrible

Durance is written in such a disgustingly self-indulgent way that he just becomes intolerable. This is what happens when writers become too aware of their own writing and delve too deep into their inane philosophical ramblings. You just end up with an unrealistic character who never shuts up and becomes a caricature of himself. Not in a way that is a testament to the character's own flaws, but in a way that is a manifestation of the writer shoving his ideas down your throat. It's bad form and I honestly expected better from Chris Avellone.

Thats not even the best. Torment reach got a AoE with a 50% lash, ie MASSIVE damage and Dichotomous Soul monks are amazing

>philosophical rambling
Can you be more specific why Durance is bad?

I've got dichotomous soul, it's pretty based

>mfw monk protag's total damage done is about equal to the sum of the rest of the party

Worst than Divinity OS 2 in every way.

>Btw, since carnage is a class ability it get a +1 acc per character level, so a max lvl barbarian carnage are more precise than it's main attacks by 11 acc

balance man pls fix

>think that I could petrify cheese the dragon bosses in POTD like I did in hard
>only has a less than 10% chance of success and even if it does it only lasts a few seconds because of the boss' insane resistances

This boss was nerve-wrecking.


>MFW Llengrath
I wanted that damn achievement so bad

Yeah, it's all about stacking debuffs. I always get the Scale Breaker before doing this boss.

>not using the power of speech

I did that with the double swamp dragon since my main character is a wizard which is fortunate because I was so fucking tired of dragon fights in POTD.

SPeech is fine and all but the stats are not worth losing the challenge + llengrath spells.

Currently doing a wizard run to abuse the archmage shit

Best girl, best guide, best companion, best voice actor

>tfw caught the "make a new character every day"- syndrome again.
Yesterday it was a pale elf slave wizard, today a human Eothas priest who got kicked out of clergy for fucking other followers.
I was surprised there was a background for that.

>perfect female companion right at the start
>nah you get married dwarf, nigger bird and rambling old hag instead
>DLC female characters not even worth mentioning

>llengrath spells.
By the time you get them there's almost nothing left to use them on

Boreal dwarf craftsman (uses warhammers) who's fucking pissed (barbarian) he got dragged into this watcher bullshit is still the most satisfying character I could come up with. So much so I pretty much did a completionist run with that character. Being aggressive most of the time was so good in this game.

>Not stoic

>keep hearing the Whote March DLC is so good
>just about a bunch of dwarves and their forge
Why do they have to make the most boring story possible? Holy fuck everything in PoE is so uninspired and safe

>said forge is choke full of spirit and other shitty mob
Fucking hell
Part 2 is better

>just about a bunch of dwarves and their forge
It's a setup for WM2 shenanigans.

Does this game split down standard archtype classes into meme tier "OC name Mcsubclass"?

Like Barbarian becomes something retarded and detracted from the ethos of the class?

>not resolve and cruel

Ah alright then just finished part 1.
It’s not that I don’t like it but it just seems like one of the most generic stories you could come up with

Too bad only boring class need resolve
Well people endlessly complain about how wizard are bodybuilder and barb need int

The beginning of part 2 is the most kino shit ever. I legit thought it was an invasion from hell was happening, even more when all of the subtle things that you can find in the forge that built up to it.





>Well people endlessly complain about how wizard are bodybuilder and barb need int

So did they actually fix that? Or did they fix that then go on a class-shattering spree?

There's nothing to fix, it's fine the way it is.

>Paladins are boring

The problem IMO isn't that Wizards need Might or whatever. That's fine, it makes things more consistent. Get Might for damage, get Int for AoE and DoT, get Dex for speed, etc.

The real problem is that there's such a disconnect between combat stat usage and out of combat stat usage. In combat Might is just an abstraction of how much damage you do, whether it's with a sword, a bow, or a spell. Out of combat Might is literally how physically strong you are. Either of those approaches would be perfectly fine, but what's not fine is using both of them in the same game because it makes no sense.

I don't get why people complain about this - Just think of it as the damage stat and the AoE/effect duration stat.


Because It basically causes character whiplash. Sure, your Barbarian is cleaving things with his giant battle axe.

But why is he super smart and cannot lift heavy objects because of it?

This looks like my bleakwalker.

>But why is he super smart and cannot lift heavy objects because of it?
Because you decided to invest into int instead of might

>throwing a bitchfest because other people won't help him steal

I can agree with that. They added a bunch of passive skills this time around to address those dialogue/skill checks this time around to lessen that feeling. pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Skills

>Want to do decent damage as a Barbarian
>Game forces you into a contradictory roleplaying experience due to over-abstraction of stats.

Let's take this to the crux of the argument.

How does Might help your spells do more damage, how does Intellect increase AoE?

so how does int allow him to cleave a greater area of enemies in a single strike with a weapon?


Game doesn't force you into anything faggot
You can have both high might and int, you can be efficient with lowish might and high int or vice versa

>Calls someone a faggot
>While defending autistic tier Stat-abstraction.

Listen you fucking invalid, Why the fuck does gaining more Strength increase your magic spells?

Are all spells just rocks you throw harder?

Nice to see another paladin of taste

It's not strength it's might, physical and mental

its not strength - its MIGHT.

It's not Strength, it's Might.

>Might represents a character's physical and spiritual strength
In this setting everyone has access to some sort of soul magic, so I'd guess that a strong soul helps you with both physical and magical exertion. So maybe lifting strengthens your soul too.
>Intellect represents a character's logic and reasoning capabilities
Got nothing for this. You are smart enough to make your carnage to splash further away?


The stat is called Might and the developers explain that it’s also your mental might. Considering you cast spells with your brain, a stronger brain = stronger spells.

>tfw having to explain shit to brainlets

His parents shouldn’t have dumped Int.

It's just a compromise to make every stat useful for any class. Why are people so fucking autistic?

You don’t get it.
You can’t be a high damage dealing spellcaster without also being Hercules.

Yet that is not how the game represents it when not used for damage calculation.

For example, magical Acumen is measured using Intellect.

All "Might" checks are physical. in Short, the PoE design team are clinically retarded

Because that is the most retarded idea ever, literally design by the same guy who started crying at people insulting trannies.

calm down user. It works alright in game.

barbarian doesn't need to be super smart, faggot. having AOE means you will hit adjacent enemies. you need to invest really a lot of intelligence to start hitting more than that. I don't remember the game forcing you to do that

So strong soul=strong body.
Wizardlets btfo.

Just imagine that you’re moving that boulder with your mind instead of whatever it says, you autismo.

they are toning down on that in the sequel - using athletics for the physical checks and lot more varied knowledge checks in the dialogue.

>Just imagine the game is wrong autismo
>It's YOUR fault the retarded logic of the game does not make sense.

>Because that is the most retarded idea ever,
Beats garbage like dungeon and dragons game where half the stats are useless depending on your class
This, played a 12 int barb and it was fine

>Beats garbage like dungeon and dragons game where half the stats are useless depending on your class

This is literally the most retarded thing I have ever heard.

Dump stats promote character development and focused design instead of mary sue shit or contradictory design like PoE has.

So defeating the point of the Skill/Stat system entirely.

This is all proof the faggots they have over at Obsidian should stop playing Pathfinder and sucking each others dicks.

why is this bad?

>Pallegina returning in the sequel


Explain what's contradictory about PoE's design
>mary sue shit
The fuck does this even mean? If anything, isn't D&D's system more Mary Sue because of dump stats?

You can still dump stat constitution and resolve if you are a mage or ranger or rogue

You can still dump int and dexterity if you're a fighter who just wants to tank things