Why do the 2-control point maps boil down to the offense team all spamming their ults at once while the defense team...

Why do the 2-control point maps boil down to the offense team all spamming their ults at once while the defense team spam their ults and pray they survive?
Why is there a hero in this game that lets you deal upwards of 450 for aiming at the ground?
Why do so many heroes allow me to completely invalidate any skill the opponent has on me by pressing the Q key?
Why does a game with such huge amounts of time put into controlling "toxicity" still manage to have one of the worst in-game communities of any game?
Why is it that so many prominent streamers/pro players have proven to be either completely insufferable or cheaters?
Why can people in this game get banned for using in-game voice lines too much, even when you can't hear two voice lines at the same time for some reason?
Why does this game now get compared to any game that has a team in it, in the same vain that Dark Souls gets compared to any somewhat difficult game?
Why did they bother not having a leaderboard during the game when their rational was that it would create bragging, while simultaneously allowing you to see if you have the most eliminations and display your competitive rank?
Why, at any point in balancing, did they ever think it was a good idea to allow resurrect to be instant without interrupt?
Why did they filter people from saying "gg ez" while also having voice lines that essentially express the same thing, such as D.Va saying "is this easy mode?"?
Why do none of Tracer, Reaper or Genji come anywhere close to being as satisfying to play as Scout in TF2?
Why is it that rocket jumping, one of the greatest features of TF2, was not included, when it alone has more mechanical depth than half of Overwatch itself?

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Why are u gay lol

I'm not, I'm bisexual :^)

Why make this thread when all the questions have the same answer; Overwatch is shit.

Only cucks flex and play tanks or healers. Play big dick DPS and get to Top 500 easy

>Why does the entire game boil down to ults

Fixed that for you


Go play TF2 then you dumb cunt.

it's like you expected the game to be good

what's sad is you can predict all the problems the game was going to have and the fanbase (reddit) simply deny them until the problems become too big

>Why do none of Tracer, Reaper or Genji come anywhere close to being as satisfying to play as Scout in TF2?

i like overwatch a bunch and play a lot of tracer but nothing in overwatch comes anywhere close to having the sense of sheer satisfaction and impact that landing a perfect meatshot with the stock scattergun will.

>Why do none of Tracer, Reaper or Genji come anywhere close to being as satisfying to play as Scout in TF2?
because it's like playing scout but at heavy speed


Also cancer girl is a better Tracer with more weapon variety and speed.


>Why is it that rocket jumping, one of the greatest features of TF2, was not included, when it alone has more mechanical depth than half of Overwatch itself?

Except pharah CAN rocket jump dumbass.

>Why do none of Tracer, Reaper or Genji come anywhere close to being as satisfying to play as Scout in TF2?
Because Tracer and Genji's weapons are automatic and Reaper's guns have shit sound quality along with shit damage if you're not shooting someone up close. At least Scout's weapons can do nice chip damage if you're playing defensive unless you're really accurate with Shortstop.

will getting a new account fix my mmr?

i'm stuck mid plat as a support and cant seem to carry 5 other idiots to victory

you're not going to want to hear this but... maybe that's your true rank

Why are you still trying to play a game and not using it solely as fap bait?

>TF2 shitters still trying to pretend their game is relevant and not a degenerate hive for third world children and pony fuckers

that would make sense if i wasn't grouped with 3 other support mains every game

Pharah has crippled old lady rocket jumping

>being this bad
Why are you so shit?

And do nothing because the game cancels her momentum after a couple meters while gravely injuring her and leaving her without the HP required to survive the flurry of hitscans since her max health is so squishy.
Meanwhile Junkrat can hop all over the map at high speeds and instakill anyone in front of his face at the push of two buttons and turn any room into a explosive ricochet trap all without taking a scratch off any of it.

Having a nice hard dick in your mouth feels good

Blizzard. That’s your answer

>Overcunts still trying to pretend their game is relevant and not a Tumblr hive mind that is hemorrhaning players to either return to TF2 or newly discover it since the game has gotten so shitty even shooter newfriends want nothing to do with it anymore

>but you're bad
Why do overcucks always use this argument?

Are you cute?

both games are shit, lmao

>Why is it that rocket jumping, one of the greatest features of TF2, was not included, when it alone has more mechanical depth than half of Overwatch itself?
>looking down and pressing jump and shoot at the same time is depth

>t. doesn't know how to properly rocket jump

>adding some nonsense like "air-control" as if it was exclusive to TF2

>mobility options don't add depth to shooters

can someone post one of those brainlet wojaks because I can't be bothered to save any

Neither is rocket jumping, but it's another thing gimped in OW because momentum is immediately neutered back to base speed the moment you move a few meters.


>Can't beat Tokido in SF unless train hard
>Can't beat Cypher in Quake unless train hard
>Can't beat Jacob with NRG in Rocket League unless train hard with other like minded players
>Can't beat Faze in CS:GO unless train hard with other like minded players
>Can beat Overwatch pro players in competitive even when they have pocket healers caressing their nuts and doing everything they say

Why is Overwatch such a low skilled game? The gaps in other games make

scout gun is single clicks while tracer is automatic. Maybe that's why? I dont fucking follow e-sports so I wouldnt know

Who here /best girl/?

Waiting for her ult to stop being hot trash on 90% of the cast.

Overwatch is a bad game that's why

make what

Superior sniper healer since she can actually run fast and do headshots

>renaming aiming and shooting to sound more complex

Not a single one of these webms is ever from an actual match, that's how useful this really is.

>look down, aim and fire a few times
>have to rename it a bunch of shit to make it seem DEEP

They nerfed the fuck out of her but speedy railing is still fun.

So one or two characters can rocket jump, great, OW has teleportation, wall running, wall climbing, grappling, jetpacks, charging, blinking, rewinding. Wew, so few mobility options.

>run fast

Gonna take the bait here.

>Because you play at a trash SR where your supports don't know how to counter ult, a half decent Zenyatta or EMP can shut down any of these sorts of push
>Literally who?
>Once again, literally who? Every ult can be countered
>Because Blizzard is retarded and doesn't get that you need to ban more than a couple streamers for a ban system to work
>Because Blizzard will only ban one or two of them every three months, and the rest don't care
>I've never heard of this happening, but voiceline spam is incredibly fucking annoying, and can't be muted
>Because people in general are retarded
>How would you even work a leaderboard when a whole bunch of classes don't do anything you can measure, and it's easy to inflate stats by doing or blocking trash damage?
>Original rez wasn't unbalanced, people just didn't like that there wasn't much you could do to stop it. Blame Seagull for being a whiny moron who was upset he got outplayed by a Mercy.
>The ggez shit was very clearly Blizzard making a joke, toughen up.
>It is included, but wouldn't fit the gameplay if it was to the same degree as in TF2.

Also Biggest issue is Blizzard focusing on dumb shit like "soft throwing" and one tricks when you have blatant outright throwers still not dealt with in the game.

What pro-team did you recently defeat user?

Why is Sup Forums still so angry that OW made TF2 completely irrelevant instead of dying in a month like they predicted?

Overwatch is a poor game because they wanted to make it more LoL-like than TF2-like.


>tfw you'll never unsee the elims for Season 5 and current season junkrat


Ana moves slow as fuck and Sparks can run fast and wall jump to gain more speed.

>controlling trajectory, velocity and distance isn't a core aspect of rocket jumping
>Pharah does more than press Shift to do a canned jump
See pic related to understand the difference.

A_Seagull and whoever he was playing with back in the first year. No way in hell would I even have that game still installed.

>looks down three times and presses a button
I'm sorry that nobody will buy your hats

>actually arguing with blizzdrones
The time for arguing has long passed, user. All that's left is to shame them with images and condescend as they're clearly not receptive to arguments.

Because Overwatch is actually starting to die and its wanting player base is making TF2 more relevant than ever by offering them what OW couldn't.

Bastardization. That's not what this meme about. It's not virgin = bad, chad = good. Fucking redditors.

Hourly reminder that offclasses and medic are not real mains, and that if you're not at least very proficient with a real class you should kys

This picture is so terrible, half the balance things mentioned are either outdated or absolutely retarded (like saying Widow grapple should have no cooldown, or that Ana makes Widow obsolete, as if they're the same class at all), or ignores basic shit like the gameplay being non-canon.

It also underscores someone being banned for outright throwing for some reason, when that's exactly why you should be banned.

So, you beat a team featuring one pro in it, you didn't outplay a pro-team without any training.

If you were playing at the same rank as Seagull you clearly had played a bunch anyway, lets not act like you're some gold player out performing fl0w3r or some shit. Not like there's literally any proof for what you're saying though.

>Overwatch is actually starting to die
You mean like the last ten times it was totally dying for real this time



back when it was numbers, kid

>being this salty

Back during the beta I suggested a "no ultimates" mode on their forums and got mass downvoted

but fat scout is actually fun in tf2

Why would I talk about rank in season 1 terms instead of the current terms? Whatever though, Gold was around what? 40?

Seagull played closer to 80.

You fucking idiot.
The angle you shoot and the distance you are from the explosion offers an a wide breadth of arc shapes, directions, length and speeds. Phara's boost has ONE FIXED HEIGHT in ONE FIXED DIRECTION at ONE FIXED VELOCITY.
Now get the fuck off Sup Forums. This is a forum for experienced gamers who understand the basics of game design and mechanical mastery, unlike ignoramuses like youi who fail to see the difference between a Naughty Dog QTE and a Platinum S juggle. YOU. DO NOT. BELONG HERE. ROASTIE.

>Now get the fuck off Sup Forums. This is a forum for experienced gamers who understand the basics of game design and mechanical mastery, unlike ignoramuses like youi

Bad bait, you tried too hard.

i was with you til you outted yourself as a tf2 baby
get fucked kiddo


Every played RA3, young one?

No one good plays Overwatch anymore. It's filled with shitter rejects and Koreans in it for the money. There isn't a single pro OW player that was legitimately great at another FPS and in fact most of them are brand new. Even if I played Tokido or Cypher in a new SF or Quake game I would still get demolished unless I myself was excellent at the genre. Meanwhile OW pros can get picked off by randoms until everyone gets bored and no one, but shitter Blizzdrones are left to dominate

>play fat scout
>get a satisfying meatshot then switch back to gru
>play tracer/genji.reaper
>have to use shitty shots while aiming at the head in hopes of a kill with no way to speed up

Honestly the biggest question I ask myself is that why can Pharah damage herself with her own rockets but Junkrat doesn't recieve ANY from his grenades?

found the fattest virgin ITT
imagine being so fat you unironically defend overwatch on Sup Forums. truly you cannot fall lower.

Defending Overwatch is virgin, but attacking it isn't? Don't make yourself better than you are, nerd.

he's a fat redditor

1 bijillion redditors play OW!

Aren't a significant amount of the pro-level players people who came from high level play in other games though?

Every single game has new pro's that come with it though user, what a dumb picking point to make.

Also, unless you are excellent at the game, you don't even meet pro's in matchmaking, and most people agree even then that top 500 players, where most pros generally sit are significantly better than the average GM player. Clearly, by their extremely high rank even though most are streaming and not try harding, they are better than almost everyone else at the game.

But my ma says I'm just life-sized user.

I see he's still at it.

>calling terrible games terrible is somehow bad
so I take it you never shat on league of legends or candy crush?

No. I'm not an unsecure sperg. It's just video games for fuck's sakes. People can play what they like.

>Aren't a significant amount of the pro-level players people who came from high level play in other games though?

lol hell no

I don't know
play paladins

>calculate the angle
>aim at the right angle
>jump, crouch and then shoot at a just the right time within a brief duration, judging velocity from distance from explosion, taking into account the variable splash damage that depends on how far from the surface you want to perform the jump
>press the shift key
Fixedit for you, ignorfuckingamous.

but you will cry on Sup Forums and use the no-no names on meanies who made fun of your favorite shitter game

Nah, I'm almost completely sure that a bunch came directly in from higher level play in TF2 and CS:GO, as well as a bunch of other games.

I mean, you're going to just deny it unless I come up with a list with specific players and games, which I don't care enough to do, but I'm absolutely certain that a bunch did transfer over.

>point down
>go fast
You can make anything sound complicated with purple prose user

The number of OWL sponsors dropping like flies doesn't lie, my friend.

I will call out degenerate behaviour such as primitive tribalism when I see it, yes. It has nothing to do with Overwatch to be honest. Nobody ITT is discussing the game, they're just waging some kind of petty internet war. It's pathetic.

Why don't you just stop playing it then?

you know the answer is "because blizzard", now go find a good game so people don't have to eat shit.

lmao cry me a river nerd

That's because OW is shit as an esport, not because the game itself is dying
Where are all the TF2 esport teams in that case? Is LoL a great game because of how big its esports scene is?


don't you mean toxic you little policing redditor

the game has been discussed thousands of times by everyone here already and the consensus has been reached that the game is trash for women and nu-males
if you want to "discuss" overwatch go to /vg/, but let me warn you, you'll only find waifuspamming and people venting how shit their team was

>Why is there a hero in this game that lets you deal upwards of 450 for aiming at the ground?

Okay then let's see you try to make similar "purple prose" out of Pharah's rocket boost ability.
>all fighting game combos are just "push button then button"

Well the QP queues do seem to get longer and longer...

I know. These threads are complete shit every time and I don't even know what I'm doing here. I guess I'll leave.

Have a nice day.