Any games where I can be a psychopath serial killer?

Any games where I can be a psychopath serial killer?

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most of them

That Rockstar game that got banned


Also I'm thinking about making a datesim, when if things don't go very well it turns into horror and you become a rapist/killer

Remember that super edgy game with the trailer where the guy has a monologue about hating everything and then goes out and kills everyone? I forget what it's called


Dead by daylight

Wouldn't Kemper be considered a sociopath more than psychopath since the dude is actually self aware and has empathy?

>dude who fucked corpse and decapitated heads

What a sick, sick man. Beat his mother to death with a hammer, cut her head off and used her severed head for felattio on himself.

What is even worse is people actually feel bad for him

Just about every Mario game.

The amount of Koopa blood he's spilled over the years is enough to flood the Mushroom Kingdom.

There's no real difference

Mass shooters are so boring compared to serial killers
There is no difference between socio- and psychopaths

Who is that and is it a movie

I will say his mother was a bitch and abused him emotionally and physically since a young age, but he was a psychopath. Plain and simple, if he got out he'd kill again.

Ed Kemper and it's from the show Mindhunter

Yup. He knows how to talk

Friday the 13th


who is this and what he do?

What is Mindhunter?

Killed his grandparents at 15, and 8 more including his mother like 8 years later. Used his mom's severed head for blowjob

Alpha Protocol

a show

New David Fincher show on Netflix. It's based on the book about the FBI agents who pretty much pioneerd the idea of putting psychological profiling criminals and using it to predict homicides and serial killers.

Wait posted the wrong video

Any good?

a show on Netflix

The pacing is bad, some of the acting by the main character is bad. The show really shines when they're interviewing serial killers.

>David Fincher
Who? You use his name like it is supposed to be some kind of selling point.

Only decent show Netflix ever made.

I saw this exact picture posted on like 10 different boards simultaneously with only vaguely related to the board titles as they could be.
On the boards with ID's, the OP only posted once.

What the fuck is going on?

I've noticed this shit a lot, but never said anything about it before. Sometimes, if you are only several boards at the same time, you can see the exact same fucking pictures with the exact same fucking filenames appear.

Hah yeah he only made fight club, zodiac and SEVEN, what a total nobody!

Yes. It's real good when they are working on the concept of profiling and interviewing criminals.

>Friday the 13th

That game is just jason bully simulator

>doesn't know the guy who made fight club, seven, zodiac, and social network

Nope. Didn't care who made those movies and haven't even seen all of them.

I've never seen any of those

It's not the shows fault you have shit taste m8

kemper did nothing wrong

Dude who killed and fucked the corpse of his victims. He's also very intelligent and pretty much can talk his way out of any situation if he wanted but chooses not to. Apparently he's very well liked in prison by pretty much everyone

Weird projecting and strangely defensive of you. I never said whether those movies were good or bad, just didn't care who made them. Do you have some sort of stake in this to get so defensive of this work?

Last Of Us

but he fucked his mommy's severed head

That's really on you then. He has a pretty successful record, making some really good shit. Classics in his genre.

>Did you get my cards
>I thought we were friends
>Attempts suicide
>Yet gay agent doesn't accept his hug and is afraid

Its pretty fucking sad if you have never seen Zodiac and Seven, even sadder that you have never seen Fight Club. Go watch some actual good movies instead of the Marvel shit you no doubt consume.

>heres a glass of water-

I hate that I actually kind of empathized with him after he told Ford about how his mother treated him like shit. Can't imagine how convincing the actual Kemper must be.

Of course there's a difference.

"Socio-" emplies being manipulative and lack of empathy.

"Psycho-" implies violence.

A person can be both.

Doesn't change the fact that yes he is a selling point for about 90% of people who actually watch TV and movies cause he has a successful career

>"Who's that? Is he supposed to be a selling point"
>explains why he's a selling point
>"I don't care about those movies or who made them"
Then why the fuck did you even ask?

Again with the weird projecting. I have seen Fight Club and Seven. Haven't seen Zodiac or Social Network. And I don't like Marvel movies, what a random thing to claim. Why so defensive of this work? Do you have some sort of financial or emotional investment in it?

millions of people like macdonalds too, so i guess that shits kino

The actor actually mirrors the real Ed almost spot on.

Nobody is fucking talking about if it's kino or not you autist

there are two big interviews kemper did. go watch them. the actor did a pretty good job, but in the show he makes kemper seem kind of slow/dumb with his southern accent. the real kemper talks normally and comes off as more articulate. his interviews are really interesting; seeing someone that really knows they're fucked in the head and can talk about it, as opposed to a slasher film cliche.
actually, in recent years, the terms psychopath and sociopath have come to mean the same thing. clinicians don't even use the term 'psychopath' anymore. it's considered outdated.

You should try Hitman

I don't know where you're getting the slow/dumb thing from, he just comes across as very particular about what he's saying, very measured in his responses. He knows exactly what he's going to say so he doesn't need to rush.

This is where you're wrong.
Sociopaths have no patience, are lazy, manipulative, and extremely charismatic but uncarring, don't feel shame and have slight to none morality, always extravangantic and asks for attention, but hates to get any of it, sucks at socialising, and sucks at planning (so they are very quirky and goes by "right here, right now" politics).
Psychos have lots or complete lack of patience, loves brutal force, are borderline mental or mentally unhinged, sees no boundaries, have fucked up emotions, don't like attention or thirsty for it, and always feels fearless dominance with bloodthirst.

TL;DR: Sociopath will fearlessly rob your house, smile at you, proudly take a shit in frontdoor, and few days later asks how's it going. Psychopath will fearlessly rob your house, and will kill your family with satisfaction.

are you literally 12 years old?

outdated terminology
its called antisocial personality disorder now

Oh yeah I didn't even think of that

I call bullshit, they haven't gone that far south yet.

reddit headcanon

i didnt mean to imply i think he sounds stupid, just that the real guy comes across sharper. in the show he speaks slowly -- 'measured,' as you said -- but the real guy speaks more regularly. that actor's portrayal of kemper was that show's highlight, no doubt, but you should still go watch the real interviews. he's a little different.

in real life, kemper was seminal in the building of serial killer profiles because not only was he so eager to tell everyone about what he did, but that he had insight into his own fuckedupness. the show even takes several lines straight from the interviews.

Wolfenstein the new order

This and only this

>he's still think Psychologists aren't a bunch of hack frauds who haven't done proper psychology since the early 90s

people that diagnose these things don't even use the term psychopath anymore. it's a remnant of a bygone time when we didn't understand these disorders as well as we think we do these days. look it up. if alfred hitchcock's movie was released today it would be called SOCIO

Saints Row 2, the boss shows no mercy towards anyone. He becomes a wise ass with feelings and shit in 3.

But what exactly changed? The definition fits Psychos so why change it to a more "neutral" term? You know Like they have done with Mentally retarded and Gender dysphoria

you're just butthurt because people call out your retarded headcanon explanations for terminology which nobody else agrees with. its like you came up with them yourself "uhhh... sociopath has socio in it so its like this". cunt you are an embarassment.