>Strong principles
>Defends the downtrodden for no pay
>Vow of celibacy, unswayed by devious harlot sorceresses
>Tries to bring out the good in even a scumbag like Geralt
>Does not negotiate with terrorists
You did join Siegbro, right?
You're not a traitorous squirrel sympathiser, are you?
Elf genocide best day of my life
Remove lembas from the premises
>hides in the bushes while his men die fighting the elves in the swamp
>attacks you if you didn't join him although you saved his life on more than one occasion
only neutral
>tfw it seems like most of the modern "fans" didn't even play TW1
Still the absolute best game.
>You did join Siegbro, right?
Of course I did
>siding with filthy dh'oine
This is false.
As a game The Witcher 3 is the best of the series.
Witcher 1 was a great game at it's core with incredible atmosphere but it suffers from terrible pacing, lackluster presentation and the worst quest design of the series in terms of gameplay (lots of fetchquests and backtracking).
I love the game but it's a flawed gem and you can appreciate it even for those flaws since they make it the most sympathetic and characteristic game of the series.
Picked up the complete edition of the 3rd game on sale, i hope its good. Probably not even gonna get to play it tonight because lol digital
>war between savages who want to topple civilisation and holy knights defending it
>stand back and watch
*tips medallion*
>As a game The Witcher 3 is the best of the series.
literally false. It's W3 that suffers of eyesore presentation and garbage, patronizing gameplay.
1 > 3 > > > 2
This was literally the only chapter that wasn't straight out trash. And maybe epilogue
>click once to engage enemy
>click once to continue combo
>rinse and repeat until everything dies
>that snorefest act2
im a huge fan of the witcher series and ill tell u ur wrong
2>3 >>>>>ME: Andromeda > Witcher 1
No chapter was trash.
First of all, go see a doctor and get ADHD pills.
Second, the combat is not all there is to ROLE-playing games, and TW1's combat is not only simple and comfy, but also fast, flashy, and satisfying. The fact that you even tried to claim the fighting to be just "clicking" on things shows that you've not played the game.
It's also funny how consolikids bring that "argument" up, when the sequels (and most other games in general) are literally no better. I absolutely despise that Batman Ark-shit style gameplay and combat in 3rd game, just not as much as that poorman's DaS clone gameplay in 2.
this is a b8
The real rating is
1 > > > 2 > 3
yeah i must be an adhd riddled consolekids because i didnt like the combat and found the story boring. that's the one. you nailed me, you sure did.
>TW1's combat is not only simple and comfy, but also fast, flashy, and satisfying.
> simple
to the point of boredom
> comfy,
the autist's word of choice
>fast, flashy
ill give you that one
>As a game The Witcher 3 is the best of the series.
It's the worst. It has the worst story, characters and mechanics.
because Siegfriend
>all he can do is spew memes and harassment
Sasuga X-bot children...
TW1 confirmed for GOAT.
It has literally the same characters as the other games and even more it's just that the interactions with them suffer a bit from it bring a massive game and the individual characters having little screentime. The character one could argue to ne not on par with the rest is Ciri.
The mechanics are way better than the witcher 1 save for the potion system which was perfect in w1 and dialogue system is also debatable. Combat is way more fluid and responsive in w3 in comparison to the other games, moving across the map is way better too, gameplay alltogether is more refined in w3
According to story they're on par imo both plot and choice wise, but that's purely subjective.
>be friendly with Siegfried in the sewers
>he helps you
>don't be friendly
>he helps you anyway
A true bro.
Remember when playing B&W to get a bowl cut in honour of Siegfriend.
REMOVE LEMBAS remove lembas
you are worst elf. you are the elf idiot you are the elf smell. return to blue mountaions. to our blue mountains cousins you may come our kingdom. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,dol blathanna we will never forgeve you. sqirrel rascal FUck but plough arsehole elf stink dol blathanna sqhipere shqipare..elf genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead elf..ahahahahahDOL BLATHANNA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget great war .brennia we kill coehoorn , cintra return to your precious nilfgaard….hahahahaha idiot elf and dol blathannan smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE LEMBAS FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. kaedwen+redania+lyria+aedirn=kill dol blathanna…you will great war/ dandelion alive in temeria, dandelion making ballad of temeria . fast lute dandelion temeria. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of dandelion… you are ppoor stink elf… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a tree
dandelion alive numbr one #1 in temeria ….fuck the blue mountains ,..FUCKk arshol elfs no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. dandelion aliv and real strong mage kill all the elf farm aminal with lute magic now we the temera rule .mamune of the zoo emperar emhr var emreis plouhg the great devil and lay egg this egg hatch and dol blathanna wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our meteor steel we will crush u lik a skull of ghoul. temeria greattst countrey
>Iorveth and Siegfried don't make an appearance
>falling for the open world meme
How did cd projekt drop the ball so hard with Witcher 3?
They listened to reddit
I honestly don't get how anyone past the age of 16 could side with Scoia'tael on their first playhtrough. They are literal terrorists with severe WE WUZ syndrome and are practically as racist as those human who "oppress" them. Sure, the chapter has some assholes on board as well, but at least their general goal and most of their actions are noble.
I was so fucking pissed when they've turned them into bandit marauders in HoS
Wait, who the fuck are the 2 last one? Are they from some mod or one of those additional scenarios?
The second Shani card was always my favourite, but most of the unnamed girls ones are also great
I didnt take him with me witchers work alone.What did i miss?
And i give stock to elfs
>And i give stock to elfs
You fucked up
Stop helping terrorists you dummy