Who develops this shit?

Who develops this shit?

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Very educational. I like education games.

"_____ pregnant" in your favourite app store

Indians, Chinese, and Jews. A combined effort from the lowest life forms on our planet.

It's procedurally generated by bots just pulling random things from the internet.

I actually used to think this is how they got babies out when I was a kid.

Jesus Christ

It's called a C-section and they still do it if there are complications.

You know im starting to think that maybe just maybe shit is automated in some way using preset bullshit and graphics to them make a game based on some random ass search shit only kiddos like 5 and below would type in a search engine or something.



That was my favorite level

nah mine is this one

the story gets really dark after a while too

Requesting that someone shop that cat to look like Princess Carolyn ;_;



Shitty mobile """"games"""" thread?

Gotta love all those elsa aagmes. Spank elsa and pregnant elsa are my favorites

They do. I was born this way.

Learning about HEY KIDS fucked me up

The sequel was better


>male lion

What the fuck is it with those games and 911 calls?

I develop them, gotta get that degen money somehow

>age restricted

>Ferouzpur Road, Lahore, Pakistan.
Well, that answers it I guess.

The internet was a mistake end net neutrality

so you can go to the hospital to have your babby?
do you not leave the house at all?


Pregnant Lion needs access to your location and cell phone ID! Think about the baby!

>sausage nips pillow

I read an article some guy wrote on all this creepy youtube shit that is aimed at kids. Shit is nuts.

this game should actually call 911 for playing it what the fuck

which one, Sup Forums?

Do you have a link? I am really curious about the creators of these videos and why/how they do it.

Also by the same dev. Looks not as awful though?

pokemon fish and child versions

Not him, but I'm assuming he means this one.


>Age Restricted
Can't believe I gave that video a view, I thought there would be something more than ass shots.


Nah, just need to kick everyone from poor countries off the internet. They're the ones who make all this shit.

>spell icup nigga


>It's tracing vectors on top of art, so it's not stealing

h3h3 productions made a vid about one of these groups. it was actually the "bradberry" guys doing the vids. just google "h3h3 spider man" and you will find the vid.

no idea who started the trend tho, I am sure the bradberry fucks also just jumped on the hype train. (retarded easy vids, millions of views and tons of money.)


If all this really was caused by that then we slipped into to wrong timeline a very long time ago

You know it's good with 100 downloads!

I get a creepy human trafficking vibe from this. One of the asian girls even brought their daughter. It wouldn't suprise me if they shot some fucked up snuff films in the basement of that rented house right after they finished the kid's story.

Pretty sure he means he thought every birth was like a c-section, you had to cut open their stomach to get the baby out. I thought the same when I was a kid.

> App store has a better filtering process
I was surprised to see how many shit you can find there, even though people always say the review policy of Apple is so strict...



They have the same face

go to bed Rajeesh

these apps and the videos are the same; all churned out by 6 people to collect ad revenue. I tend to side with that author that it's not intentionally a plan to show kids fucked up shit, but it IS a plan to make tons of money off of them and who gives a fuck if they see weird shit amongst the sea of videos?


Funniest part is that the people who put that shovelware on there have to pay $150 for an apple license first.

I believe the Apple Store uploads only get human reviewed if they are flagged, or become popular enough. There's just too much shit flooding the system to keep up with

And for a Google Play license?

Is this the new girlgames?

Seriously who makes all of these? The app store is like a wild west of the lowest effort kind of trash you could come up with, all in broken English apparently made by some pakistanis, indians or russians.

All of it is just a ruse to get permissions and see your pics/contacts/phone # etc. right?

gpl is like $25 iirc

Desperate beaners who think they can make easy money with little effort.


It's definitely what you should do if you see that.

open bob

>please accidentally download me


The games are made for forever alone women, that's the only demographic I've seen play them (or mentally ill men)

A friend of mine plays this. I saw it for 2 seconds and thought it was a cheap china knockoff that is supposed to make you spend shit-tons of money. How wrong was I?

I am pretty sure they just use the same accounts to shit up these ads. And to be honest if you just add a few crystal/premium purchases, you make back the license cost in a moment.

Fuck whats the name of this again. I remember playing it some time ago, it wasnt bad.

Accident? Most parents just toss their kid in front of a tablet and let them go wild. That's where a lot of this shit gets traction from.

>hey mario, you see this? they're violationg our intellectual property. maybe, maybe we should su-


Well there is a VIP feature in the bar under the currencies, so of course it's a money sink.

>Pregnant lioness (male) gives birth!

Trainer Index

the one with the speedlines obviously

>weird foreign name is the "app developer"


Where do all of these ads even originate from?
One game advertises another game
And this game also has ads for another game
The same with this game too

Is this some money laundering scheme?

Is this like the Elsa/Spider-Man conspiracy?

You're gonna have to explain this one, user.

This. Do not attributed to malice what can be attributed to incompetence.

inanimate TF comic.

I guess Pajeet X pays company A to advertise ALL his shitty games. Pajeet Y pays company B to advertise his games.

So since they are all "kids apps", you get the very same results all over again. My guess.

Oh boy Elsa gives some good results too


>Black eye
I mean you can't really say she fell off some stairs.

>they jumped from flash games to apps in the last 3+ years

Who develops this garbage?

Usually it will, at some point lead to an app with microtransactions which is the end goal.


fuck off

Indians and chinks. They've literally zero integrity and will do anything for money.

Oh, it keeps going. Never mind then, please don't explain further.

you now realize there are thousands of pajeets and chinks working on this every waking hour